Flowering question (oh god, not another one!)


Well-Known Member
so i see these flowering posts everyday, so sorry about asking yet another question relating to the subject haha im wondering if somethings wrong with my plant because it isnt flowering yet? i live in texas, 33.16 degress north (i hope thats the right numbers. wasnt sure which was longtitude and which was latitude... the other numbers 96.37 tho), is it supposed to be flowering yet? i started it pretty late, like 2 months ago, but its gotten to be a pretty good size. So for future reference, when should i know to put it outside/when it its suppose to flower? i think in my last post someone said something about the hours of the day and gave me a link to a site that showed how many hours or light will be each day, but i couldnt find a day near this month that was even close to the hours he said would take it to flower. So, can anyone help?

basically, i live an hour from dallas


Well-Known Member
Pure power plant. Sweet, man I'm so excited now, this means my plant survived and itl be bud producing on my first grow! I FEEL LIKE A GOD!!!


Well-Known Member
Every plant takes it's own time regarding vegetation and flowering periods. However, a plant is most likely to bud when it perceives less light and more darkness.


Well-Known Member
yeah if you survived ya'lls heat down there she should be golden just watch for pest(animal and human LOL) how you plan to cure her?


Well-Known Member
yeah if you survived ya'lls heat down there she should be golden just watch for pest(animal and human LOL) how you plan to cure her?
only problem i have is grasshoppers, so i have some pesticide(which im not sure if i can use during flowering or not) and ill be mowing that land around there a shitload. Might put out some of that grasshoper bait, or whatevers its called, at the beginning of the year for the next grow and kill of as much as i can while their babies. i havnt even looked into curing yet, was gunna read up on that more when the time came lol


Well-Known Member
I'd read up before time. Personally I think the cure is the trickiest part cause if you over nut or do some other dumb stuff ( like I always do) you have a chance to recover. curing you basically get one shot.


Well-Known Member
I'd read up before time. Personally I think the cure is the trickiest part cause if you over nut or do some other dumb stuff ( like I always do) you have a chance to recover. curing you basically get one shot.
I was probly gunna start researching about a week before I knew I had to start the whole process, but I've got nothing but time so I guess I start readin up soon lol just a random question, I don't know it you would know this or not, but the pesticide stuff I'm using says its ok to use around dogs and people and shit, but I can get it on my skins.. And it doesn't specifically say I can use it on plants, does that mean I shouldn't use it during flowering?