Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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This thread is so much better with those two phucks on ignore, lifes to short to waste it on people who curse at you and call you names etc simply because you hold a different opinion, my apologies to all the good people out there,carry on.



This thread is so much better with those two phucks on ignore, lifes to short to waste it on people who curse at you and call you names etc simply because you hold a different opinion, my apologies to all the good people out there,carry on.

Hey, get lost. You are bringing nothing but strife. You bring the fire and can't stand the heat.

Withdraw in valor or not.
lol beware the laws of attraction doc...


[TD="width: 585"] People who grow their own food labeled 'extremist' by Dept. of Defense

Saturday, August 31, 2013 by: J. D. Heyes[/TD]

Learn more:

that "article" rambles about what other "sources" say, but provides no quotes to support their assertions beyond the entire judicial watch website and ALEX MOTHERFUCKING JONES!

any literary endeavour which cites Inforwars as a source is absolutely idiotic.

"natural news" is barely more credible than Infowars itself, but when it cites alex jones, it becomes nothing more than a retarded idiot child eating it's own feces.

seriously, INFOWARS????

why not dip all the way into crazy and post quotes from Glenn Beck, Ted Kaczynski or
I'm not going to your whackjob website

my web site?
Custer logic!

goldencheesrice please make amends...

An apology is a statement of remorse that you make when you've done something wrong. It can be difficult to apologize, but it can do a lot to heal relationships and rebuild trust. Follow these steps when you make an apology:
Express remorse.
Admit responsibility.
Promise that it won't happen again.
Don't offer excuses when you apologize. Otherwise, you'll sound as if you're trying to shift blame away from yourself and on to someone or something else.
my web site?
Custer logic!

goldencheesrice please make amends...

An apology is a statement of remorse that you make when you've done something wrong. It can be difficult to apologize, but it can do a lot to heal relationships and rebuild trust. Follow these steps when you make an apology:
Express remorse.
Admit responsibility.
Promise that it won't happen again.
Don't offer excuses when you apologize. Otherwise, you'll sound as if you're trying to shift blame away from yourself and on to someone or something else.

why should he kowtow to your pretentious demand for "ammends" for refusing to go to YOUR retarded website?

i went to YOUR website and was stunned at how obviously ignorant it was, and appalled at the way YOUR website cites ALEX MOTHERFUCKING JONES AS A SOURCE!

YOUR website is a joke, and one which is not at all funny.

if you dont want yourself associated with YOUR cited websites, dont cite them.

if i cite Podblanc or stormfront as sources i risk beiong associated with those ignorant pricks, just as your repeated references to "Naturalnews" firmly established your ideological alignment with said website, which uses ALEX SWEET JESUS CINNAMON TITTIES JONES AS A SOURCE!!!!!!
Back on subject about modified weed, As long as they can make the giantism gene, potency gene and smell gene improved so we can all grow huge stinky great buds I'm for it.
Imagine a bud the size of your leg or bigger that has 52% thc and smells to high heaven. That's my kind of science.
Back on subject about modified weed, As long as they can make the giantism gene, potency gene and smell gene improved so we can all grow huge stinky great buds I'm for it.
Imagine a bud the size of your leg or bigger that has 52% thc and smells to high heaven. That's my kind of science.

or superdwarf plants with no incriminating odour, which are ALL NUG?
i would grow the shit out of that.

or the legendary "Marijuanna Berries" of government fiction?
i would plant acres of Dope Berries.
I remember an old article in HT about a vine like weed grown in Mass or maine or something that stayed really short but spread out on the ground. Never grew above 2 feet but crawled out in every direction to be 8 feet around. He said it was super stealth and great.
I remember an old article in HT about a vine like weed grown in Mass or maine or something that stayed really short but spread out on the ground. Never grew above 2 feet but crawled out in every direction to be 8 feet around. He said it was super stealth and great.
That's called LST, bro.

my web site?
Custer logic!

goldencheesrice please make amends...

An apology is a statement of remorse that you make when you've done something wrong. It can be difficult to apologize, but it can do a lot to heal relationships and rebuild trust. Follow these steps when you make an apology:
Express remorse.
Admit responsibility.
Promise that it won't happen again.
Don't offer excuses when you apologize. Otherwise, you'll sound as if you're trying to shift blame away from yourself and on to someone or something else.

If natural news is your well spring of uniformed stupidity there is no way I would apologize to you (formerly Newstarget) is a website founded by Mike "the Health Ranger" Adams. The site promotes almost every sort of medical woo known, though it specializes in vaccine denialism,[SUP][1][/SUP] AIDS/HIV denial,[SUP][2][/SUP] quack cancer medicine[SUP][3][/SUP] and conspiracy theories about modern medicine.[SUP][4][/SUP] Even other quacks think it's a quack site.[SUP][5][/SUP] The site has recently expanded its outlook to become an outlet for extreme environmentalism and conspiracy theorizing about Obama and gun control.
If you cite NaturalNews on any matter whatsoever, you are almost certainly wrong.

