First HPS Grow - 600w - Multiple Strains - Closest


Well-Known Member
Yeah they are pretty close together, closer to the top and middle they are about 1 1/2". Lower branches obviously little more stretch. What's a good range to stay within? Make sure I get them dense flowers.
What PPM was last feed and when? Waht you mean by range?


Well-Known Member
Ok,That is without the tap PPM RT? As big as they are think you can do 600ppm,Id hit em again with another 300ppm.
Went and mixed a gallon,mine 160tap 760ppm-160=600ppm yea thts good.
Are you can wait and do 600 after water water.
I really think they look great,your in for a Ride now when flip.
That 600hps is gonna BLOW em up!


Well-Known Member
Hello,You gone? Gonna bed down here soon.........

Damn Bro,coulda said ya had to go.
Sorry man I was just getting ready for bed. Thanks I am pretty happy with them so far, they seem to be doing great. Yeah the 300ppm was without tap. I'll probably give them another 300ppm tomorrow with the watering, then will probably flower next week. And I am going to bed now though so we can continue tomorrow. Time for bed.


Well-Known Member
So I got more shots of the Plato plants. I lstd three of them one or two times and left one alone. I plan on feeding again today with another 300ppm, so they'll be getting 600ppm total. I will probably start flowering them next week when they hit week 6 of vegging.


Well-Known Member
Look great,Nice work those would make a great scrog plant.
Something to think about if you have some more.

Have you ever given plants a good Bath? I spray mine down GOOD with a spray bottle
with water and use jsut alittle dish soap as a surfactant.
Making sure to get the under sides of every leaf,can help plants in alot of ways.
ps.Only in Vegg,ive never done in flower.
Also after they dry rinse real good with just water.


Well-Known Member
Look great,Nice work those would make a great scrog plant.
Something to think about if you have some more.

Have you ever given plants a good Bath? I spray mine down GOOD with a spray bottle
with water and use jsut alittle dish soap as a surfactant.
Making sure to get the under sides of every leaf,can help plants in alot of ways.
ps.Only in Vegg,ive never done in flower.
Also after they dry rinse real good with just water.
Thanks, I was thinking the same thing but I like to move and look at my plants to much to tie them down into a screen. I never tried giving my plants a bath, I'll have to give that a try.


Well-Known Member
White text. :) great info though :).... Beech can you delete posts in anything besides your MOD zone? just wondering cause this one troll popped on at 6am and i had gone to bed. he had spammed the shit out of threads in GMG including rosey's and one titled "flowering"

ADT- sorry this is not your grow related. just happened to see BEECH here last :)


Well-Known Member
Leaf stomata are the principal means of gas exchange in vascular plants. Stomata are small pores, typically on the undersides of leaves, that are opened or closed under the control of a pair of banana-shaped cells called guard cells (see figure above). When open, stomata allow CO[SUB]2[/SUB] to enter the leaf for synthesis of glucose, and also allow for water, H[SUB]2[/SUB]O, and free oxygen, O[SUB]2[/SUB], to escape. In addition to opening and closing the stomata (stomata behavior), plants may exert control over their gas exchange rates by varying stomata density in new leaves when they are produced (such as in the spring or summer). The more stomata per unit area (stomata density) the more CO[SUB]2[/SUB] can be taken up, and the more water can be released. Thus, higher stomata density can greatly amplify the potential for behavioral control over water loss rate and CO[SUB]2[/SUB] uptake.

BEECH- there's the black text for you. :)


Well-Known Member

I wanted to add, on the pollen topic...

Water neutralizes pollen somehow. If you fear a banan-burst, then you
can spray the plants off to neutralize any pollen that landed on them.

...and then you get to worry about bud rot.

(this is the only time that I have seen it...weird looking == blanched white bud)

You can use a fan to keep that from being a problem too.

Just a thought.



Well-Known Member
Quick picture of the only current flowering plant, Unknown #1. It's at about 16-17inch now, good pre-flower growth starting, very sweet smell to do. It's been flowering for 9 days today, just fed recently with 400-450ppm. Thinking about boosting it to 6-700ppm next feed. The canopy is around 16-18" away from the light with no zero issues, can't feel the heat from the light that close so that's good, get some denser buds. I don't think I'm forgetting anything. Compared to a few weeks ago this thing has exploded after transplanting into the 5g bucket, then flipping a week or two later, plus all of the major LSTing I did with it. Happy so far with it, now I just hope for quality out of this completely random bagseed. Here is a pic, girl is gettin' big, try to go find he the last couple updates from this plant, growth is crazy. Loving this HPS.


Well-Known Member
Woke up this morning and my Black Domina x Bubblegum is standing tall, so it will be day one for her. The 3 BF 8 ball kush seeds are just starting to pop, will probably consider tomorrow day 1 for them. Still no sign of the Black Domina x Super Skunk, hoping she will pop soon as well. Thinking I will just top once or twice and do no lsting if I can get away with it. Need to try to keep the plants bushy, but not too wide. I'm more limited on width then height. You think one of those rings you use for tomatoes might well keep them in?