Funny you mention that... Mate I'd LOVE to get to eat South Africa's export grade fruit all the time. We hardly get to see that shit. All goes straight over to the USA and Europe.
I know a few places I can go and pick my own straight off the trees, of the export quality. Sugar content is through the roof, South African juices made from 100 percent PURE fruit is not able to be legally sold as fruit juice because of the insane sugar content. To be called 'fruit juice' as opposed to 'fruit nectar' it needs to be diluted, can you bloody believe that?!?!
But yeah keep buying those fruits mate, our economy is FUCKED and we need the dollars comin' in. By buying you are helping farms on the brink of bankruptcy stay afloat. Work is NOT seasonal so you are also helping families keep a job and a house. You are also assisting the new wave of young black farmers get on their feet, land reform is not going to work unless these next-generation cats make their money. Not only that but you are helping our currency keep some value, with the way the Rand is taking a beating against the Dollar, Pound and Euro fuel prices are going to force basic goods to get SOOOO expensive... most of our country is already reduced to a single meal a day mate. 80 percent of our people live below the poverty line...
Buy them oranges and you are really helping out