Adams is a flat-out opponent[SUP][6][/SUP] of modern medicine and opposes any medication[SUP][7][/SUP] or doctor visits.[SUP][8][/SUP][SUP][9][/SUP] Adams calls himself a "holistic nutritionist"[SUP][10][/SUP] and is a raw food proponent[SUP][11][/SUP] who opposes food that contains sugar,[SUP][12][/SUP] food that was cooked[SUP][13][/SUP] or made to last,[SUP][14][/SUP] "red" meat,[SUP][15][/SUP] sweeteners,[SUP][16][/SUP] glutamate,[SUP][17][/SUP] homogenized milk,[SUP][18][/SUP] bread,[SUP][19][/SUP] "white" flour,[SUP][20][/SUP] washing powder,[SUP][21][/SUP] deodorants,[SUP][22][/SUP] shampoo[SUP][23][/SUP] and fluoride.[SUP][24][/SUP]
A recurring theme is the contrast between the site's exacting criticism of evidence-based medicine and its unquestioning acceptance of the appeal to nature, New Age and alternative medicine.[SUP][25][/SUP] This often involves rejection of the scientific method's application to medicine as "inherently flawed",[SUP][26][/SUP] repudiating the entire philosophy of modern medicine post-Pasteur.[SUP][27][/SUP] Adams is a firm germ theory denialist.[SUP][28][/SUP][SUP][29][/SUP][SUP][30][/SUP] Adams also conflates evidence-based medicine in general, the failings of Big Pharma and the US health insurance system: to him, it's all a monolithic entity called "mainstream medicine".[SUP][31][/SUP] The site blames the pharmaceutical industry for all vaguely drug-linked celebrity deaths rather than looking at any surrounding factors.[SUP][32][/SUP][SUP][33][/SUP][SUP][34][/SUP][SUP][35][/SUP]
The response to any alternative medicine claim, however, is blind acceptance, whether the topic at hand is homeopathy,[SUP][36][/SUP] chiropractic,[SUP][37][/SUP] dental woo,[SUP][38][/SUP] aspartame scares,[SUP][39][/SUP] vitamin woo,[SUP][40][/SUP] anti-vaccination panic[SUP][41][/SUP][SUP][42][/SUP] or detox diets.[SUP][43][/SUP]

