Karl Pilkington


Well-Known Member
I think Karl is a misunderstood genius, I am watching the Ricky Gervais show. And sure, he doesn't know a lot of stuff, he obviously doesn't sit around reading or on Google. But he does have observational skill.

If people who chat with him, and seek to educate him and expand his mind, then as his mind expands, use the ideas that come out of it. Something could really be done, but instead he is just getting cut off and put down, instead of educated. If people proved to him he was wrong, and taught him things as he was wrong about them, everyone would come out a little smarter.

Basically what I am saying is, I don't see Ricky thinking up these topics. It looks like he likes to watch Karl make shit up. And on An Idiot Abroad, Ricky just puts him in shitty situations.

I'm gonna post anything worth reposting that he says, in this thread.


Well-Known Member
He said something about dinosaurs and cavemen living together, instead of telling him dinosaurs died 65,000,000 years ago, or asking him how he might think dinosaurs walked along side man...

They just laughed at him and called him stupid, then continued on


Well-Known Member
He just said something about Roman dildos, and I personally have always thought that is why the statues have no penises.

It may be because Christians don't like "idols" and "phallices", but I also think that comes from women using stuff when the men weren't around, and Christian men not liking it.


Well-Known Member
I am really confused about how he thinks we can get babies to grow inside of old people, and how we are going to get people to age like Benjamin Button.

He was talking like him Ricky and Stephen were just going to invent this.


New Member
ya x2 .I think you guys are both awsome.Did you get to chapter 6 ? Its the one about suicide.You should read it and then try it


Well-Known Member
He just made a good point about outer space. There would be no reason to go on a Virgin Galactic $200,000 ride into orbit. It's not like there is a space station with a telescope you get to look at Earth with. It's just like a pointless plane ride, you don't even need any luggage.


Well-Known Member
Fin you are either the greatest troll to ever exist, or you're mentally handicapped to put it mildly.


Well-Known Member
They're talking about Tribes, and Karl is making the point that they should "move"...

But I think he's just a LITTLE off. What we need to do, is turn tribes... Into bands... So basically give them the ability to make some literature, and a website, share their tribal music and stories on YouTube, etc.


Well-Known Member
I think finspammy and Karl have a lot in common. Perhaps that explains his crush on Karl. Two misunderstood genius'. lmao


Well-Known Member
Fin you are either the greatest troll to ever exist, or you're mentally handicapped to put it mildly.
Why can't he be the greatest mentally handicapped troll to ever exist? If I were a betting man, I bet the ranch on option 3.