Burnt white hairs at week 2 of flowering

I've never seen this before. It looks like half of the plants in my garden are affected. The white hairs at the very beginning of bud formation look burnt or singed. In some cases, the bud has no white hairs, just a small amount of bud formation. While some plants in my garden are thriving, displaying white hairs about a 1/2" long, these other ones look like they are dying. All of my leaves, stalks, roots, look very healthy. I grow in a NFT system, using a diluted bloom solution of Botanicare nutrients.

Yes, one of my plants did herm on me and exploded a big ol sac of pollen. I can see that seeds are forming within the immediate area of that pollen sac. But looking just inches away, the buds don't seem to be pollinated. But, moving 4-5 feet away (down wind from my fan) the newer plants in the garden are suffering from this odd problem.

Could my new plants been pollinated? How come it's only a certain number of plants? Why aren't I seeing more bud growth? If they are pollinated, they should continue to grow. I'm thinking that something else is wrong here. I've seen pollinated stigmas before and they look like a dead white hair, or red/brown hair. In this case, the hairs look burnt, like someone took a torch to them. And the buds seemed to stop growing.

Temps: 60 night, 65-70 Day
Lights 2 - 1000wt HPS about 16" from plant tops
Strain - Purple Kush and Orange Widow
Pests - white flies, but minimal

What is going on here??? Someone please help me troubleshoot this.


Well-Known Member
if u dont find that hermie and get it out, all u will have is horrible seedy shit.


I have the same thing going w one of my 3, except Im at about 4.5 weeks. I see the pistils changing color on the others, but its obvious that they are maturing/ripening. On my Lambsbreath, however, they are singed/shriveled at the tips and buds dont seem to be growing as aggressively. Im assuming I overfed slightly? Never exceeded 525ppm FNB, feeding almost every watering. Other 2 have been on same feed schedule (all 3 dif strains). I skippeed a feeding and then backed off nutes a little on the next feeding. It sounds like the same issue poster is having. Does this sound like overfeeding, and if so, will flower time be extended?


Well-Known Member
This is normal and happens, if it seems more aggressive than the normal it is because there might be just a little too much Nitrogen..try watering with sugar water the next time you are able to water...that way if it is too much nitrogen it will help and if it isn't too much nitrogen it won't do anything. I overfert with N like habitually...so I have learned how to fix it way better than flushing...and I like the fact that it will either do nothing, or it will help...it won't cause harm even if the answer you get isn't what you were looking for


Well-Known Member
I have heard that too much N can delay flowering and inhibit bud growth...so I would assume that it also delays the age of maturation, so it would take longer...as I said habitual N overfeeder...just can't get it right...


This is normal and happens, if it seems more aggressive than the normal it is because there might be just a little too much Nitrogen..try watering with sugar water the next time you are able to water...that way if it is too much nitrogen it will help and if it isn't too much nitrogen it won't do anything. I overfert with N like habitually...so I have learned how to fix it way better than flushing...and I like the fact that it will either do nothing, or it will help...it won't cause harm even if the answer you get isn't what you were looking for
how much sugar should be added to say a gallon of tap water to try and help with too much nitrogen
I too would like to know how much sugar per gallon :P having the same issues, and why does this work?
OP what happened with the grow?

charles lewis

Well-Known Member
I too would like to know how much sugar per gallon :P having the same issues, and why does this work?
OP what happened with the grow?

I think i'm havin the same problem, my hairs are starting off brown on some colas and white on others. did you try feeding with sugar water? did it help? how did your grow turn out?


Well-Known Member
I had this a few years ago outside and I just ignored it, everything worked out fine in the end.


Well-Known Member
I posted on here a few weeks ago about the same , they looked like they were don't and were 4 weeks premature no yield at all , but I let them keep going and they changed back to white hairs . very strange, and got huge, so ???? idk lol have hundreds of harvest under my belt never see that before as well . only thing I did different I sprayed neem oil on the plants to kill spyder mites. must of been what did it,

charles lewis

Well-Known Member
I posted on here a few weeks ago about the same , they looked like they were don't and were 4 weeks premature no yield at all , but I let them keep going and they changed back to white hairs . very strange, and got huge, so ???? idk lol have hundreds of harvest under my belt never see that before as well . only thing I did different I sprayed neem oil on the plants to kill spyder mites. must of been what did it,
i think that might be the case here 2. i know it not pollination cause its only on 1 group of plants & now as new growth comes in its normal.

i think it came from to much N when it didnt need it. i just started with bloom yesterday and just checked them again and they look better, I will see what the morn brings.


I would check for broad mites with a microscope. Worth checkin for sure, they eat new growth and cant be seen by the naked eye.