GLS's First grow with Cfls


Well-Known Member
well if you can put them out early in the morning make your lights turn on a few hours before the sun rises and put them out side just as it rises. It'll get more than 12 hrs of light that day. I mean that's as creative as a solution as I can give ya bro. I'm a few weeks behind ya with some bagseeds I just started seeing your pics is getting me excited :weed:

Great Lemon Skunk

Well-Known Member
well if you can put them out early in the morning make your lights turn on a few hours before the sun rises and put them out side just as it rises. It'll get more than 12 hrs of light that day. I mean that's as creative as a solution as I can give ya bro. I'm a few weeks behind ya with some bagseeds I just started seeing your pics is getting me excited :weed:
yeah thats a good idea. im gonna put them on 12/12 when i bring them back in i wont be able to do that till thursday tho cause of some unexpected things but im hoping for the best i went looked at them today early this morning and they were droopy im hopeing they will bounce back


Well-Known Member
oh are they already outside? If so I noticed with my own expierence growing outside. That when you go from cfl light to sunlight you want to gently ween the plant into it or it gets somewhat shocked. but usually I start them in January and im trying to put them outside in march-april. But if they are outside for a day they are resilient plants it'll bounce back when you get it back inside.

Great Lemon Skunk

Well-Known Member
yeah man i put them outside yesterday at 3pm so they got sunlight from 3-8 and their gonna be out there till thursday which sucks i just hope that they pull threw and yeah i wish i could have harden them up before putting them straight out there but gotta do what ya gotta do

Great Lemon Skunk

Well-Known Member
well i went and checked my plants today they are looking good i can tell they are stretching no preflowers.. well after alot of consideration im going to leave those to plants outside till its too cold and imma start 2 new ones inside. ill keep updateing this thread bout the plants outside and imma start adding pics of the new plants

Great Lemon Skunk

Well-Known Member

Well the plants are doing great they have jump up about a foot since being outside. they have been outside for 6 days now i said i was gonna keep outside but i changed my mind imma bring them back in lol well heres some pics :weed:

Picture 026.jpgPicture 025.jpgPicture 027.jpgPicture 024.jpg

Great Lemon Skunk

Well-Known Member

Well i brought the plants in today they have grown alot!!! both have grown about a foot taller since put outside the plants are on a 12/12 but they were on 12/12 outside so this is week 1 of 12/12. Well heres the pics ohh yeah they are really smelling good!!! :bigjoint:

Picture 029.jpgPicture 028.jpg


Active Member
they stretched a lot outside, might consider adding some CFL's around her now. You can either do that or leave them outside. Gotta' say, those ladies are looking good!

Great Lemon Skunk

Well-Known Member
well sorry about not updateing but the plants are male!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

But on the good side i have 2 more plants i started they are 1 week old today ill be posting pics soon


Well-Known Member
Very nice... Are those Styrofoam cups? I'm not trying to be a negative nancy but i'm pretty sure that's bad for the roots. I'm pretty sure the Styrofoam breaks down real slow like and turns into toxic chemicals. Of course I've also heard of people using packing peanuts at the bottom of their pots so I mean it might just all depend on what kinda Styrofoam it is. Ne way I love the indicas so I wanna see you get bud out of both these bad bitches (bad bitch = good thing lol). Good luck brotha

Great Lemon Skunk

Well-Known Member
Very nice... Are those Styrofoam cups? I'm not trying to be a negative nancy but i'm pretty sure that's bad for the roots. I'm pretty sure the Styrofoam breaks down real slow like and turns into toxic chemicals. Of course I've also heard of people using packing peanuts at the bottom of their pots so I mean it might just all depend on what kinda Styrofoam it is. Ne way I love the indicas so I wanna see you get bud out of both these bad bitches (bad bitch = good thing lol). Good luck brotha
hmm thanks for that info i had no idea ill have to be looking for something else to use to start my seeds in.

Great Lemon Skunk

Well-Known Member
sorry been gone so long started a new job and they are trying to work me to death!! but on some good news both my plants are females!!!!!!:mrgreen: yesterday was when they showed so we are on day 2 of our journey ill post some pics later!! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the females!!:)I know it sucks big donkey dicks to put in the effort only to have males.Good luck with your girls,lets see some pics!

Great Lemon Skunk

Well-Known Member
well my babies are now on day 3 of showing sex all females soo happy cause last time they was all males lol

All showed sex on 10/4/13 i tried to get it where i could show where its showing sex but i couldnt.. but i will try again :weed:

Herb 004.jpgHerb 005.jpgHerb 006.jpgHerb 007.jpg

Great Lemon Skunk

Well-Known Member
Hey yall the plants are now on day 17 after showing sex and they are looking good =D except one it has what im believeing to be a manganese deffiecency but id like for yalls help heres some pics.

This is a plant i had outside that i started late and had to chop down today cause the temps here are gettign too low but she looks frosty so i wanted to share the pic =D :weed:
Herb 008.jpg

These are the ones i got growing inside they are on day 17 and i think they are doing pretty good what do yall think?
Herb 009.jpgHerb 010.jpgHerb 011.jpgHerb 012.jpgHerb 013.jpg

Heres a pic of the leaf off of one of the plants what do yall think this is?

Herb 014.jpg

Great Lemon Skunk

Well-Known Member
Hey guys plants are coming along pretty decent but i had a slight over nute prob thanks to ppl over at thc im getting it under control but other the plant is doing just fine!! :weed: heres some pics oh the plant is now on day 25 of flower and shes got some nice buds comeing along.:weed:

heres the one that had the over fert prob shes starting to bounce back
Herb 017.jpgHerb 021.jpgHerb 018.jpg

and heres the other one.

Herb 019.jpgHerb 020.jpg