

ok just got back from my buddy's house. we were chillin and smoking some bud, when he busted out a fat canister of salvia. where he got it from i didn't know, but it was 20x and he packed a nice bongload and roasted it to the dome!!!! i tried to tell him not to, but obviously he didn't listen. we both watched the youtube videos of people tweakin and "thought" we'd be ok... pfffttt to that one! he took his hit like a champ, then right before i was gonna lite the bong is when he tweaked... he had been laying down on the bed drooling when it hit him, he got up moaning like a zombie, flailing his arms and smacked that bong outta my hands! mind you his spare room where we smoke in the basement is concrete. so the damn bong shattered in a million damn pieces and this fool is stepping and falling in the shit! so i had to drag his ass outta the room and take him outside to let him get blood all over out there, instead of all over his new white carpet. also to let him rant and rave outside cause he was still actin a fool. thankfully his girl friend wasn't home cause she would have called ems, and then the police would've came and it would be ugly. after bout say 5 mins runnin around in the yard he did a belly flop in the lawn and then just layed there! so i grabbed a big glass of ice water and dumped it on him! he was normal a couple mins later askin what happened? he didn't cut him self deep, just a bunch of lil ones, luckily. helped him bandage himself up and sweep up the glass and walked home. ( i live 2 blocks over) so ya funny ass night. i can happily say i didn't smoke that horrible shit! also i wasn't tweakin him out by yelling at him or nothing. it was a chill atmosphere. he just had a major tweak out, and was super tired afterwards, so i couldn't ask him what his trip was like. i'll call him tomorrow and let y'all know what he felt. P&P
Can't believe this shit is still legal. Imagine someone doin a bowl of that drivin down the road. I tried it once 6 or 7 yrs ago and said never again.
I've never tried it.. thought about it but my smoke shop charges like 30 a gram... for that price I just make me something trippy
30 a gram for legal stuff..hmmm...almost like ciggarettes...expensive as shit and does nothing..if I'm falling into broken glass id better be phishin out on nitrous or ketamine or both! I call that 'phish-holeing)...
Aren't you kids back in school yet?

lol im 26 years old bro. i talked to my buddy about his trip. he said the bedroom melted away into emptyness and thought he was goin to be stuck there forever. he felt no pain at all, no anything until i dumped the water on him. told me it was the scariest feeling ever. im so glad i didn't smoke that shit. dodged a bullet!
If you do it responsibly, it is a great recreational drug. I have tried it a couple times and nothing was really attractive about it apart from it being a very very unique experience. I recommend that everyone tries it at least once as it is just a weird and fun experience. With me, it made everything thing start melting and moving in a certain direction. it made me feel like a was a tiny part of this huge reality that was completely out of my control, and it felt that any of my actions did not matter at all.
The only thing I can say is don't do it a lot, like every week, as it will fuck up your life.
I have tried it a couple of times as well. Both had great trips. Laughing may ass off. First one I was on my deck and when it came on I was running along the top of a birthday cake trying not to fall as the cake fell away after me. Second was same deck but I was caught in a flip book. Couldn't move except for the flipping pages and laughed so hard my sides hurt for days. If I never do it again that's fine.
My thoughts are based on four points,all in decending one likes it in the end,all I hear is bitching...2..its expensive but readily available..(I see this as a ripoff) does NOT affect me..I get a headaches and a bad taste,and believe me,I've tried to get high on purple the end of the day,even if people like the trip,the say it offers nothiing as far as realizations or ephipanys(sic) for 30$(more for 'posh brands') rather spend it on lsd,or dmt..hell.. a case of good beer or a bottle of least I know my bowl won't stink,and I won't waste my money...
we used to make each other pass out in junior high gym class.... that sounds more fun than salvia
I'm twisted on salvia it really isn't something for a "good" time but if you ingest fresh leaves (chew them up and let it soak in your mouth) it is a lot different then smoking. It definitely is a cross between psychedelic, dissasosiativea and deleriant full blown salvia dose by my preferred method is nothing to scough at....only at my most adventurous do I partake, I have grown a few times and have noticed a difference in potency....not a fan at all of it being used as a legal high
i smoked salvia 200X b4 it became illegal, about 3 years ago, and im telling you it was the hardest trip i have ever had. i literally went into another state of reality. i do not recomened this for (the ocasional druggie) it is NOT like mariijuana. more like PCP & LSD i lost all sense of what was going on in the real world as the layers of reality stripped b4 my eyes. i was told i layed on the floor for 10 mins tensing and relaxing, my eyes open unblinking and constantly moving (i started in the chair and do not remember going to the ground) the movie "The year without a christmas" was playing and during the snowmizer song... i remember hear the song playing on some weird loop while never repeating it was strange. and bright vibrant colors and something about a lake and a dock with a boat... i dont remember much about the details. but i know it fucked me up. mind you this was not my first time smoking salvia but it was my last. b4 200x i tried 10x,20x,100x allof which werent to bad but once i smoked the 200x i had my fill of the curious incense called salvia. and now i know why it has been made illegal.
I loved salvia. Although i seem to have a differnet tolerance then other people. I smoked it with another guy, we each had our own bong load, and someone to grab it when we blast off. He took a hit or two and was saying "im so fucked up" over and over and eventually ended up running away and taking his shirt off. I finished my bong load and was just halucinating hard. Still in control of my body, though my mind was not here.
First my legs seems flat, and higher up then my head while i was sitting. Like i sank in. Then i started seeing cartoon like video games. I was in a 2d world like old school super mario bros. After that it became 3d but still cartoon. It looked like a bunch of weird things with chicken heads, and they were on a conveyor moving from right to left, and each one hit its head on the thing that holds my garage door up. After that i felt like reality and what i was seeing was way too different, so i said, and this was the only thing i said my whole trip, so to other people it was wierd, but i said "I need to realize" and in my mind i was thinking, i need to realize, whats fake, and whats real.
Great time.