The Car Talk Thread

Gotta say the sound of the old F1 V10s gets me all carbonated. The Lexus LF-A, tho' not either pretty or cheap, comes closest to nailing that sound. Even the Lambo V10s don't get that crazy fifth-harmonic note ... and here is a great vid comparing it to the third-harmonic howl of adding those two more holes, il cansone di Dodici as Old man Enzo liked to say ...

idk @0:55 sounds pretty close
Hate Lambo's, love Ferrari's, Aston's, and the Bugatti Veyron is my all time wet dream car!

why would you hate lambos? lol and i like the idea of the bugatti but cant get over the super ugly front end on the thing. the veyron reminds me of a VW bug lol
I have just always thought they were the ugliest super cars ever! Ferrari's have always had the best lines and that's why they continue breaking auction records and Lambo's don't. I like the Bugatti as even though it is a hyper car, it is comfortable and even economical for a hyper car.
That Supra is dead wicked.

I can't get myself to like the Veyron. It has the numbers but that engine note is pure Metrobus to my ears.
ferraris sound pretty damn good but idk if they top the sound of a lambo. i like both equally as much but think those lambo v12s got it.
wouldnt mind having a maserati gts. they come with ferrari engines and really arent too expensive at all for a HAND BUILT car. believe they go for about 125k new!
I'm not crazy about the looks of the maserati..
I put them in the same class as say the jaguar, Aston Martin, and crap, can't think of the last manufacturer, but they're all very similar in looks IMO, and none of them really do much for me in straight looks alone..
I'm not crazy about the looks of the maserati..
I put them in the same class as say the jaguar, Aston Martin, and crap, can't think of the last manufacturer, but they're all very similar in looks IMO, and none of them really do much for me in straight looks alone..

haha ya i think they have been stealing that look from each other for awhile now. and you know what man i used to not like them either BUT after watching a "how its made" episode on them...ive gotta say i have a new found appreciation for them. they are completely hand built other then the ferrari engine they use and each maserati is a little different in its own way. and the fact that you can be moving under ferrari power for 125k new? thats pretty awesome IMO.

if you can find it i highly recommend watching that how its made episode whether you like the car or not. think i might go watch it again actually :D
i just had to.. :D
