Active Member
I recently got my package seized aswell from tude after this experience ill never order from them again or any other out of sea seed bank the freebies are nice but the stress isn't
It will take someone with a growing license to call Chicago office and make a complain bout someone who stole his package. Showing em pictures of the envelope and smiley and everything. They will investigate on their side and the guy who do this will feel stressed out to keep doing this.
Its the only way i can see this problem could stop otherwise he do as he please and rob tons of people .
Bottom line is this....There is not a FUCKING thing you can do about it. Lick your wounds, choose another seed bank and move on. I dont know what the hell is up with Attitude but from what I am reading they have made some really stupid mistakes. I have been ordering seeds from Mandals seeds for years and NEVER had a problem!!! If customs finds your seeds they are going to take them...yours, mine....anyones...and they dont give one shit who you are or what you think or if your a medical patient...those are the facts boys and girls...
lucky you ya i hear the orders going through chicago is having all the issues. someone should drive down there and punch that jokester in the face and wrap him up in his green tape....View attachment 2792305View attachment 2792306View attachment 2792307View attachment 2792308just got my order & mug from attitude no problem in cen-cal for me i hear chicago hasnt been so fortunate
You can piss and moan to Customs all you like. The fact is, viable cannabis ceeds are prohibited everywhere in the USA by Federal law, and by law Customs is tasked to prevent them from entering into the USA. State law is irrelevant here. . .you can be dying of cancer, and have 10 valid state medical cards, doesn't matter. Its still illegal to import these into the USA, and Uncle Sam doesn't care.
If you don't like it, don't complain to customs. . .they're just doing their job.
Instead write to your Congressman and Senators and tell them that as a sick medical patient, customs is hurting you by seizing your meds. That probably won't help in the SHORT term, but over the long term its the only way anything is going to change with respect to Federal cannabis law.
On "wiseass" comments by customs worker, see here:
The person doing this is probably leaving wise-ass notes because its a lot easier (and funnier) to do that than to actually fill out official confiscation forms, log the stuff in as evidence, etc.
No, this wise-ass from customs "shouldn't" be grabbing the beans and leaving smarty-pants notes, but given the various alternatives (which include seizing them and NOT leaving a note) this isn't anywhere near the worst possible outcome.
Again, nobody is going to lose their job over this. The "worst" possible outcome is that some Customs brass is going to find out who did this, pull them into their office, laugh and tell them that its funny, but they really need to knock off leaving the silly notes. Then that agent is going to find just as many beans, they just won't leave the notes.
The problem here isn't that one agent has a hard-on for leaving silly notes. . .its that he's finding the beans to begin with.
Attitude reshipped my order in the crush proof tin (without concealing the breeder packs)in a small envelope with success.They just send the crush proof tin they don't hide the seeds in it just like the shirt they just send it to you with the seeds. Try sea of seeds they work great I never had a problem with them
I think you accidentally used the "image" tags there instead of the "link" tabs, making your link invisible.Check out this article. It is a couple years old. They all know where to look. Some are selected for screening, others are not.
I have had ceeds arrive from SOS after the package was opened and resealed with the examination green tape. It also has to do with the stealth method applied. They can be concealed well if the banks try
Not even worth a try, unless you really feel like drawing more attention to yourself.The Feds are not going to give your seeds back no matter how much you try.
theres a dick supposedly at the NY customs who's been sending fuckin smiley faces and little notes and what not after he takes your shit.... around the net they've all seem to b from attitude... i went herbies...looks like customs cut to see the dvd package then passed it threw, got em in 6 days, all seeds intact, from uk to us..... dont let it worry u the guy is most likely some little peon bitch who makes 20 bucks an hr to sit in one place and be a glorified mail sorter.... yeah a person who failed at their life so to say... there not gonna post ur address on like a board and come find u... theres too much goin on watch nat geo lol mexican cartels are taking the world over