DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

I'm sure everyone is familiar with Dutch Master( arguably the best hydro line currently avail)
Ive bee using their products in DWC since I got some free samples years ago, and they absolutely trump every other line I've used from AN, to GH to H&G.
Heres what they have to say about beneficial bacteria in all variants of our H20 applications.

that's some good info.. But it does not address bennies that take care of root rot and slime its talking about bennies for organics obviously not needed with the synthetics. So my question stands. Coco/perlite sitting in 2 inches of water outdoors. h202 + SM-90. OR Bennie tea in this thread. Thanks for input guys and gals.
great thread. thanks. heres a mind boggler for you. I am doing a hydroponics grow outdoors so yes temps is a problem. My pots are 3 gallon and filled with a nice rock of roots now since its in first week of flower. I have to feed them everyday now or else they droop. a couple of my plants have rubbermaids below the airpots and I let them sit in the nutes everyday. they are 50% bigger than the rest of them! so for flower I am putting trays under all pots to let the plants sit in the water all day so its kinda DWC idea with a twist. Currently I am watering by hand everyday I mix the nutes up and I add the hydrogen peroxide to the nutes everyday. Now I am wondering if I should keep going with h202 and add some SM-90 to the mix. Or take the h202 out of the equation and add the tea. I will be adding new nutes everyday with new tea but there is no bubbles in the trays and the temps will get high so will the good bacteria be able to survive all day with no bubbles? or am I better off going heavy on the h202 to give some more 02 and add the sm-90 too for prevention. So far I cant tell any signs of problems only thing is when I rains a lot or parts of pot that don't get hit well with nutes have green on the outside of the smartpots. is this green really bad? I am going to be putting burlap around the pots to insulate and keep light out. let me know if you think the tea will work well for my unique setup. im trying to get these girls to go orgasmic during bloom :-?:-?:-?:-? Edit: top 1/3 is coco then its 50/50 coco perlite then the bottom 2 inches of pot is rocks and perlite with a handful of coco edit edit: im hoping a can have the trays filled in the day and by evening be soaked up into the pot ready for more in the am

Not trying to be volatile, but throwing some pots filled with coco/ perlite & rocks in some trays filled with nutrient solution in your backyard is not a " hydroponics grow outdoors", nor is it "DWC with a twist."

"Currently I am watering by hand everyday I mix the nutes up and I add the hydrogen peroxide to the nutes everyday."

h202 isn't some magical oxygenation tonic that one just cracks open and adds to their nutrient solution. Here's a quick breakdown written by a microbio/chemist:

Commonly known as H2O2, is intended for cleaning equipment and treating well water only. Often, it is sold on the premises as "extra oxygen" for roots. H2O2 is a highly reactive molecule. It is an oxidizing agent that is unstable in solution and tends to rip away electrons from other sources such as living matter (including root cells, bacteria and your skin!!) and chelating agents as well as reacting with other organic matter. This is what makes it an effective "cleaning" agent. However, for this reason it is not recommended in root zones or nutrient solutions. Adding too much H2O2 can kill your plants by damaging the roots, and render 'Hydroponic Nutrient Solutions' less effective by breaking down chelating agents.

