Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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bird dog

Well-Known Member
Hey there Rosie and stew. Wondering if you heard from dank today? I looked back into the thread and did'nt see him here. I hope he has some smoke to help the cause.


Well-Known Member
Hey there Rosie and stew. Wondering if you heard from dank today? I looked back into the thread and did'nt see him here. I hope he has some smoke to help the cause.
he has the funeral tomorrow:(
Please keep him and his family in your
prayers. Yes, he has that covered;)

Dank get some rest tonight sweetie;)


joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
My comment pissed you off? Wo cares? You aren't Dank. And what I meant was there are a ton of comments talking about nothing to do with the bud. And lets not use the last few pages as your scapegoat. I'm talking about the hundreds before that where y'all just yap about nothing. So get pissed all you want!

And no, I'm not including you Dank. I understand your situation and know its tough.

I can tell by my comment that there are a few of you that feel like this is your thread too and that's why your getting mad. Start your own or how about someone start a daily chat forum? If you can't see that I said my comments with no hard feelings, you get angry and want to retaliate and then argue with this then I can see that it isn't me. Remember, it isnt your thread so dont argue with my idea. If Danks fine with it then so be it. Is it hard to understand that some of us don't live on here, can't check every hour and it makes it impossible to see the useful info when there's a bunch of nonsense.

Sorry if I've offended you Dank. Its just hard to keep up with nothingness when you have a life to live. I'm sure you understand where I'm coming from.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Funeral? That's how much junk is in here. I couldn't even find out that his mom passed. I've lost a parent and know there's nothing one can say to make the pain go away. It will get better. Remember the good times, don't regret the bad and look forward to making those same memories with your own.


Well-Known Member
Could we all take and have a moment of silence today to honor Dank's mama Ms Marie please?

Rest with the angels dear lady, may God's grace be upon you and your family. God speed.♥


Well-Known Member
Because he is obviously on for a limited time a day and this thread is too popular for him to deal with.
All i'm gonna say about that.

Dank, Hope everything goes good today. Hit me up if you need to talk or anything.. Got a bunch of gardening to do so i'll make sure i have my phone with me.


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody!:lol:

Rosey here, ... the funeral begins at 7 PM tonight, so all of you who are part of the family here, and you know who you are;););)

too many for me to write lol Bak, Stew, Mad Hamish, Beech, and the rest of you...won't you take a moment at 7 PM and pray a silent prayer for mama Marie, Dank and his loved ones?


thank you everybody,..Dank loves you all and so do I!!!! God bless.


Active Member
BOTH? lol.... thought I am not sure how interesting the balls conversation would go..... ;) j/k

Dank- you have complete control over this thread bro... If you want us to dial it back a bit we will. But when we did you said not to. lol So we came back to give you some reading material.
I'd never wanna end up in the Dunce Cap:dunce: sitting in the corner like a 2 year old..... kneeling on rice or leaning forward putting my nose on the fridge with my hands behind my back.. HAHA my mom was so evil! or maybe I was just not such a good kid?
I thought I was the only that got the rice in knees treatment , not unlike the "nose in the book " from the cartoons ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey dank. in case you pop on this morning. Send me a PM. i should be up by like 11. so hopefully i can catch you while you're on. :)

Hope you're doing ok bro. talk to ya later
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