Cocky Ignorance ...


Well-Known Member
Meddie, you just don't get it. Your opinion of me is worthless if you refuse to back up your words. You say I don't affect you, yet you just can't seem to get me out of your pea brain.

Why do you keep tickling me if you don't want to play?:confused:
Alright man, we get it. You demeaned and ridiculed Medicineman to the point where he put you on ignore, a wins a win. Now you are just provoking him on every damn thread to get a rise out of him. As much as I enjoy liberals getting the smack down, it gets to the point where now you are becoming the asshole.

You defeated him, congratulations. Now you are just adding insult to injury, be the bigger man yo.


Well-Known Member
Alright man, we get it. You demeaned and ridiculed Medicineman to the point where he put you on ignore, a wins a win. Now you are just provoking him on every damn thread to get a rise out of him. As much as I enjoy liberals getting the smack down, it gets to the point where now you are becoming the asshole.

You defeated him, congratulations. Now you are just adding insult to injury, be the bigger man yo.
He throws his opinion of me out there regardless of whether I respond to him or not. He jerks me off then disappears when it's time for the payoff. He abuses the protection ignore provides him and I'm calling him out.

EDIT: Okay, Zen. Let's say you are correct. I propose an experiment. I will confine my words to germane responses to legitimate posts. No attacks. I won't mention his current tactics whenever he insults me. We'll let them accumulate - for now. I'll even take my cue from you. When YOU'VE had enough of his bellyaching about me without a response on my part, you let me know somehow.

I know I can be an asshole. I have the capacity in me to be the Elvis Presley of assholes. But I respect you. You say you've had enough. I'll do as I say and behave.
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Well-Known Member
You bandy the word liberty about like a broad ax, trying to knock the idea into peoples heads.
I would like to see an example please.

True Liberty comes from within.
I cannot deny the statement. True liberty comes from within. I like that.

Your Idea of liberty is the enslavement of the poor to allow you to do as you please,
I have a problem with this one. The Emancipation Proclamation was issued in 1863. Enslavement of the poor? Please show me some specific examples.

"don't touch my money",
Fucking A. Don't touch my money. Just don't.

"you don't need Medical",
Everyone needs medical. It's just not my responsiblity to provide it.

"get off your ass and become wealthy like me" etc. A perspective from priveledge is not available to all,
Why not? America is the land of opportunity or we wouldn't currently be flooded with illegals bringing the third world with them.

Red, most are born into enslavement, extremely few escape.
Bullshit. Were you born into shackles? I know I wasn't. The Civil Rights Act; prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin; passed in 1964. True liberty comes from within.

Slavery exists on the African Continent with the consent of Muslim governments. Most slaves in America were brought here illegally for sex or other illicit purposes.

You are one of the "lucky" ones.
Are you 'lucky' too? Or did you work your butt off to achieve what you have?


New Member
Zen ...

Take a look at Johnny's last post. Hardly demeaning I would say. In fact, its just good, old fashioned rebuttal to someone with misdirected, uninformed thinking. On the other hand, MOST of Med's posts are demeaning to other members, or at least contain some demeaning statements.



New Member
Zen ...

Take a look at Johnny's last post. Hardly demeaning I would say. In fact, its just good, old fashioned rebuttal to someone with misdirected, uninformed thinking. On the other hand, MOST of Med's posts are demeaning to other members, or at least contain some demeaning statements.

Well, mostly to you, redd, as you seem obsessed with putting me down. As for Johnny wad, Call it a win if you will, I could care less. Madmen don't get a part in my dialog. BTW you are on the edge.


New Member
Well, mostly to you, redd, as you seem obsessed with putting me down. As for Johnny wad, Call it a win if you will, I could care less. Madmen don't get a part in my dialog. BTW you are on the edge.
Its not YOU I have been putting down, Med ... its your misdirected, unfortunate ideas. Personally, I think you are an OK guy. But, you are a person, like many, who has listened to false information for entirely to long. Its not surprising, really, as our society has been inundated with leftist propaganda for 70 years now. Its everywhere ... in our news media, in our schools, in our universities ... everywhere. There are those of us who at one time started asking some very uncomfortable questions of those in charge and didn't like the answers we received.

The information is out there for you Med. There was a book recommended in another thread that would be a good start. Here it is; "The Road To Serfdom," by F. A. Hayek.

Here's a condensed version for you and anyone else who may be interested: The Road To Serfdom



New Member
Look Vi, this is all good for the rich. The middle class down will not benefit from any of your Ideas. Libertarianism is 90% beneficial to the wealthy. It is detrimental to the Middle class down. Being free to do what you want with your money is all well and good if you have money. If you don't it is meaningless. In point of fact, by letting the rich off the hook, it would disporportionally affect the Middle class down, creating much more of a divide between the rich and poor. The Ideas of freedom are or should be: what a reasonable person would judge to be beneficial to all, no harm, no foul. I can't be free to come and live in your house, and visa-versa. Having the rich contribute more to the society (at the point of a gun as you say) is more beneficial to all, than letting them keep their loot. Hence the practice of progressive taxation. I'm sure if it didn't affect you so directly, you could see the benefit.