In regards to the h202 article, Not trying to be " cut and paste guy" here, claiming others' research as my own, just trying to pass along a useful link for you bro. I think you need to ditch some( most?) of the growing knowledge you've obtained and go back to square one. Bottom feeding trays are fine, and I've had decent (slightly noticeable benefits) from using SM-90, but use it sparingly, and ditch the peroxide altogether unless you're just using it to sterilize equipment or to pre-sterilize feed water.
Sounds like an inside out hempy bucket. I would think just top watering coco a couple times with bennies throughout a grow would be good enough. If you are talking about the water in the dish... I would go sterile cuz bennies would probably drown.
"Not trying to be volatile, but throwing some pots filled with coco/ perlite & rocks in some trays filled with nutrient solution in your backyard is not a " hydroponics grow outdoors", nor is it "DWC with a twist."
of course it is hydroponics its not soil... so I guess I should go with the h202 and sm90 then the bennies will die how quickly in hot water that has no bubbles?
Hey can someone help me, im brewing the Aquashield ZHO with ewc and malasses, will using a product like Rapid Start in the reservoir be a problem? Im unsure if its considered adding organics or not but im trying to rid the slime and rot that starting on my aeroponics roots. I noticed the GH Rapid Start made a huge difference in root development but im also getting some rot that which ive never had before using it either... Any help would be appreciated because i will be adding the tea within 24 hrs. thanks.
Question: Can the bennies be ran in the system alone without any plants for a few days running as normal? Going to be a few days after I fill up system again and placing next round in as I added a few more totes and will be measuring and this part sucks, how much water goes in so I know where it's standing in terms of volume. Thanks
Question: Can the bennies be ran in the system alone without any plants for a few days running as normal? Going to be a few days after I fill up system again and placing next round in as I added a few more totes and will be measuring and this part sucks, how much water goes in so I know where it's standing in terms of volume. Thanks

Yes they can, take a clean white sock and fill it with perlite and tie a wieght to it so its able to sink. This give the little guys a home
I'm sure everyone is familiar with Dutch Master( arguably the best hydro line currently avail)
Ive bee using their products in DWC since I got some free samples years ago, and they absolutely trump every other line I've used from AN, to GH to H&G.
Heres what they have to say about beneficial bacteria in all variants of our H20 applications.

We have been through this page in detail. A hundred years ago. :)

It says nothing about what we do. That is to save and otherwise continue when we do get Phytium.

They don't talk about this. This has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with mineral ion uptake. I use DM because it is so stable and buffered, has everything, etc. It will not rescue roots. This I know for a fact. :)
"Not trying to be volatile, but throwing some pots filled with coco/ perlite & rocks in some trays filled with nutrient solution in your backyard is not a " hydroponics grow outdoors", nor is it "DWC with a twist."
of course it is hydroponics its not soil... so I guess I should go with the h202 and sm90 then the bennies will die how quickly in hot water that has no bubbles?
This is crazy...!!
Hopefully someone can help me... I have attempted to brew tea with ZHO Aquashield molasses and earthworm castings I've let it sit for 30hrs and 48hrs in RO water with plenty of aeration, and when i pull the air stone out its covered like 10 times worse then my res with the slime.. Its a brown to clearish type of slime. So my question is wtf is going on! It it possible to just brew the Aquashield and ZHO with molasses? is there any specific reason i must add EWC? HELPPP please
Yes, it is very easy to bloom that ZHO. And it is a peculiar smell my wife does not enjoy.

Someone here mentioned recently they don't add the ZHO until the second day. My packet came with a 2 ended scoop. The little end, I put 1/4 scoop in 15 liters.

Blooming will depend on, water temp, and how much molasses vs how rich was the starter colonies.

Water on the other hand, natural saturates with O2, depending on temp and what surface exposed to what atmospheric pressure. It really has nothing to do with the bubbles or airstones which I no longer use. It is all about turning the bottom water to the top, for atmospheric pressure, to do the mass transfer of the O2. I have done some research with oxygen test kits on the subject of Flooming. You can look up my experiments. No O2 is dissolved from the bubbles. The bubbles are hot with tiny surface areas. This is well know in Aquarium keeping. They just use a little pump to lift the water these days.

It turns out that water in the range we work it can only hold about 9 ppm O2. So, I went on the hunt for unstaturated water. Tap water? My RO res? No. I looked it up. It doesn't exist. But, it is so important in steam working, it has to be de-gassed before hand.
Yes, it is very easy to bloom that ZHO. And it is a peculiar smell my wife does not enjoy.

Someone here mentioned recently they don't add the ZHO until the second day. My packet came with a 2 ended scoop. The little end, I put 1/4 scoop in 15 liters.

Blooming will depend on, water temp, and how much molasses vs how rich was the starter colonies.

