What do you know about aliens?

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where do ideas come from? where do thoughts come from?

EDIT: clearly you aren't aware of a great many things. what is your favourite movie from the laast couple years?
Oh dear have you not been told the difference between private mail and a public forum?

Yeah sounds like you fucked up the chance to be the adult now

LOL rationally? Your nearly grown daughter is still looking at lights in the sky and thinking "I just saw aliens" and your rational idea was to post it here as "proof"

dude, go troll someone else..i'm not in the mood..
where do ideas come from? where do thoughts come from?

EDIT: clearly you aren't aware of a great many things. what is your favourite movie from the laast couple years?

Just because we don't know the answers with absolute certainty doesn't mean every possible answer has equal merit. This is where 'new age' people take the unknown. They seem to adopt an attitude of, "You don't know for certain, so it could just as easily be _______.", and this argument is just logically devoid of any merit. For example, we don't know exactly how consciousness manifests itself, but we can pretty much rule out magical unicorns being the cause of consciousness.

There's a reason that experts in the field of science that study the brain (neuroscience) virtually hold a consensus about the origins of thought (it's local, and a byproduct of the physical), and it's only when you start asking laymen and other non-experts 'where thought comes from' that answers really start to deviate from the answers of experts.

Also, the experts aren't right because 'they're experts', the experts are right because they actually do repeatable testing to demonstrate that their ideas are accurate. You should never believe someone just because they have a degree, or a phD, or any other accreditation, you should believe someone because they have demonstrable evidence to support their claims.
Just because we don't know the answers with absolute certainty doesn't mean every possible answer has equal merit. This is where 'new age' people take the unknown. They seem to adopt an attitude of, "You don't know for certain, so it could just as easily be _______.", and this argument is just logically devoid of any merit. For example, we don't know exactly how consciousness manifests itself, but we can pretty much rule out magical unicorns being the cause of consciousness.

We might not know exactly how thoughts 'come to be' in the sense that there are some phenomenon we cannot presently identify, but this certainly doesn't mean all ideas about the origin of thoughts hold equal merit. There's a reason that experts in the field of science that study the brain (neuroscience) virtually hold a consensus about the origins of thought (it's local, and a byproduct of the physical), and it's only when you start asking laymen and other non-experts 'where thought comes from' that answers really start to deviate from the answers of experts.

Also, the experts aren't right because 'they're experts', the experts are right because they actually do repeatable testing to demonstrate that their ideas are accurate. You should never believe someone just because they have a degree, or a phD, or any other accreditation, you should believe someone because they have demonstrable evidence to support their claims.

please tell me your favourite movie of the last 3 years.
Just because we don't know the answers with absolute certainty doesn't mean every possible answer has equal merit. This is where 'new age' people take the unknown. They seem to adopt an attitude of, "You don't know for certain, so it could just as easily be _______.", and this argument is just logically devoid of any merit. For example, we don't know exactly how consciousness manifests itself, but we can pretty much rule out magical unicorns being the cause of consciousness.

We might not know exactly how thoughts 'come to be' in the sense that there are some phenomenon we cannot presently identify, but this certainly doesn't mean all ideas about the origin of thoughts hold equal merit. There's a reason that experts in the field of science that study the brain (neuroscience) virtually hold a consensus about the origins of thought (it's local, and a byproduct of the physical), and it's only when you start asking laymen and other non-experts 'where thought comes from' that answers really start to deviate from the answers of experts.

Also, the experts aren't right because 'they're experts', the experts are right because they actually do repeatable testing to demonstrate that their ideas are accurate. You should never believe someone just because they have a degree, or a phD, or any other accreditation, you should believe someone because they have demonstrable evidence to support their claims.

Yes, and I'd like to know your favorite color, favorite band, your star sign and your turn ons and turn offs. We'll get to the bottom of this yet...
okay maybe its just me in this circuit while you pussies hide....

edit: favourite colour is either green or blue, favourite band atm is dub fx, lorde, or my own ramblings, capricorn, turn ons, black n brown women, truth, honesty, adventure. turn offs, wanna be benders. and its not about getting to the bottom its realising whats already here......

now please answer these. what is your favourite movie of the last 3 years, what is a self exciting circuit, what do you believe is the source of your thoughts, ideas, motivations, what do you know past what you have seen with your own eyes and done with your own mind?
OK I'll play
My favorite movie of the last few years was "Planes". Go back a bit further and it's "Wall-E". One of my all-time faves. Your ball
<add> Unfamiliar with the "self-exciting circuit" ... didn't take enough EE.
The source of my thoughts is a toughie. Currently the reality of consciousness itself is under some scrutiny.
As for things I know and have seen ... nothing I can guarantee to be true or True. i am an avowed subjectivist, and I believe in the capacity for comprehensive delusion of self, assuming "self" is even a useful concept.
A friend of mine got anally probed by an alien in PA, or so he thought. Turns out it was Sandusky getting kinky in a diving suit.
please tell me your favourite movie of the last 3 years.

Favorite movie, eh?

Django Unchained was pretty good... So, was the newest Bond movie....

Had to do some reading on "Self Exciting Circuits"

I bet you're talking about this;

The Future of Reality Theory According to John Wheeler: In 1979, the celebrated physicist John Wheeler, having coined the phrase &#8220;black hole&#8221;, put it to good philosophical use in the title of an exploratory paper, Beyond the Black Hole, in which he describes the universe as a self-excited circuit. The paper includes an illustration in which one side of an uppercase U, ostensibly standing for Universe, is endowed with a large and rather intelligent-looking eye intently regarding the other side, which it ostensibly acquires through observation as sensory information. By dint of placement, the eye stands for the sensory or cognitive aspect of reality, perhaps even a human spectator within the universe, while the eye&#8217;s perceptual target represents the informational aspect of reality. By virtue of these complementary aspects, it seems that the universe can in some sense, but not necessarily that of common usage, be described as &#8220;conscious&#8221; and &#8220;introspective&#8221;&#8230;perhaps even &#8220;infocognitive&#8221;

HERE is a link to an article by Christopher Michael Langan, describing this 'infocognitive' universe. I don't buy it.

....and no one is hiding, just trying to avoid wasting their time.... that's all.

Ideas come from our mental processes that happen inside our brains. We can see the activity in our brains light up when performing different mental tasks, pretty fucking straight forward...
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