Cool Documentary


Well-Known Member
It is long but full of history.


New Member
Heres one more cool documentary to watch while tokin' [video=youtube;VwRIZHOHBLE][/video]

Mr. Outdoors

Well-Known Member
sohigh, thank you and damn you. Thank you for posting that documentary it was a very good documentary that I had not seen. Damn you for posting such a good documentary that an hour into it I was getting a phone call from the Mrs. asking where the hell I was. She had been off work and I forgot to go pick her True story.


Well-Known Member
Wow, thank you... The film basically brought me to tears... Amazing watch.

I hope the world can wake up soon.


Well-Known Member
sohigh, thank you and damn you. Thank you for posting that documentary it was a very good documentary that I had not seen. Damn you for posting such a good documentary that an hour into it I was getting a phone call from the Mrs. asking where the hell I was. She had been off work and I forgot to go pick her True story.
Holy Shit dude you must have been on one hell of a roll..lmfao Tell the Ol'lady my fault and from now on I'll post cool shit in the A.M,


Well-Known Member
Holy Shit dude you must have been on one hell of a roll..lmfao Tell the Ol'lady my fault and from now on I'll post cool shit in the A.M,
the cat in your avitar is bouncing to the same beat in my solid ass headphones right now! EDM for life!1

Mr. Outdoors

Well-Known Member
So you know I had to wait until this morning to finish the doc. She was having no part of me watching the rest last night. I was so entrenched in the computer screen yesterday the house could have burned down around Not gonna blame it on you sohigh. No sense of both of us being on her bad side. Lucky for me she is a forgiving woman...thank god for that or I would have spent a lot of time in the dog house the past 18 years.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear all is well Mr. Outdoors. My wife has a little temper on her as well(Irish) gets mad for a minute
than it's like it never happened.Until the next time I do something wrong and I hear about everything I've
done since the dawn of Love her,can't kill her.