subcool LOL!

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I think it's interesting that they claim "oh well, he has mod powers... nothing can be done." I mean, all it does is make the tool less cool, but what a poor statement for the riu forum owner(s).
I think it's interesting that they claim "oh well, he has mod powers... nothing can be done." I mean, all it does is make the tool less cool, but what a poor statement for the riu forum owner(s).

  • rollitup

    Forum AdminMr. Ganja
    Join DateMay 2006
    LocationSan Diego, CaliforniaPosts3,992


    I can't read that screenshot, but I'm sorry that happened. Subcool is a Mod in that forum, and can do that if he chooses to. Other Mods would not do that, as we've discussed at length how unethical it is. If you would like those posts to be deleted, please click on Report Post in that post and we will investigate​

So is there any way we can petition to get sub removed from riu?

I've given this guy multiple chances to act like a stand up citizen but he has failed miserably. After 2 bad orders of beans in the last year I'm done. Unstable genetics an lying breeders area dime a dozen but ones that portray them selves as gods. This is a whole new level of Dickism.
^^He apologized, called sub unethical, and told op how to have it deleted and investigated. I think that was a pretty decent response. They been through it with subs sub forum before I'm sure.
Rights right n wrongs wrong tho....u shldnt have the privelage of being a mod if ur going to severely abuse ur mod powers in that fashion...period...there's no ifs ands or buts abt that....what he did was wrong and very childish n thats ok...if thats the way he wants to present himself to the public thats fine w me it shows clearly who the better MAN is....and says a lot for his followers too I mite add
Mr vega i ask you to drop the discussion, you are in multiple threads abotu this i asked you to report your issues you refused
all you want to do is make him look bad and everyone swoon over you and your hurt feelings
you cant be a big complainer and want nothing done of it
Mr vega was told me PR and MYSELF to report his issues and they would be removed immediately
mr vega doesnt wanna do this end of story move on please
we cant help you if you dont want help
Rights right n wrongs wrong tho....u shldnt have the privelage of being a mod if ur going to severely abuse ur mod powers in that fashion...period...there's no ifs ands or buts abt that....what he did was wrong and very childish n thats ok...if thats the way he wants to present himself to the public thats fine w me it shows clearly who the better MAN is....and says a lot for his followers too I mite add

Here's the thing though...

1) This is a PRIVATE forum, as in privately owned. I went round and round with the denizens and mods about this on another much bigger board. (ridemonkey, it's a mountain biking forum) The conclusion we came to after talking to the owners bus lawyers is this: You have no rights on a privately owned forum. They can run it however they like, including moderating posts any way they like. If Subcool is their draw or if they're friends, well you can't expect much discipline.

2) At this point you are looking like a whiner and almost as big a tool as Subcool. If you did not report the posts to the mods as they asked then that's on you. I was there for the original thread about your seeds. He was going to send you seeds but much like here, you wouldn't let it drop. You kept dwelling on the issue and posting about it... I would have rescinded the offer too.

I don't like what Sub did to your post either, I think it shows his true nature as a human being and makes him look like a little bitch. But ranting and raving is not the way to get people on your side or to take a closer look at Subcool. Speak the truth, be calm and rational and people will listen. Give people solid info that they can learn from, like "Go look up the relationship between Suny Cheeba and Sub." or "Ask on the other forums why Subcool was banned." and you will get people listening.

I think you are fighting the good fight, Mr. Vega. I honestly think that in the future Subcool and TGA will do more harm to the MJ scene than good and I think it's beneficial for all of us if he isn't allowed to gain too much clout or power in this industry. (I feel the same about others, not just sub. I feel that our biggest worry and future enemy will be none other than Don Duncan, but that's another rant)

Just some advice. Hope it helps.

P.S. Guys, it's SUPER easy to report a post. Click the triangle, tell em why, hit submit. You all can't be telling me that 10 seconds is too much effort to report a post like that?
Mr vega i ask you to drop the discussion, you are in multiple threads abotu this i asked you to report your issues you refused
all you want to do is make him look bad and everyone swoon over you and your hurt feelings
you cant be a big complainer and want nothing done of it
Mr vega was told me PR and MYSELF to report his issues and they would be removed immediately
mr vega doesnt wanna do this end of story move on please
we cant help you if you dont want help

^^^ 70 other pages of us discussing SubCool's asshatery. I sure hope you mods don't plan on closing this gentlemanly discussion as well :eyesmoke:
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