Please delte account

Could any moderator delete this account? I love this site and just recently created a new username with my new email. I have no purpose for having a new acount and i would really apperciate any help deleting this account.


Staff member
and for the second time it's always been that way we dont delete accounts


Well-Known Member
For the second time, why not?
They don't delete them they ban you for whatever reason the feel is necessary then you're screwed and cant get your'e account back. But then they leave your account banned but not accessible so they can get their member numbers up and brag about how large this site is.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
They don't delete them they ban you for whatever reason the feel is necessary then you're screwed and cant get your'e account back. But then they leave your account banned but not accessible so they can get their member numbers up and brag about how large this site is.
What I have noticed is some pretty strange modding - posts that are benign in nature deleted and posts that are caustic, crude and full of filth left intact. These mods are not trained and may be predisposed to politics.

For example why in the hell Billy just flat out deleted the whole Tribute thread is very weird. Plus I've had posts defending my position deleted.

Mods, you need to clean this place up, not resort to generic censorship because "you can".



Well-Known Member
What I have noticed is some pretty strange modding - posts that are benign in nature deleted and posts that are caustic, crude and full of filth left intact.

For example why in the hell Billy just flat out deleted the whole Tribute thread is very weird. Plus I've had posts defending my position deleted.
"Weird" indeed, they claimed to have removed 200 posts from the thread... seemingly picked those at random then. I don't get the locking of threads either. First let a thread blow up by not moderating it properly and then close it because it blew up... and then don't clean up the insults... At the same time both sides of the argument have seen posts that were actually relevant to the discussion go up in smoke... Maybe 3 mods getting in each other's way or something.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
"Weird" indeed, they claimed to have removed 200 posts from the thread... seemingly picked those at random then. I don't get the locking of threads either. First let a thread blow up by not moderating it properly and then close it because it blew up... and then don't clean up the insults... At the same time both sides of the argument have seen posts that were actually relevant to the discussion go up in smoke... Maybe 3 mods getting in each other's way or something.
You nailed it, on all points (not that some mod is gonna allow your opinion to remain). :) Right is wrong and wrong is right.

Recommend you discuss your concerns with potroast. I doubt if he really realizes what's going on around here. Doubt if he has the time.


Staff member
You nailed it, on all points (not that some mod is gonna allow your opinion to remain). :) Right is wrong and wrong is right.

Recommend you discuss your concerns with potroast. I doubt if he really realizes what's going on around here. Doubt if he has the time.
LOL i love how you guys think potroast doesnt know about whats going on at riu
hes the one who made up the rule about no deletions accounts, he is online everyday at least 2-3 times
anything i say has been passed down from him rules i follow that are in place by both him and rollie


Well-Known Member
LOL i love how you guys think potroast doesnt know about whats going on at riu
Who's the other guy?

I understand why you don't delete accounts (the option to do so gives disgruntled members leverage. Will still have posts in quotes, extra administrative effort etc, etc, pretty standard for forums as far as I know). And I'm not going to tell you how to you 'job' sort of speak. But the way that thread was moderated was just "weird" and "strange" like UB pointed out. That's actually something most people involved in that thread probably 'can' agree on. Posts that contributed to the discussion were removed, while post that caused it to blow up and get locked weren't. It being the AMC forum makes it worse.

And in the meantime Shinfaggy is still puking over your boards with his spam... if that's "good for traffic" how can you lock such an active thread :D

If you don't mind, please pass this on to the admin and AMC mod:

Argumentum ad hominem and blatant name-calling should be against the rules, zero tolerance, at least in the AMC as with those left unmoderated there will never be an "advanced" discussion


Staff member
we dont delete accounts because we physically cannot delete members with mass post to leave holes in our system ,

we need help of users to use the report post if they see something offense anything with vulgar language and excessive name calling is always removed, it may take 1 hour, it may go down right away it may take a day we have heavy traffic on riu and we cant be everywhere at once , fi people dont report we may simply miss bad posts
this is also a private website we can remove or leave whatever we want,
anyone who signed up agreeed to this in the i agree box before signing up
I am a global admin, so its not like i dont have the power, i do, however i need to follow the rules passed down to me, so we dont delete accounts.
if you see something offense report it you know how to use the report post function if you have serious concerns pm the rollitup account if you dont wanna deal with me
regarding the amc mods, they do a great job however anything i do overwrites there functions or anything any globals do overwrites their actions.

i would also like to add some people think they know everything but only get 1 side of certain stories.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
we dont delete accounts because we physically cannot delete members with mass post to leave holes in our system ,

we need help of users to use the report post if they see something offense anything with vulgar language and excessive name calling is always removed,....
That is questionable. On many an occasion I have hit the rep button regarding blatant abusive, disgusting posts and they've stayed intact. Not until I resorted to getting someone's attention by posting in Advanced summoning potroast, did you even bother. Have even asked folks who complain about the obsessive trolling to help me out and hit the report button. I know you're not getting paid to take all this shit, but since you've accepted, please do your job.

Please clean this place up and stop deleting posts that don't need deleting. I modded 7 forums by myself at one of the biggest forums years ago and know when it's time to take the trash out and when to leave stuff. The knee jerk reaction of closing threads is a little over the top too. I also never made it a point of modding while stoned as that results in using poor judgement.

And the way you guys (didn't) handled the A tribute to Uncle Ben and the Almighty Leaf was appalling. The trolling and aguing went on for days so what happens? Benign posts were deleted along with some of the abusive ones. Looking at the way that was handled I was wondering if someone was closing their eyes, hitting the scroll button and then deleting at random. That's after the thread first disappeared entirely, then re-appeared in Newbie Central of all places, then moved to Advanced. It should have moved to General Marijuana Growing and then monitored when the Reports came in.



Well-Known Member
i would also like to add some people think they know everything but only get 1 side of certain stories.
Oh boy... you just showed you completely missed the intention and message in my previous post. I could make it more clear by going a step lower then your ad hominem argument right there, but clearly I'm in the wrong place so there would be no point (plus the bottom example in the image already... )


Well-Known Member
Who would that be?
Finshaggy. Some crack head nut-job that spams the TnT forums continuously up to a point that it drives many members nuts (especially the other UB). Mods too. If you don't know him, I suggest NOT looking for it either. He makes up some really crazy MJ growing techniques and videos, making money of his may-he-rest-in-peace little brother that passed away and a whole bunch of other crazy, sick, stupid stuff that makes him a shit-stain on RIU. But, as one of the mods once posted, to his own (the mod's) dislike the reason he's not banned is because he's good for traffic. While the insults and trolling usually go a lot further. He's basically a mentally challenged person publicly being suggested to off himself.... Sure it's an off-topic forum, but, if that's good for traffic...


Well-Known Member
If I remember correctly - it's been a while - I was distracted by this one at the time:

I remember saying to potroast in a thread about Finshaggy that I like the post-apocalypse no-rules forum approach but besides that being in TnT, I think filtering out relevant posts from the name-calling and insults, and editing in name-calling and insults, in the actual mj growing related forums, is perhaps taking it a little bit too far :rolleyes: It sort of gets in the way of having a discussion...

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Threads are to be by invitation/acceptance only IMO.

Great video, great songwriter. Check out Shawn Colvin.