keif vs butter


so ive madhe keif before i know the ins and outs of it. but never butter, just wondering the possess. how much shake vs how much butter, what kind of butter. checked out youtube not as informational as id hoped. thanks -00
You can skip learning the butter if you can make kief, just sift in .5 gr per serving with dry ingredients.
12 cup cakes= 6 grams kief, 20 cookies=10 gr etc.

if that's to strong back the ratio down, to weak raise it up, simple and You Will Be Very High if used correctly.

I keep the oven at 300 even if the recipe calls for 325, I don't want to lose any THC to vapor during cooking.

Its an awesome way to cook with bud without the hassle of making infused butter or oil.

It will have a stronger flavor than an infused product.

Making butter is a simple ratio with good bud, 1lb. Butter to 1 oz. dry bud, stronger the better.

The ratio must shift to use more bud when using sugar shake and clippings and popcorn buds.
Depending on the bud a 1 quarter pound to 1 lb of butter should be pretty strong.

make a test batch by reducing the numbers to an 1/8 oz. and 1/4lb of butter with good bud.

cook with it and check out the buzz, note duration from ingestion, note length of buzz, any negative symptoms and try and classify buzz you get in your head, write that shit down.

than do a second batch with now 1 oz of misc material and 1/4lb butter and butter is the same as the QP and LB of butter.
cook with it and compare to full bud version.

You will have a good working knowledge from that point it's all about time, temp and ingredients.

My butter recipe based on the above info

1 oz. good bud roughly ground
1 lb un-salted Butter
2 cups water

prep the bud by the process called Decarboxilation, Decarb takes the compound THCN and converts it to THC with heat and time.
place ground bud on foil sheet ( not pan) in oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes or until you touch it and it is crunchy.
Decarb is a natural process, as bud gets dry to the point of crunch it is naturally Decarbed.

tools needed;
hand towel
pyrex measuring cup
(cup that fits below lid of closed crockpot)
ladies stocking
rubber gloves
plastic container with lid that will hold water and butter for cooling

place Pyrex inside of crockpot wrap in hand towel.

Pour in enough water to have a 1" reservoir and a wet towel to wrap around cup.
(Wet towel helps heat transfer from crockpot to Pyrex)

put butter and water in Pyrex, place crockpot on medium and wait for butter to completely melt.

add ground Decarbed bud to butter water mixture, stir in slowly, cover and wait.

Low and Slow is the best butter IMHO, use your heat gun to keep temp at 200-210.

I go by a time minimum of 3 hours, it should look glossy black green color when done.

Some people will go 24 hours, I find 3-4 hours to make nice strong butter.

Remove cup from crockpot and let cool till you can handle the cup and contents without being burnt.

Strain mixture into a plastic container thru ladies stocking, I stretch stocking over plastic container.

squeeze excess butter out of stocking by hand, make sure you are wearing gloves or you will get high thru skin contact!

( if you own a ricer, they make an excellent press instead of using your hands.)
(I broke a cheap ricer doing this so watch out you don't drop your work!)

place closed container in refrigerator for 24 hours.

keep stocking with ball of squoze bud n butter in freezer for topical use or add to an cold alcohol tincture.

next day just open container punch a hole in the "Butter Cookie" floating on the water, drain water.

You got butter!

That is Just my recipe !
(gathered from info around the internet and tested in about 100 batches of everthing baked from cookies to muffins and brownies!)

there are quite a few other recipes so try a few and decide what works best for you.

a teaspoon should be a strong dose, try it and decide or yourself.

Double boiler is exactly what I am making.
I don't own one but I do have a crockpot!

since you bring. Up the double boiler, both kitchen. Tools reduce the chance of burning the butter while cooking.
That is the reason you add the water to the butter too, it reduces the chance of burning your butter.

put all your trim in a a crockpot then fill with water up to the top of your trim so all your trim is wet and in the water, now add butter n put it on low let it go for 3 days or more and it will be one of the best, n if you got any trim that has smell still that's the best trim to use, the reason we use water is A:so it doesn't burn the butter B: the water will suck up the chlorphyll now strain the trim and collect all the water n squeeze the trim also into the water now discard trim , now put the water/butter mix into your fridge the butter will solidfy at the top of the water cut it out and boom theres some dank butter, also use non-salt butter one of the easiest the only hard part is straining and squeezing the excess out of the trim, I used some trim that had smell of the strain and it tasted just like the dank I smoked :)
put all your trim in a a crockpot then fill with water up to the top of your trim so all your trim is wet and in the water, now add butter n put it on low let it go for 3 days or more and it will be one of the best, n if you got any trim that has smell still that's the best trim to use, the reason we use water is A:so it doesn't burn the butter B: the water will suck up the chlorphyll now strain the trim and collect all the water n squeeze the trim also into the water now discard trim , now put the water/butter mix into your fridge the butter will solidfy at the top of the water cut it out and boom theres some dank butter, also use non-salt butter one of the easiest the only hard part is straining and squeezing the excess out of the trim, I used some trim that had smell of the strain and it tasted just like the dank I smoked :)

Why do you let it go for 3 days? That's a bit excessive don't you think? I use trim for making butter all the time and I only let it go for 6 hours, just until you can see the oil floating on top and no more crap bubbling up.