To have a bug-out bag and what to have in it.

sgt john

Well-Known Member
Been seeing a lot of prepper stuff lately, and I think having a bag I could have things in there that i would need if I had to leave suddenly for a few days for what ever reason, would be a good ideal.

Besides the basic items like fire starting things, food, medical and water, would else would be a good thing to have in there?
i keep a rolled up tarp, rope, first aid kit, flash light flares and flare gun, latex gloves, dust mask, dry food like protein bars 3600 calorie bars, and army rations, socks, underwear, 1 change of clothes basically, pocket knife, mini axe, map of my general surrounding area, a bigger map of canada, a mini tool kit (screwdriver kinda thing), 1 pot, matches, lighters, water purification tablets, pepper spray, duct tape, basic fire starter, poncho, compass,whistle, sewing kit, playing cards, book on survival information, what kinda plants you can eat kinda thing,
theres a few other things
but make sure to have at least 2 one with you at all times like in a car, and the other at home
my biggest tip is dont pack for 1 sort of disaster situation like a zombie outbreak or plague pack for any disaster
Thought about even all the insurance info, photo id's and stuff like that, but what if some one breaks into the home and steals the damn bag with all the info in it..
Thought about even all the insurance info, photo id's and stuff like that, but what if some one breaks into the home and steals the damn bag with all the info in it..

i keep those things in my purse so im not too worried about them your general driver license and such should be in your wallet at all times, trust me in a disaster that wipes out most of the human population they wont care about your passport lol
i keep a rolled up tarp, rope, first aid kit, flash light flares and flare gun, latex gloves, dust mask, dry food like protein bars 3600 calorie bars, and army rations, socks, underwear, 1 change of clothes basically, pocket knife, mini axe, map of my general surrounding area, a bigger map of canada, a mini tool kit (screwdriver kinda thing), 1 pot, matches, lighters, water purification tablets, pepper spray, duct tape, basic fire starter, poncho, compass,whistle, sewing kit, playing cards, book on survival information, what kinda plants you can eat kinda thing,
theres a few other things
but make sure to have at least 2 one with you at all times like in a car, and the other at home
my biggest tip is dont pack for 1 sort of disaster situation like a zombie outbreak or plague pack for any disaster

Really smart, I completely missed the map and also having 2 bags, thanks Sunni
Bug out bags are crucial.
Sunni pretty much covered it, Though for recreation i keep a head stash in rotation in the bag as well.
Additionally a few boxes of .308 rounds for the Remmy 700m. Can never be too careful.
i dont keep guns for a few reasons

one im a female and if someone notices i have a gun they will want it and they will do whatever they can to have it
two i can easily pick up "big" weapons on the way throughout my travels

if in a disaster i wanna be the stay out of sight in mind, up in trees kinda person LOL
Seen the little solar panels for charging things, or the hand crank ones, like RingSixty mentioned..

I kinda went overboard with the medical supplies, surgical kits with the surgical needle and thread, different ones, also the blood clotting agent..
i keep a rolled up tarp, rope, first aid kit, flash light flares and flare gun, latex gloves, dust mask, dry food like protein bars 3600 calorie bars, and army rations, socks, underwear, 1 change of clothes basically, pocket knife, mini axe, map of my general surrounding area, a bigger map of canada, a mini tool kit (screwdriver kinda thing), 1 pot, matches, lighters, water purification tablets, pepper spray, duct tape, basic fire starter, poncho, compass,whistle, sewing kit, playing cards, book on survival information, what kinda plants you can eat kinda thing,
theres a few other things
but make sure to have at least 2 one with you at all times like in a car, and the other at home
my biggest tip is dont pack for 1 sort of disaster situation like a zombie outbreak or plague pack for any disaster

What? no weed?
What? no weed?

Lol. My bug out bag would probably contain some weed, a bowl, and a lighter.... I'm not trying to ride out the zombie apocalypse... Just plan on getting really stoned and doing some crazy shit before the world sucks and I end up dying ha. :blsmoke:
Weed, mescalin, Richard Pryor albums, water purification tabs, bourbon, energy bars, radio, extra batteries for radio, leatherman multitool, black licorice, more mescalin, Archie comics, moleskin, sweatshirt, heavy duty gloves, dried dates, condoms, socks, rope, duct tape, WD40, and one pair of lacy underwear. Dude's gotta be prepared no matter how weird shit gets.
Weed, mescalin, Richard Pryor albums, water purification tabs, bourbon, energy bars, radio, extra batteries for radio, leatherman multitool, black licorice, more mescalin, Archie comics, moleskin, sweatshirt, heavy duty gloves, dried dates, condoms, socks, rope, duct tape, WD40, and one pair of lacy underwear. Dude's gotta be prepared no matter how weird shit gets.
nice rape kit. , sunnis rape kit is a little more functional though
I would have weed ,coke, a lighter,and arizona green tea . O and a bag of exxtra flaming hot cheetos,a gun and a pocket pussy!!! Done
I would just have a ghillie suit and gun... Kill and steal from others as needed. If it's a huge disaster, I don't think a little bag of supplies will last long. People with a lot of friends and connections will be best off. Which I don't have.