Well-Known Member
What do you mean by that?no, i mean the sourcing of thoughts and events.
What do you mean by that?no, i mean the sourcing of thoughts and events.
What does my favourite film goto do with your defining sorcery as "what is your favourite movie from the last couple years?
Source of what?what is the source.
Not that I was aware ofare you dense?
Oh dear have you not been told the difference between private mail and a public forum?
Yeah sounds like you fucked up the chance to be the adult now
LOL rationally? Your nearly grown daughter is still looking at lights in the sky and thinking "I just saw aliens" and your rational idea was to post it here as "proof"
where do ideas come from? where do thoughts come from?
EDIT: clearly you aren't aware of a great many things. what is your favourite movie from the laast couple years?
Just because we don't know the answers with absolute certainty doesn't mean every possible answer has equal merit. This is where 'new age' people take the unknown. They seem to adopt an attitude of, "You don't know for certain, so it could just as easily be _______.", and this argument is just logically devoid of any merit. For example, we don't know exactly how consciousness manifests itself, but we can pretty much rule out magical unicorns being the cause of consciousness.
We might not know exactly how thoughts 'come to be' in the sense that there are some phenomenon we cannot presently identify, but this certainly doesn't mean all ideas about the origin of thoughts hold equal merit. There's a reason that experts in the field of science that study the brain (neuroscience) virtually hold a consensus about the origins of thought (it's local, and a byproduct of the physical), and it's only when you start asking laymen and other non-experts 'where thought comes from' that answers really start to deviate from the answers of experts.
Also, the experts aren't right because 'they're experts', the experts are right because they actually do repeatable testing to demonstrate that their ideas are accurate. You should never believe someone just because they have a degree, or a phD, or any other accreditation, you should believe someone because they have demonstrable evidence to support their claims.
Just because we don't know the answers with absolute certainty doesn't mean every possible answer has equal merit. This is where 'new age' people take the unknown. They seem to adopt an attitude of, "You don't know for certain, so it could just as easily be _______.", and this argument is just logically devoid of any merit. For example, we don't know exactly how consciousness manifests itself, but we can pretty much rule out magical unicorns being the cause of consciousness.
We might not know exactly how thoughts 'come to be' in the sense that there are some phenomenon we cannot presently identify, but this certainly doesn't mean all ideas about the origin of thoughts hold equal merit. There's a reason that experts in the field of science that study the brain (neuroscience) virtually hold a consensus about the origins of thought (it's local, and a byproduct of the physical), and it's only when you start asking laymen and other non-experts 'where thought comes from' that answers really start to deviate from the answers of experts.
Also, the experts aren't right because 'they're experts', the experts are right because they actually do repeatable testing to demonstrate that their ideas are accurate. You should never believe someone just because they have a degree, or a phD, or any other accreditation, you should believe someone because they have demonstrable evidence to support their claims.
please tell me your favourite movie of the last 3 years.