Well-Known Member
Look Vi, this is all good for the rich. The middle class down will not benefit from any of your Ideas. Libertarianism is 90% beneficial to the wealthy. It is detrimental to the Middle class down. Being free to do what you want with your money is all well and good if you have money. If you don't it is meaningless. In point of fact, by letting the rich off the hook, it would disporportionally affect the Middle class down, creating much more of a divide between the rich and poor. The Ideas of freedom are or should be: what a reasonable person would judge to be beneficial to all, no harm, no foul. I can't be free to come and live in your house, and visa-versa. Having the rich contribute more to the society (at the point of a gun as you say) is more beneficial to all, than letting them keep their loot. Hence the practice of progressive taxation. I'm sure if it didn't affect you so directly, you could see the benefit.
med, i think i understand you. your argument is that vi fears the system of taxation you advocate. i think vi's fears are rooted in that by taxing "the rich" to contribute to society at a higher rate than that of the poor, "the fiscal poor" will be able to rise in economic status by a method rooted in a split mentality between their own benefit and their countries. There is no cap that says the rich can't make any sort of more money in that system and at what point is a % increase going to offset the total amount of wages possible for you to earn? am i naive for thinking this?


New Member
med, i think i understand you. your argument is that vi fears the system of taxation you advocate. i think vi's fears are rooted in that by taxing "the rich" to contribute to society at a higher rate than that of the poor, "the fiscal poor" will be able to rise in economic status by a method rooted in a split mentality between their own benefit and their countries. There is no cap that says the rich can't make any sort of more money in that system and at what point is a % increase going to offset the total amount of wages possible for you to earn? am i naive for thinking this?
Exactly, I mean how much is enough. It seems the more one makes, the less he wants to share. My views are based on the more you make the more you give. A flat tax would burden the poor way more than the rich as well as a national sales tax; Example; flat tax 25% poor makes 12,000X25%= 3,000 or 9,000 left. Rich=200,000X25%=50,000 or 150,000 left, who is better off? National sales tax: 25%+ 8%+ another 5-20% in transportation taxes etc, roughly 50% 12,000 income,X 50%= 6,000, you do the math. a poor person spends all their income just to survive, so basically their income would be cut in half. A rich person would Have all their money untaxed at the source. They would just stop spending, go on Vacation to europe or points elsewhere and do their shopping, putting many small speciality shops out of business and creating a bankrupt society. Yeah, the fair tax would certainly be fair to the rich, but basically put all of us on a fixed income in the poor house.Why would a rich person pay a 25% tax on something when he could fly to europe and buy that new porsche, take a vacation, drive all around europe and ship it back and still save money? New porsche= 125,000. Tax=31,250, nice little vacation package.


New Member
Look Vi, this is all good for the rich. The middle class down will not benefit from any of your Ideas. Libertarianism is 90% beneficial to the wealthy. It is detrimental to the Middle class down. Being free to do what you want with your money is all well and good if you have money. If you don't it is meaningless. In point of fact, by letting the rich off the hook, it would disporportionally affect the Middle class down, creating much more of a divide between the rich and poor. The Ideas of freedom are or should be: what a reasonable person would judge to be beneficial to all, no harm, no foul. I can't be free to come and live in your house, and visa-versa. Having the rich contribute more to the society (at the point of a gun as you say) is more beneficial to all, than letting them keep their loot. Hence the practice of progressive taxation. I'm sure if it didn't affect you so directly, you could see the benefit.
Well Med .... I have to commend you for your excellent deportment in the forum over the past few days. The improvement is not only noticeable, but enjoyable as well. Thanks. :)

Now, I'm going to move aside and hope that Undertheice will comment on your above post.

Underthice? ... :)



New Member
you know what kills me about rich folks? take for instance, the walton family. they could make walmart the best fucking place in the world to their employees a excellent wage and benefits and still be the richest mofos in the world...instead you hear people talking about how much they hate walmart...and what a terrible place it is to work and shop...


New Member
you know what kills me about rich folks? take for instance, the walton family. they could make walmart the best fucking place in the world to their employees a excellent wage and benefits and still be the richest mofos in the world...instead you hear people talking about how much they hate walmart...and what a terrible place it is to work and shop...
What would that "excellent" wage be? How many benefits should they provide and what should they be? Try to make the comparisons to what the wages and benefits are now. I'm thinking that if WalMart is so oppressive to their employees ... why do 1,800,000 people work there? FORTUNE Global 500 2006: Wal-Mart Stores

WalMart is successful because they bring the largest amount of products to the market at the lowest possible price. Their customers are the best judges of WalMart ... the consumer rules. WalMart ranks #1 in retail stores.
