Well-Known Member
You should have a nice, hot cup of bleach while you are waiting.still waiting for those 128 studies . . ..
You should have a nice, hot cup of bleach while you are waiting.still waiting for those 128 studies . . ..
if you suddenly declared "Soft Winter" to be an forbidden cultivar of wheat, for whatever crazy ass reason you came up with, would flour millers, bakers, food processors and shops fell any burning need to acquiesce to your demands that "Soft Winter" wheat be removed from all their products, or labeled with big red warning stickers?
your "common sense" demand for labeling is a shabby attempt to create an illusion of danger, despite all the evidence that the danger is entirely in your mind.
your local community almost certainly dumps sodium fluoride in your water, and despite this product being PROVED dangerous, and despite the fact sodium fluoride MUST BE LABELED during shipping with cute little warnings like POISON, Inhalation Hazard, Explosion Hazard...
but saying "fluoridation is bad" means im crazy and a Bircher.
if im crazy for wanting sodium fluoride left out of my water, how motherfucking crazy do you have to be to demand that particular cultivars of corn be removed from your Doritos?[/QUOTE/
You miss the point as well. I'm not here arguing whether or not GMO foods are "safe". I don't give a fuck what your thoughts, or any one else's are on the foods safety. I'm simply saying that consumers should be aware of exactly what it is that they are ingesting. Period. Then THEY can make a decision whether to buy it or not.
To take issue with that is breathtakingly stupid. Do you make a habit out of dumping random things down your throat without knowing what the fuck it is that you're eating?
Can you cite one (1) study that says they are unsafe?Trousers, you keep telling us that GMO food is "safe". You're missing the point. You can cite a million studies to the same effect, and it won't change a thing.
So we should label carrots as potentially unhealthy? Too much water can kill you. should we label drinking water?People should know what they are eating!
You sure about that? Flour can cause huge problems if inhaled. It is highly flammable and explodes all the time. Yuo can see it on youtube.Flour is "safe",
If the flour is made from genetically engineered wheat, then you label it as "flour" because that is what it is.but yet on the back of every product that contains flour it's listed as an ingredient. What is so different about genetically modified products?
I own ZERO stock in any firm of any kind. I can just read and interpret scientific many of you own stock in bio tech firms?
Check out the guidelines for labeling food. If you do not have a problem with GMO, then you are in the wrong thread. You should start a thread about changing the way the government mandates food labeling (to include crazy fantasies).You miss the point as well. I'm not here arguing whether or not GMO foods are "safe". I don't give a fuck what your thoughts, or any one else's are on the foods safety. I'm simply saying that consumers should be aware of exactly what it is that they are ingesting. Period. Then THEY can make a decision whether to buy it or not.
Really? If you want this to devolve to name calling, I'll kick your butt at that as well.To take issue with that is breathtakingly stupid.
Do you make a habit of blabbering about nothing?Do you make a habit out of dumping random things down your throat without knowing what the fuck it is that you're eating?
"flour is safe"Trousers, you keep telling us that GMO food is "safe". You're missing the point. You can cite a million studies to the same effect, and it won't change a thing.
People should know what they are eating! Flour is "safe", but yet on the back of every product that contains flour it's listed as an ingredient. What is so different about genetically modified products?
Buy organic and shop at Whole Foods. They are fully behind the GMO hysteria and will be happy to sell you non-GMO foods at an inflated price, of course.
And guess what, water reports are provided to me yearly, telling the levels of dissolved solids in my water. I read it, and chose to buy a RO unit. Problem solved! The same thing should apply to the food that I eat. If think GMO products are safe, then I will buy them. If I don't, then I won't buy them. But I should be made aware of it via labeling.
How many of you actively use sophistry as a debate tactic?how many of you own stock in bio tech firms?
"dissolved solids" doesnt tell you shit about sodium fluoride levels, and your precious RO device will NOT remove all the sodium fluoride, or even all the arsenic."
your local community almost certainly dumps sodium fluoride in your water, and despite this product being PROVED dangerous, and despite the fact sodium fluoride MUST BE LABELED during shipping with cute little warnings like POISON, Inhalation Hazard, Explosion Hazard..."
And guess what, water reports are provided to me yearly, telling the levels of dissolved solids in my water. I read it, and chose to buy a RO unit. Problem solved! The same thing should apply to the food that I eat. If think GMO products are safe, then I will buy them. If I don't, then I won't buy them. But I should be made aware of it via labeling.
"dissolved solids" doesnt tell you shit about sodium fluoride levels, and your precious RO device will NOT remove all the sodium fluoride, or even all the arsenic.
the illusion of safety.
Listen boy. You are implying I do not understand what is going on. You do not understand why the labeling should not take place. It is because the current regulations do not require it. Go read why it is not required. If you do not like it, lobby your congressman.LOL!! Trousers, I'll type this really slow for you .....
Who is "them"?I'm not taking a position on the "safety" of GMO products. They may be 100% safe, and healthy, and nutritious, and yummy, and make your pecker grow 2 inches over night. That is not my issue.
My issue is with them balking at informing the end user of exactly what it is they are ingesting.
Put it on the label, and let individuals make up their own mind.
Yes.Is that too much to ask for?
I take issue with you implying that I am dumb when you have no idea what is going on.What specifically do you take issue with concerning that?
Some say cucumbers taste better pickled.If you were to buy a used car, would you not want to know all about it? Would you not want to know that it had been totaled, and re-built 2 years ago ..... or would you just accept the used car salesman telling you that it's safe?
buy 100% organic labeled foods. Problem solved."
your local community almost certainly dumps sodium fluoride in your water, and despite this product being PROVED dangerous, and despite the fact sodium fluoride MUST BE LABELED during shipping with cute little warnings like POISON, Inhalation Hazard, Explosion Hazard..."
And guess what, water reports are provided to me yearly, telling the levels of dissolved solids in my water. I read it, and chose to buy a RO unit. Problem solved! The same thing should apply to the food that I eat. If think GMO products are safe, then I will buy them. If I don't, then I won't buy them. But I should be made aware of it via labeling.
if in fact you receive a DETAILED ANALYSIS why did you claim it was just a report on "dissolved solids"The water analysis does indeed tell you parts per billion of sodium fluoride, along with disolved solids, chloramine, etc
And I never said my RO unit removes all of it. Quit putting words in my mouth.
Does being a know-it-all on a pot forum help with your farm hand inferiority complex?
Sort of like forcing a woman to have an Ultrasound before she can get an abortionLOL!! Trousers, I'll type this really slow for you .....
I'm not taking a position on the "safety" of GMO products. They may be 100% safe, and healthy, and nutritious, and yummy, and make your pecker grow 2 inches over night. That is not my issue.
My issue is with them balking at informing the end user of exactly what it is they are ingesting. Put it on the label, and let individuals make up their own mind. Is that too much to ask for? What specifically do you take issue with concerning that? If you were to buy a used car, would you not want to know all about it? Would you not want to know that it had been totaled, and re-built 2 years ago ..... or would you just accept the used car salesman telling you that it's safe?