Food stamps and conservative ideology

We were talking about hunger, not starvation. My dog is smart enough to know not to steal food from the other dogs bowls. He's a well mannered dog.

I'm suggesting that some people are hungry because of the choices they have made, some people, not all people. People DO starve due to lack of food. I saw a movie once where these guys in a plane...oh never mind.
No offense, but your dogs manners are not relevant. Your dog would eat the other dog if he was hungry enough and you would eat your dog sadly. It is torture and having experienced hunger to a level where insomnia occurs, the rules of property and societal ethics are unethical to enforce upon such a person.
No offense, but your dogs manners are not relevant. Your dog would eat the other dog if he was hungry enough and you would eat your dog sadly. It is torture and having experienced hunger to a level where insomnia occurs, the rules of property and societal ethics are unethical to enforce upon such a person.

Indeed faced with starvation people do things they wouldn't normally do.

So if a person is really really hungry it's okay to steal? How bout if a person is just "regular hungry" is it okay to steal a little bit? Hate to see how this pattern of behavior would play out in the event of a sex deprived person. Sex is a drive in some humans nearly as strong as the need for food.

I see the solution lying in restitution. For instance if a person is lost in the wilderness faced with starvation and breaks into my remote cabin helping themselves to my bounty, I might view that differently than a person that has an intent to steal for less pressing reasons. Either way, upon the starving persons recovery...shouldn't they replace the food they took?
Indeed faced with starvation people do things they wouldn't normally do.

So if a person is really really hungry it's okay to steal? How bout if a person is just "regular hungry" is it okay to steal a little bit? Hate to see how this pattern of behavior would play out in the event of a sex deprived person. Sex is a drive in some humans nearly as strong as the need for food.

I see the solution lying in restitution. For instance if a person is lost in the wilderness faced with starvation and breaks into my remote cabin helping themselves to my bounty, I might view that differently than a person that has an intent to steal for less pressing reasons. Either way, upon the starving persons recovery...shouldn't they replace the food they took?

Well when they start working again, which most people do, then yes they would start paying taxes and "replace the food they took". I certainly see your point though. I wish there was a more volunteeristic approach that we could take to food assistance, but just getting rid of the system we have now is no solution. Do you have an idea of what to replace it with?

You must see there is a difference between individuals taking goods by force from other individuals, and a government that is directed by the people to do so. There is a new poll out that shows 76% of Americans favor government food assistance.
Indeed faced with starvation people do things they wouldn't normally do.

So if a person is really really hungry it's okay to steal? How bout if a person is just "regular hungry" is it okay to steal a little bit? Hate to see how this pattern of behavior would play out in the event of a sex deprived person. Sex is a drive in some humans nearly as strong as the need for food.

I see the solution lying in restitution. For instance if a person is lost in the wilderness faced with starvation and breaks into my remote cabin helping themselves to my bounty, I might view that differently than a person that has an intent to steal for less pressing reasons. Either way, upon the starving persons recovery...shouldn't they replace the food they took?

are you actually comparing needing to eat to wanting to have sex? and food stamps to someone breaking into your cabin?

jesus fucking christ, you are a goddamn joke.

if people don't eat, they die. if people don't fuck, they masturbate. grow the fuck up, child.

and no one pays into food stamps without first VOLUNTARILY signing a W2. not quite the same as some starved stranger breaking into your cabin.

i wish your childish ass would move into a cabin in the woods and stop relying on public infrastructure in any way, which includes the internet. the internet would not exist without all these things you regularly bitch about as coercive third party force that makes you a slave.

gain some fucking perspective you goddamn child. just described a government monopoly.It is a monopoly of itself.Just like a out of control company that consumes other company's around it until there is no competition left.The government is only larger and consumes those company's via tax's and regulations.Instead though of controlling one sector of the economy the government controls them ALL.Although the constitution has a few flaws in my opinion it is still the most perfect document ever devised to attempt to secure the blessings of liberty and freedom.Government is FORCE..that is all they have to offer to encourage people to participate in their illegal activity's.The federal government monopoly has no competition ..the state governments however have 50 states that compete for the business within the economy.Hence states within the economy like Texas TN. FL. and so forth with low or no income tax, low property tax reasonable laws are experiencing growth.Other states such as NY,CA, and so on are experiencing a drop of their tax revenue a decline in their populations business leaving their states and so forth.Talent is leaving those areas for other areas that reward them for their hard work and talent.What happens when the golden goose packs up and leaves your states? anyone want to guess?
When you steal something because of extreme hunger it is not a criminal act...they should replace the food. It is a very simple concept. If a person needed food badly enough to steal a meal it is ok to me. Would you really care to ask for restitution from such a person. I would not. just described a government monopoly.It is a monopoly of itself.Just like a out of control company that consumes other company's around it until there is no competition left.The government is only larger and consumes those company's via tax's and regulations.Instead though of controlling one sector of the economy the government controls them ALL.Although the constitution has a few flaws in my opinion it is still the most perfect document ever devised to attempt to secure the blessings of liberty and freedom.Government is FORCE..that is all they have to offer to encourage people to participate in their illegal activity's.The federal government monopoly has no competition ..the state governments however have 50 states that compete for the business within the economy.Hence states within the economy like Texas TN. FL. and so forth with low or no income tax, low property tax reasonable laws are experiencing growth.Other states such as NY,CA, and so on are experiencing a drop of their tax revenue a decline in their populations business leaving their states and so forth.Talent is leaving those areas for other areas that reward them for their hard work and talent.What happens when the golden goose packs up and leaves your states? anyone want to guess?

TX,TN,FL are using this low tax to bribe people to move to such a crappy place. The subject is human hunger. Why is it so hyperbolic? It is a humanitarian issue...
are you actually comparing needing to eat to wanting to have sex? and food stamps to someone breaking into your cabin?

jesus fucking christ, you are a goddamn joke.

if people don't eat, they die. if people don't fuck, they masturbate. grow the fuck up, child.

and no one pays into food stamps without first VOLUNTARILY signing a W2. not quite the same as some starved stranger breaking into your cabin.

i wish your childish ass would move into a cabin in the woods and stop relying on public infrastructure in any way, which includes the internet. the internet would not exist without all these things you regularly bitch about as coercive third party force that makes you a slave.

gain some fucking perspective you goddamn child.

If people can just masturbate, why are there so many rapes. You're the one who needs to grow up, child.
Most of the time?? I thought Wisconsin was the biggest? I think Texas has 2 of the biggest cities though. I know the clichés, and there are a lot of them.
Well when they start working again, which most people do, then yes they would start paying taxes and "replace the food they took". I certainly see your point though. I wish there was a more volunteeristic approach that we could take to food assistance, but just getting rid of the system we have now is no solution. Do you have an idea of what to replace it with?

You must see there is a difference between individuals taking goods by force from other individuals, and a government that is directed by the people to do so. There is a new poll out that shows 76% of Americans favor government food assistance.

That does sound voluntary. It benefits merchants who don't collect, it benefits farmers. Even the people who are not receiving any benefit directly from the program benefit indirectly. Feeding Americans is not incompatible with patriotism either.
I fully support food stamps and all govt assisted programs....they could implement regular drug testing, nit that I have a problem with people choosing to be lazy if they can still work the system and make a living