Cocky Ignorance ...


Well-Known Member
Yeah it was during bushs term as governor, he couldve stopped it but didnt, the guy was dumber than Forest Gump, Forest gump has an IQ of 70 in the movie


New Member
Yeah it was during bushs term as governor, he couldve stopped it but didnt, the guy was dumber than Forest Gump, Forest gump has an IQ of 70 in the movie
This is the best we could come up with to lead the "free" world, the guy that executes retarded dudes. Says a lot about all those right wing supposed christian assholes (notice I spelled Christian with a small c). The Christian right elected Bush, (well that and the supreme court that was bought off), no I don't have proof of the buying, But you know they got something for it.


Well-Known Member
So it's all about you, the cost in human lives, those that die and are maimed only matter to their distraught relatives? I think War is the most evil ignorant device on the planet and it's about time man evolves past that. Get rid of the nukes accross the board, draw up intercountry peace plans and learn to share the good about people, Yea we have to reign in the evil doers, and find a way to contain them. One way I heard worked, was to string them upside down in a public square naked, and let everyone take a swing at them with a baseball bat, worked for Musolini, may work for Bush and Cheney., and all the rest that were involved in starting a war in Iraq. LOL~, this will undoubtably bring out the wrath of the Bushies, Have at it, you're wrong anyway,~LOL~.
St. Medicineman the Peacemaker


Well-Known Member
Yeah it was during bushs term as governor, he couldve stopped it but didnt, the guy was dumber than Forest Gump, Forest gump has an IQ of 70 in the movie
Actually, in Texas the governor only has the power to grant a 30 day reprieve. Nothing more.


Well-Known Member
This is the best we could come up with to lead the "free" world, the guy that executes retarded dudes. Says a lot about all those right wing supposed christian assholes (notice I spelled Christian with a small c). The Christian right elected Bush, (well that and the supreme court that was bought off), no I don't have proof of the buying, But you know they got something for it.
You don't have proof of anything at all, professor. Accusations? You bet. Proof? No way.


Well-Known Member
Yes the pro life, pro death penalty religous right, they certainly are a confused bunch.
I'll agree pro-life and pro-capitol punishment is inconsistent. It's probably my biggest beef with the Republicans. But how different is that from the pro-choice, anti-death penalty mindset of the Democrats? There is no difference.


New Member
Geeze, I must of rung Johnny Wad's bell, seems he had to post about 5 rebutals. Too bad I have him on ignore, it would have been shite anyway.


Well-Known Member
Geeze, I must of rung (Doctor)Johnny(Fuck)Wad's bell, seems he had to post about 5 rebutals. Too bad I have him on ignore, it would have been shite anyway.
I was under the impression you didn't care what I write. Two of them applied to you. Your loony rants, actually. Yeah, I am forced to concentrate my responses because I have a job. Someone has to pay the freight on all those generous social programs you hold so dear. I don't have the luxury of cruising the internet all day long.

Meddie, you don't have the chingaderros to deal with me directly. In fact, every time you bring it up, I win - again.

The only thing you ring is your shriveled up little pinker encircled by your greasy meat-hooks when you watch fatty-porn in your jizzum-encrusted easy chair.
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New Member
"The only thing you ring is your shriveled up little pinker encircled by your greasy meat-hooks when you watch fatty-porn in your jizzum-encrusted easy chair."

Hey Med ... you'd better keep your blinds drawn, it looks like you have a Peeping Tom on your hands. :mrgreen:



New Member
"The only thing you ring is your shriveled up little pinker encircled by your greasy meat-hooks when you watch fatty-porn in your jizzum-encrusted easy chair."

Hey Med ... you'd better keep your blinds drawn, it looks like you have a Peeping Tom on your hands. :mrgreen:

I must have really pissed him off, eh. Now you can see the real Johnny Wad in all his retarded glory. I wouldn't Waste my time with that asshole. I havent figured out why he hates me so, but no worries, he's more the fool with posts like the above.


Well-Known Member
I must have really pissed him off, eh. Now you can see the real (Doctor)Johnny(Fuck)Wad in all his retarded glory. I wouldn't Waste my time with that asshole. I havent figured out why he hates me so, but no worries, he's more the fool with posts like the above.
I don't hate you Meddie. You are comic relief, nothing more. However, I have nothing but contempt for you because you are a coward. Take me off ignore if you wish to engage me. Otherwise, you demonstrate to the entire board what a pussy you are.


New Member
I must have really pissed him off, eh. Now you can see the real Johnny Wad in all his retarded glory. I wouldn't Waste my time with that asshole. I havent figured out why he hates me so, but no worries, he's more the fool with posts like the above.
Med ... its not YOU that is hated, its your immoral political ideas. No one likes a thief. :blsmoke:



New Member
The only thing you ring is your shriveled up little pinker encircled by your greasy meat-hooks when you watch fatty-porn in your jizzum-encrusted easy chair."
That sounds like more than my platform, I think this "guy" really doesn't like me, ~LOL~. Well fuck him too. I guess you'll have to keep posting his drivel for me to see it as I won't waste my time with this kind of crap. I guess you have an ally now. eh Vi


Well-Known Member
The only thing you ring is your shriveled up little pinker encircled by your greasy meat-hooks when you watch fatty-porn in your jizzum-encrusted easy chair."
That sounds like more than my platform, I think this "guy" really doesn't like me, ~LOL~. Well fuck him too. I guess you'll have to keep posting his drivel for me to see it as I won't waste my time with this kind of crap. I guess you have an ally now. eh Vi
This is the second time you've responded to that particular quote. Do you have anything to add? Why do you respond if it's crap? All you do is re-enforce what everyone knows about Medicineman.

Meddie, take me off ignore and face me. You don't have to hide behind ignore like a little girl. I don't think Vi is willing to be your eyes any longer. Come on, Meddie, I won't bite. I promise.:mrgreen:


New Member
Johnny ...

Med will leave you on ignore for as long as you post anything remotly relating to liberty. There's just something about liberty that frightens Med-'O-Mao. :hump:



Well-Known Member
It's really funny. He's relegated to blind, hit and run pot-shots. As usual he has no concept as to what he's responding. That's a winning strategy.

For the record, I don't hate him. I do think he's a total poozer. But I do not wish him ill.


New Member
Johnny ...

Med will leave you on ignore for as long as you post anything remotly relating to liberty. There's just something about liberty that frightens Med-'O-Mao. :hump:

Not at all, I just find him to be extremely rude and boring. You bandy the word liberty about like a broad ax, trying to knock the idea into peoples heads. True Liberty comes from within. Your Idea of liberty is the enslavement of the poor to allow you to do as you please, "don't touch my money", "you don't need Medical", "get off your ass and become wealthy like me" etc. A perspective from priveledge is not available to all, Red, most are born into enslavement, extremely few escape. You are one of the "lucky" ones.


Well-Known Member
Not at all, I just find him to be extremely rude and boring.
Meddie, you just don't get it. Your opinion of me is worthless if you refuse to back up your words. You say I don't affect you, yet you just can't seem to get me out of your pea brain.

Why do you keep tickling me if you don't want to play?:confused: