6th Michigan Medical Marijuana Conference

Anyone entered in the cup? The Pure Michigan Genetics are entering my Cannatonic pheno again calling it "Pure CBD", hoping they snag another cup. Be sure you guys all get to meet these guys and buy a couple packs of their seeds!
It would get my vote!
Anyone entered in the cup? The Pure Michigan Genetics are entering my Cannatonic pheno again calling it "Pure CBD", hoping they snag another cup. Be sure you guys all get to meet these guys and buy a couple packs of their seeds!

I entered some concentrate, /shurg we'll see
They accepted concentrates???? Thought it was an ironlabs thing and since they don't test concentrates anymore I figured that category was done.
They accepted concentrates???? Thought it was an ironlabs thing and since they don't test concentrates anymore I figured that category was done.

woot!! i might win!!


i entered it into the last one and they told me either we'd refund you or save it for the September one. it was at irons request to hold off until Sept as far as i understand..

i entered a tora bora/double bubble berry/blue diesel mix
"Mean Green Trim Machine"

I'd love to find some type of trimmer that does a good job. I'd be willing to fork out some dough for that, but everything I've seen so far is ridiculously expensive and does a piss-poor job.

They have one that costs about 15 G's...
"Mean Green Trim Machine"

I'd love to find some type of trimmer that does a good job. I'd be willing to fork out some dough for that, but everything I've seen so far is ridiculously expensive and does a piss-poor job.

EZtrim just came out with a smaller version of the Satellite named the drone.
It retails for 6k but, can be had for less most likely. I would be down to split
the costs with five other very trustworthy people if you know anyone. I have
seen the finished product of several of the top machines and Satellite is by FAR
the BEST, once you have good technique.

Mean green looks like the twister and works to good. On outdoor it's not
a bad thing but if your indoor looks like this


it can't be a good thing
This is the Satellite. You put it in wet and do you some touch up afterwards. As long
as you do not over fill it or leave it in to long, it does not come out looking machine trimmed.
Add some human artisan touch up trim afterwards and looks good.

Pretty wild...a preload huh? Guessing they won't have any preloaded there. Don't make me bring my Persei & Herc cart lol