Wondering how I am doing so far

Have had my clone in soil for about 3-4 days now. Have had two cfls on it for 24 hrs daily about 1-1.5 inches away. Doesnt look like its doing much yet, but I haven't given it any nutes, just a little water.

Was going to get Jungle Juice 3 pack for it and just use a portion of the chart like 1/4, 1/2 etc. But was told I should get and give 'fish mix' for it and swith right now to 12/12 but that doesn't sound right considering most of his don't grow. Any insight?


Well-Known Member
Have had my clone in soil for about 3-4 days now. Have had two cfls on it for 24 hrs daily about 1-1.5 inches away. Doesnt look like its doing much yet, but I haven't given it any nutes, just a little water.

Was going to get Jungle Juice 3 pack for it and just use a portion of the chart like 1/4, 1/2 etc. But was told I should get and give 'fish mix' for it and swith right now to 12/12 but that doesn't sound right considering most of his don't grow. Any insight?
sounds good, cant tell though without pictures... you should know that.. more threads appear with questions and no pictures...


Well-Known Member
I understand that. I'm mobile so I can't upload any new ones, but https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/712873-first-clone-setup-lemme-know.html this is my thread a few days ago when I started this clone. It has a few pics, not much has changed
hmm, i hear alot of people but while im on mobile, i got no problems uploading photos... not being a dick, but no pics and questions reguarding how your doing is pretty annoying when its on a daily basis.. not just you but alot of people. i get the the point i dont even respond and then they will post wondering why no one responds lol. i will look at the link and edit posting.

your fine for veg, your going to want to get a proper setup for flowering. You need smell control, i strongly reccoment HID lighting or else you will most likely not get yield you want..u need to know temps etc...
I'm getting a few more lights for it, you know anything about that fish mix he's talking about? I'm still wanting to get jungle juice. Btw sry about the picture thing.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting a few more lights for it, you know anything about that fish mix he's talking about? I'm still wanting to get jungle juice. Btw sry about the picture thing.
its fine, no clue about any of them nutes. i dont use them. your gonna want alot of cfls for flowering so you get decent bud weight.
Yea, thanks for that input, I didn't even think of trying hid lights but they aren't too much more per bulb than the 42 watts. Ill get a fan if they put out a lot of heat, I can open and vent in the daytime for the closet. But ill definately look into hids for flowering. That way I can use the florescents for the seedlings and small clones. Does that sound good?


Well-Known Member
Yea, thanks for that input, I didn't even think of trying hid lights but they aren't too much more per bulb than the 42 watts. Ill get a fan if they put out a lot of heat, I can open and vent in the daytime for the closet. But ill definately look into hids for flowering. That way I can use the florescents for the seedlings and small clones. Does that sound good?
250w of cfl wont compare to 250w of hid. the hid will get you better results while using the same electric


Well-Known Member
Fish Emultion is a great natural fertilizer for weed...it's your choice but FE is cheap and all natural...g/l
That's actually seeming a better choice vs. Others. Any good feeding schedule using fish emulsion? I may just get this and 2 hids lol.
2013-09-02 09.50.17.jpg2013-09-02 09.55.57.jpg

So it's been about a week since I brought my clone home and planted it. Started it on fish emulsion a few days ago and it looks like in about 2.5 days it's starting to blow up. How's everything looking? I'm just doing about 1/2 tsp of the Fish Emulsion to a bottle of water and it seemed to like that a bit. Is it normal for the plant to get brown/yellowish on the tips of just the lower leaves? And I understand the nutrient deficiency thing, but some of the bottom leaves are dying lol everything else is healthy. anyways I just wanted to update and see how I am doing :)

2013-08-31 16.24.41.jpg And this picture is from when I brought the plant home :)


Well-Known Member
Looks good. I would trash the tinfoil. It creates hotspots. Buy Mylar from walmart in the camping section. It's called emergency blanket. The spots your talking about looks a bit like nute burn. I would add you dosage to a gallon or feed every other watering.
Alright ill give it a try. When I got the clone it had already had those spots. I watered it today with some fish emulsion so ill see in a few days what its doing and just put regular water in it.

Edit: Just was wondering, when would I be able to start cloning this plant?