Food stamps and conservative ideology

I fully support food stamps and all govt assisted programs....they could implement regular drug testing, nit that I have a problem with people choosing to be lazy if they can still work the system and make a living

they did implement drug testing in florida. it ended up costing them more to administer drug tests than they saved by kicking people off. less than 2% failed. huge disaster, stupid idea, borderline unconstitutional.
I fully support food stamps and all govt assisted programs....they could implement regular drug testing, nit that I have a problem with people choosing to be lazy if they can still work the system and make a living

Drug testing is a waste of tax payers dollars. Florida proved it without a doubt.

The state is going to pay for millions of drug tests to weed out the few people who do drugs. The ones who are going to fail are going to refuse the test anyways.

Besides the fact that they only do urine tests (hair tests are even more expensive) which only ever catch people who smoke weed because every other drug is out of your system in less than a week.
I find it awesome that a lot of republicans want to increase the cost of running the program (i.e. drug tests, advanced ebt machines, etc...) then bitch about how much the program costs and how it is ripping off the tax payers.
I find it awesome that a lot of republicans want to increase the cost of running the program (i.e. drug tests, advanced ebt machines, etc...) then bitch about how much the program costs and how it is ripping off the tax payers.

If you're that bad off, bring back mental institutions that those assholes Reagan and JFK helped get rid of. I'm poorer than most on them. I'd rather killl myself than go on them. I work my ass off. Not my fault people are lazy. And you're not much of a libertarian for supporting government handout meddling. Also the Pauls aren't libertarian at all either. They both support this current cluster fuck of a system and big government. The GOP is nothing like the old. It's just the political lobbyers for the insane evangelical christians.
If you're that bad off, bring back mental institutions that those assholes Reagan and JFK helped get rid of. I'm poorer than most on them. I'd rather killl myself than go on them. I work my ass off. Not my fault people are lazy. And you're not much of a libertarian for supporting government handout meddling. Also the Pauls aren't libertarian at all either. They both support this current cluster fuck of a system and big government. The GOP is nothing like the old. It's just the political lobbyers for the insane evangelical christians.

Yes, thats what we need, more mental institutions, how libertarian of you. :spew:Frankly I think you would have to be pretty closed minded to see food stamps as a problem. How about we focus on clear cut violations of the non aggression principle overseas and by our police forces at home? We should lobby for libertarian policies that will first decrease poverty to solve the hunger problem instead of railing against people getting food through a majority supported government program. Out of all of the bailouts and wasteful spending I never understood how food stamps could be anyones priority of eliminating, considering that a vast majority goes to elderly, disabled, and children. We should worry about bailing out the banks and wasting money bombing and rebuilding other countries and make cuts there to lower taxes and decrease poverty. The food stamp problem will decrease itself if we work on solving real problems of America. Yet here we are, tied up in some scandal in Syria about to go to war and waste a bunch more money, it is sad we don't learn our lesson overseas. Meanwhile, the right is so ignorant that they are watching programs on Fox like "the great food stamp binge" and unconcerned with real problems. Frustrating.
I think we need some more too. Mental health problems are seemingly increasing. I'm sure there are plenty of factors for it, but shit, some people need to be institutionalize e.
I think we need some more too. Mental health problems are seemingly increasing. I'm sure there are plenty of factors for it, but shit, some people need to be institutionalize e.

I was a phlebotomist at the time Reagan defunded a lot of institutions. They let all the johnny schizos out that werent dangerous. Johhny Schizo stopped taking his meds and started taking shits in the aisle at the local grocery store where the cops promptly arrested him and put him in a jail cell with no treatment.

Now multiply that story by a factor of 10s of thousands

But Reagan did get credit for reducing big goverment and reducing costs

He just shifted them off to the local municipalities
What they need to do is overhaul the food stamp program and make it more like WIC. With WIC there are certain items custom chosen for your needs and that's all you can buy. Not on the list? You gotta pay for it yourself. Right now you can buy almost anything edible with food stamps. There's very few restrictions. I managed several grocery stores over the years and watched people load up on junk food instead of staples.
If people can just masturbate, why are there so many rapes. You're the one who needs to grow up, child.

Last I checked, people will die without food. On the other hand, Catholic priests take a vow of celibacy; yet they continue to live. Checkmate rabbit.

Your words are truly disturbing. So if someone raped your wife. Would you chalk it up to a survival instinct and let it go? There is honestly not a big enough hand to provide me with the facepalm I feel is required here.
Yet here we are, tied up in some scandal in Syria about to go to war and waste a bunch more money, it is sad we don't learn our lesson overseas.

so much wrong with this statement.

a military action in response to the worst chemical weapons attack in decades is no scandal.

there will be no "war". your dishonest language is dishonest.
so much wrong with this statement.

a military action in response to the worst chemical weapons attack in decades is no scandal.

there will be no "war". your dishonest language is dishonest.

I have to agree here. Assuming "war" means something resembling a fair fight; the US hasn't seen one in decades. We have hundreds of thousands of angry assholes willing to shoot someone on command.

On one hand, this is comforting; on the other, it's terrifying.
Allot of your hunger issues are caused by yourself.You are punishing the people who work for working and they are leaving. All you will have left are the people who will not work.I know this is very simplistic but i feel this is easy to understand.When the golden goose is run off you will starve.Plain and simple and it is happening and is going to continue to happen.TX. TN. FL are not crappy places.
I have to agree here. Assuming "war" means something resembling a fair fight; the US hasn't seen one in decades. We have hundreds of thousands of angry assholes willing to shoot someone on command.

On one hand, this is comforting; on the other, it's terrifying.

I don't fear the finger on the trigger...
It's the cock of the wrist on the final pen-stroke that concerns me more... How many presidents have been left-handed anyway? For that matter, I wonder how many Prime Ministers were lefties, too...
Is there a correlation between power and hand-dominance ?
Someone must've done a study on that...
so much wrong with this statement.

a military action in response to the worst chemical weapons attack in decades is no scandal.

there will be no "war". your dishonest language is dishonest.

Why would Assad invite Western intervention by using chemical weapons in a war he was winning?
Why would Assad invite Western intervention by using chemical weapons in a war he was winning?

That is a very good question.
A very good one

My Take
Either someone in his military did it
A rebel did it
It's bullshit

Assad could be innocent in all 3 of the above scenarios. But he should of taken the Iddi Amin deal when he had the chance