Water on the other hand, natural saturates with O2, depending on temp and what surface exposed to what atmospheric pressure. It really has nothing to do with the bubbles or airstones which I no longer use. It is all about turning the bottom water to the top, for atmospheric pressure, to do the mass transfer of the O2. I have done some research with oxygen test kits on the subject of Flooming. You can look up my experiments. No O2 is dissolved from the bubbles. The bubbles are hot with tiny surface areas. This is well know in Aquarium keeping. They just use a little pump to lift the water these days.

It turns out that water in the range we work it can only hold about 9 ppm O2. So, I went on the hunt for unstaturated water. Tap water? My RO res? No. I looked it up. It doesn't exist. But, it is so important in steam working, it has to be de-gassed before hand.

So when they say you MUST have plenty of air pumped in the water to keep the bacteria alive, its just flat out wrong? How do you get oxygen dissolved in the water by just circulating the water with a small pump? So if i get some ZHO and aquashield in RO with a little molasses after 24 hrs its good to go? I want to try a brew without EWC im trying to find the origin of the slime multiplication. Ive always had small amounts of slime but its getting out of hand now and seems to be causing root rot.
Hey guys,

I started doing rdwc about 3 months ago. I am not an amateur grower, but am new to rdwc. I believe I lost these plants due to brown slime algae. I use the "Bio-bucket" setup except the buckets are fed from pvc that is connected to the bottom of each bucket.. the water level rises and a hole in the top side of the bucket leads to a 4" pvc that brings it back to the rez. I run a very sterile rez, but i guess not enough. I am going to list my nutrient lines below.

Veg Nutes -
Canna Aqua Vega pt1 5ml/gal
Canna Aqua Vega pt2 5ml/gal
Fulvic acid - Generic 10ml/gal
CALiMAGic - Cal-MAg-Ir supplament 2ml/gal
Rhizotonic 6ml/Gal
Dutch Master Root Zone 10ml/5gal
H2O2 at 2ml/gal

400 watt air cooled hood (vents to my attic)
four 3/gal Bio buckets
950gph Magdrive pump
Uv sterilizer
1/10th hp chiller set to 60 degrees Fahrenheit
2 6/in air stones in rez
1/each cylindrical air stone per bucket

Also, I ordered everything for this tea.. the EXACT recipe! so i'm not fuckign around by switching something out.. fuck that..

I haven't gotten to flower without me trashing them because of root rot. This is getting very frustrating and I am about to throw in the towel. I spent thousands on something that I love to dow just to have it blow up in my face. I can grow in dirt, but i want these hydro buds. what I am asking for is a solution that will help me from the beginning. my new seeds just popped some tap roots and I will be putting them into a different plug this time. (jiffy cubes instead of rapid rooters) What I want to ask is this... can I keep the Bennies in the water as a preventative measure instead of waiting for my roots to get nasty. Also I want to be able to inoculate my seedlings before they get into the system. I need this to work for me because I grow for someone who needs it to live comfortably. I always though hydro was said to be the easiest... but fuck that... dirt you can set and leave, hydro is a constant maintenance.. please help me ease the burden of it, because i have the time and patience to make this happen. Please help and God bless!
For me the h202 and products with chlorine havent stopped the slime at all. Im not sure but some root stimulants like rhizotonic sometimes are not compatible with h202 etc. Also im sure you already know dont use h202 or chlorine with ur tea because it will kill the bacteria. For me the slime gets worse when i brew the tea so after some research found that organic nitrates (such as earth worm casting) cause the slime to thrive, so why people are telling me to brew my Aquashield and ZHO beneficials with organics in tea bags is beyond me.. My experience with tea is it makes slime 10x worse.
can anyone tell me why it isn't working for this guy? and also.. please tell me how i can use this tea as a preventative measure.. instead of waiting for slime and THEN making tea..
and also... they aren't telling you to put the earth worm castings into your res... they are telling you to brew it in the tea.. and let the bacteria come off of it.. and then you filter all of the castings out and all particles out as well so ONLY the bacteria are in the solution used in your res.. at least that is what it sounds like to me..
I use the tea preventitly just as described on page one. I've had that slime once but NEVER again after I began using the tea. And, I use humbolt honey which I think someone said isn't good to use BUT, it's worked for me EVERYTIME!!!