Adams' love for woo isn't restricted to medicine. Cold fusion and so-called free energy ideas and devices like the Energy Catalyzer are presented on his website with the same enthusiasm as the latest alternative medicine fad.[SUP][59][/SUP][SUP][60][/SUP] He collects news about chemtrails.[SUP][61][/SUP] He is a 9/11 truther[SUP][62][/SUP], birther,[SUP][63][/SUP] and pretty much everything else-er. And a Sandy Hook denialist.[SUP][64][/SUP] He considers Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, and David Icke to be "REAL heroes"[SUP][65][/SUP] and Icke[SUP][66][/SUP] and[SUP][67][/SUP] to be reliable sources. Naturally, he supports Ron Paul and "health freedom",[SUP][68][/SUP] despite simultaneously supporting health care reform and Cuba's health care system. [SUP][69][/SUP]
He thinks Scientology (of which he is an ex-member) is treated unfairly.[SUP][70][/SUP][SUP][71][/SUP][SUP][72][/SUP] According to Adams, this is due to attempts by anti-religious bigots and (you guessed it) Big Pharma to oppress their belief system in order to protect their profits.
Adams has also issued his informed opinion of the 2012 Aurora, Colorado "Batman" shootings, declaring that they were "obviously" staged, or perhaps that the killer, James Holmes, was involved in "experimental" neuroscience that got out of hand.[SUP][73][/SUP] Furthermore, also the 2013 attacks on the Boston marathon is reported to be a false flag operation by "private military contractors".[SUP][74][/SUP]
Also, "conventional physics" is a conspiracy of the same sort as conventional medicine.[SUP][75][/SUP]
Adams' love for woo isn't restricted to medicine. Cold fusion and so-called free energy ideas and devices like the Energy Catalyzer are presented on his website with the same enthusiasm as the latest alternative medicine fad.[SUP][59][/SUP][SUP][60][/SUP] He collects news about chemtrails.[SUP][61][/SUP] He is a 9/11 truther[SUP][62][/SUP], birther,[SUP][63][/SUP] and pretty much everything else-er. And a Sandy Hook denialist.[SUP][64][/SUP] He considers Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, and David Icke to be "REAL heroes"[SUP][65][/SUP] and Icke[SUP][66][/SUP] and[SUP][67][/SUP] to be reliable sources. Naturally, he supports Ron Paul and "health freedom",[SUP][68][/SUP] despite simultaneously supporting health care reform and Cuba's health care system. [SUP][69][/SUP]
He thinks Scientology (of which he is an ex-member) is treated unfairly.[SUP][70][/SUP][SUP][71][/SUP][SUP][72][/SUP] According to Adams, this is due to attempts by anti-religious bigots and (you guessed it) Big Pharma to oppress their belief system in order to protect their profits.
Adams has also issued his informed opinion of the 2012 Aurora, Colorado "Batman" shootings, declaring that they were "obviously" staged, or perhaps that the killer, James Holmes, was involved in "experimental" neuroscience that got out of hand.[SUP][73][/SUP] Furthermore, also the 2013 attacks on the Boston marathon is reported to be a false flag operation by "private military contractors".[SUP][74][/SUP]
Also, "conventional physics" is a conspiracy of the same sort as conventional medicine.[SUP][75][/SUP]
Adams' love for woo isn't restricted to medicine. Cold fusion and so-called free energy ideas and devices like the Energy Catalyzer are presented on his website with the same enthusiasm as the latest alternative medicine fad.[SUP][59][/SUP][SUP][60][/SUP] He collects news about chemtrails.[SUP][61][/SUP] He is a 9/11 truther[SUP][62][/SUP], birther,[SUP][63][/SUP] and pretty much everything else-er. And a Sandy Hook denialist.[SUP][64][/SUP] He considers Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, and David Icke to be "REAL heroes"[SUP][65][/SUP] and Icke[SUP][66][/SUP] and[SUP][67][/SUP] to be reliable sources. Naturally, he supports Ron Paul and "health freedom",[SUP][68][/SUP] despite simultaneously supporting health care reform and Cuba's health care system. [SUP][69][/SUP]
He thinks Scientology (of which he is an ex-member) is treated unfairly.[SUP][70][/SUP][SUP][71][/SUP][SUP][72][/SUP] According to Adams, this is due to attempts by anti-religious bigots and (you guessed it) Big Pharma to oppress their belief system in order to protect their profits.
Adams has also issued his informed opinion of the 2012 Aurora, Colorado "Batman" shootings, declaring that they were "obviously" staged, or perhaps that the killer, James Holmes, was involved in "experimental" neuroscience that got out of hand.[SUP][73][/SUP] Furthermore, also the 2013 attacks on the Boston marathon is reported to be a false flag operation by "private military contractors".[SUP][74][/SUP]
Also, "conventional physics" is a conspiracy of the same sort as conventional medicine.[SUP][75][/SUP]
Adams' love for woo isn't restricted to medicine. Cold fusion and so-called free energy ideas and devices like the Energy Catalyzer are presented on his website with the same enthusiasm as the latest alternative medicine fad.[SUP][59][/SUP][SUP][60][/SUP] He collects news about chemtrails.[SUP][61][/SUP] He is a 9/11 truther[SUP][62][/SUP], birther,[SUP][63][/SUP] and pretty much everything else-er. And a Sandy Hook denialist.[SUP][64][/SUP] He considers Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, and David Icke to be "REAL heroes"[SUP][65][/SUP] and Icke[SUP][66][/SUP] and[SUP][67][/SUP] to be reliable sources. Naturally, he supports Ron Paul and "health freedom",[SUP][68][/SUP] despite simultaneously supporting health care reform and Cuba's health care system. [SUP][69][/SUP]
He thinks Scientology (of which he is an ex-member) is treated unfairly.[SUP][70][/SUP][SUP][71][/SUP][SUP][72][/SUP] According to Adams, this is due to attempts by anti-religious bigots and (you guessed it) Big Pharma to oppress their belief system in order to protect their profits.
Adams has also issued his informed opinion of the 2012 Aurora, Colorado "Batman" shootings, declaring that they were "obviously" staged, or perhaps that the killer, James Holmes, was involved in "experimental" neuroscience that got out of hand.[SUP][73][/SUP] Furthermore, also the 2013 attacks on the Boston marathon is reported to be a false flag operation by "private military contractors".[SUP][74][/SUP]
Also, "conventional physics" is a conspiracy of the same sort as conventional medicine.[SUP][75][/SUP]
That's called LST, bro. ;)
Plant would do it on it's own without any help, that is what made it so special. Think he said someone riped it and it was seeded at the time. Had pictures that showed it's growth and this was in the early 90's from what I remember. At the end of the article he said someone has a buch of seeds of these genetics that were in the bud at the time.
my web site?
Custer logic!

goldencheesrice please make amends...

An apology is a statement of remorse that you make when you've done something wrong. It can be difficult to apologize, but it can do a lot to heal relationships and rebuild trust. Follow these steps when you make an apology:
Express remorse.
Admit responsibility.
Promise that it won't happen again.
Don't offer excuses when you apologize. Otherwise, you'll sound as if you're trying to shift blame away from yourself and on to someone or something else.

So, go ahead get started. We are listening for the abjectness level and the lack of tap dance as you tell us you are sorry for spamming our forum.
Back on subject about modified weed, As long as they can make the giantism gene, potency gene and smell gene improved so we can all grow huge stinky great buds I'm for it.
Imagine a bud the size of your leg or bigger that has 52% thc and smells to high heaven. That's my kind of science.
The only problem is that would come with more government , think about it, everyone who wants weed legalized on a federal level hasnt really thought it through, put it this way, almost all the growers here would be out of business due to health dept regs, federal govern regs etc etc etc, we would become the home micro brew and those with money would become camel and marlborough , Monsanto needs to leave this area alone, it isnt going to increase anything except its bottom line.

btw, ignore undoer and dr dick, they are clueless and are only here to talk down to people and call them names.