My Ghetto Cali Grow Closet (Legal)


Well-Known Member
Ok i MADE TEA lmao here are the pics of the process i used a high grade tea boiling net... View attachment 2795812View attachment 2795813View attachment 2795814View attachment 2795815View attachment 2795816
As THC isn't water shoulda just done an ISO extraction. Its not too hard and gets majorly easy with a little practice. I fell IN LOVE with ISO during my grows. Its just so vercitle. It will strip the goodies from any plant matter you got.....Got just fan leaves? Desperete? DO an ISO was with them. Tastes like shit, but it will produce a high. Been there, done it.


Well-Known Member
As THC isn't water shoulda just done an ISO extraction. Its not too hard and gets majorly easy with a little practice. I fell IN LOVE with ISO during my grows. Its just so vercitle. It will strip the goodies from any plant matter you got.....Got just fan leaves? Desperete? DO an ISO was with them. Tastes like shit, but it will produce a high. Been there, done it.
Im sure ANYTHING is boiled water soluble when done long enough lol btw link me to an iso extracter


Well-Known Member
Wish I had the patience to go through all the posts...however I'm still gonna through my thoughts out there, for whatever their worth.

#Keep CFLS as close as you can to your plants.
@GO with as many CFLS as you can.
# With only a few CFLS during flowering, you need to keep the plants very small in order to get the most out of the buds your plants will produce. Keep em very small.
# And for god sakes, save up some money, however you can. And get some Fox FArm Ocean Forrest soil. Its less than 20 for a 1.5 cubic foot bag. And it will be TOTALLY worth it. Do it man. Don't think about it, just do it. FFOF is fantastic.


Well-Known Member
Im sure ANYTHING is boiled water soluble when done long enough lol btw link me to an iso extracter
Uh, nope. If it ain't water sauluable it aint water soluble. When people do like you did, they add something fatty to it for the THC to bind to. Milk, butter oil.


Well-Known Member
Uh, nope. If it ain't water sauluable it aint water soluble. When people do like you did, they add something fatty to it for the THC to bind to. Milk, butter oil.
Well my roomate drank the whole thing and she just told me it feelse as if she smoked a half a blunt plus she said its like relaxing a body high


Well-Known Member
Im sure ANYTHING is boiled water soluble when done long enough lol btw link me to an iso extracter

Google will give you better teks on it, but heres the short.

Take your bud/trim./leaf put in glass jar with lid. fill ISO just above the plant matter. If your plant matter has lots of trichs on it, and you are going for a pure final product then you will want to do multiple washes. Eash wash only being 5-10 seconds before being drained of ISO. So as to not pull out any Chlorophyl. If the ISO is clear, great, if its tinted green then its pulling chlorophyll. Then just let dry. Please think twice before quick drying the ISO in a double burner. I had a glass pyrex dish shatter explosively one night doing it. and the ISO is highly flammable. Was a close call for me.

This method is more my own personal one and maybe not the best way. The above one is though. If your material is of low quality then let it soak for a bit, few minutes and shake that shit a lot.then repeat. The ISO will be a dark green color. Evap and the scrape up and smoke.!! Done it this way many a times with fan leaves and stems and stalks.

Again, google will give you a more organized tut on this. Good luck. Show it off if you do it! Send me a PM to remind me if you post pics.


Staff member
weed is only fat soluable water doesnt work they will not get high no matter what they tell u


Well-Known Member
Well my roomate drank the whole thing and she just told me it feelse as if she smoked a half a blunt plus she said its like relaxing a body high
Yeah, I've read of other people on the web saying the same thing about it, but I just doubt it. Take a little time and google THC water soluble. I'm not saying she's lying, just that I don't see how its possible. Because THC isn't water soluable it needs something to bind itself to. Which in its case, is fat. Milk, butter, oil.


Well-Known Member
So you are telling me that if i boil oil in water it wont work ? Lmao you guys are pros right ? At the local cannabis club they sell weed tea ...whats your take on that ?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've read of other people on the web saying the same thing about it, but I just doubt it. Take a little time and google THC water soluble. I'm not saying she's lying, just that I don't see how its possible. Because THC isn't water soluable it needs something to bind itself to. Which in its case, is fat. Milk, butter, oil.
Thats the key word ...THC its prob not.that its prob the CBD that she feels


Well-Known Member
So you are telling me that if i boil oil in water it wont work ? Lmao you guys are pros right ? At the local cannabis club they sell weed tea ...whats your take on that ?
1st off, I'm not pro. I just grew for a few years and learned a lot by reading my ass off and from what other people on this site have taught me. I consider myself a Novice/intermediate.

Off of Wikipedia::: An aromatic terpenoid, THC has a very low solubility in water, but good solubility in most organic solvents, specifically lipids and alcohols.[SUP][3]

I'm sure that the place that makes that tea, uses something that is fatty in order to make the tea good. Also, I said it wasn't soluable, and apparently it is to some degree, So I stand corrected on that one. Either way , it just ain't worth it to do it with water.[/SUP]


Well-Known Member
1st off, I'm not pro. I just grew for a few years and learned a lot by reading my ass off and from what other people on this site have taught me. I consider myself a Novice/intermediate.

Off of Wikipedia::: An aromatic terpenoid, THC has a very low solubility in water, but good solubility in most organic solvents, specifically lipids and alcohols.[SUP][3]

I'm sure that the place that makes that tea, uses something that is fatty in order to make the tea good. Also, I said it wasn't soluable, and apparently it is to some degree, So I stand corrected on that one. Either way , it just ain't worth it to do it with water.[/SUP]
Did you read what i said about the CBD ?


Well-Known Member
Did you read what i said about the CBD ?
Here we go, from wiki

Cannabidiol is insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents, such as pentane. At room temperature it is a colorless crystalline solid.[SUP][53][/SUP] In strongly basic medium and the presence of air it is oxidized to a quinone.[SUP][54][/SUP] Under acidic conditions it cyclizes to THC.[SUP][55][/SUP] The synthesis of cannabidiol has been accomplished by several research groups.[SUP][56][/SUP][SUP][57][/SUP][SUP][58][/SUP]
[h=3]Biosynthesis[edit source | editbeta][/h]

But I belive that there are other Cannabinoids that are water saluable to a degree.


Staff member
So you are telling me that if i boil oil in water it wont work ? Lmao you guys are pros right ? At the local cannabis club they sell weed tea ...whats your take on that ?
they make it with a fat like milk not water