Hey cannibineer!

i find that hard to believe c2g as you're not exactly the dullest knife in the drawer either.. :D
I'm thinking when it comes to Annie and others, even the spoons are lethal. There are some minds here that are on the cusp of true genius and I love to float down their streams of consciousness, at least the rivers they deem fit to share that is, for I know that the waters run very deep for some.
Yes he does.... long prior to this :) One of the smartest I've ever met and I do not say that lightly. I've known some in the real heavy weight class and he's up there.

Yes he is, you little penguin of the obvious you ;)

I'm not ;)

Holy shit batman,

Your Avi, I ate the mac & cheese inside last night.

I got the munchies last night and was digging trough my pantry and found some weird brand of mac & cheese

it's funny how recognizable some of us are by a simple pix next to our user name..
i have come to realize this with the recent vice video debacle .. i must have gotten a good 100 pm's from members telling me that they saw my avi on a vice video, and the crazy part was, it flashed up so fast idk if i'd even have seen it myself ...
i too have grown to love c/n's bear avi, and was shocked to see it changed recently.. i understand the need for change, and have thought about changing mine up as well, but idk, i'm kinda attached to johnny..

Yeah, you famously called Arjan a douche. I lol'd when I saw it, thought about sending you a PM and then realized you would probably get a million already.
I'll think about it, room. ;)
I've had some interesting stuff happen to me lately, and felt motivated to make a change. The change need not be permanent, at least on the surface.

Aaaaaw man. Gone and made the switch. That's whats up man!! I love the choice too. It is extremely fitting. I lol'd when I saw it!