Why do the leaves keep turning yellow and then dry up?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Thx for your help guys. I've been feeding them botanicare pure blend pro bloom 1-4-5, I put 15mL in a gallon and I also give them Cal-Mag 2-0-0 5mL. i feed them twice a week. I also give them molasses 1 tbsp and I use tap water that i let sit outside for more than 2 days.
I knew it! ;) Thanks for fessing up.

My recommendations and original assumptions still stand. No need for me to repeat myself.


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Compost teas...there are brands you can buy...then just mix and aerate with molasses for a night. They are basically guanos and other composted organic materials. By aerating/brewing with molasses the micros eat and break down all the nutrients so that is is available to your plants. Similar process to when you ammend soil...but it happens quicker when brewed in tea.
And what are the NPK values?
