Is this powdery mildew or residue from rain or something?


So these plants are getting covered with this white substance, its not powdery at all like mold and some of the white spots if you turn the leaf in the light shows colors like its a chemical or something? Some of these white spots are absolutely bright pure white .I have no idea what this could be from. The other thing is that there is leaf hoppers on the plants im not sure if they could have anything to do with this? Well Id be glad to answer any questions to help me solve this. Thanks.


picture one - the leaf hoppers
picture 2-3 pictures of this white showing up on the plants
I get those type of spots myself. They form when water puddles and dries on the leaf. I am not to sure it's PM. But I am not sure. They only show up after a puddle spot then dries out.
Pretty sure that is leaf hopper shit on your leaves. I got those quick little f@ckers to. This was bleep taken from an entomology website.
"The sharpshooters ingest 100 to 300 times their dry body weight in xylem fluid per day, and in large populations, their high volume of excreta ("leafhopper rain") can become a problem, leaving white residue on leaves"
It's from the chemtrails. silver iodide or whatever.

LOL I was thinking acid rain or something. I know what PM is for I get it each year. This sure looks like it but something is different about it. Could be PM sure but it only shows up after dried puddles.
as mentioned...looks like PM to me as well... treat with one part organic milk to five parts distilled water
LOL. True . But he does and Hoppers will leave those spots. He must have a lot of them.
yes i do have a lot of leaf hoppers as there are 3 just in the first picture i have on this thread. Some mornings when i go to check these plants i see random puddles of water even if there has been no rain i dont understand it it has to be these leaf hoppers. How do you control them?
i get the same here and there, got no bugs, appears after rain only. aint mold, looks organic. gonna make a slide and look under microscope tomorow! got me wondering??
yes i do have a lot of leaf hoppers as there are 3 just in the first picture i have on this thread. Some mornings when i go to check these plants i see random puddles of water even if there has been no rain i dont understand it it has to be these leaf hoppers. How do you control them?

You could be on to something. Check out this vid of mine at 1:55. I have covers and still was getting the puddles. I never seen hoppers in my garden.
crazy that video at 151 is exactly what i experience... wonder if this guy has leaf hoppers?

he also finds another water spot after 4:19
crazy that video at 151 is exactly what i experience... wonder if this guy has leaf hoppers?

he also finds another water spot after 4:19

That is my 2012 grow. And I have no hoppers. I would get puddles of water some how. Then it would dry and leave those white marks. I seen it happen to my plants that are not covered as well. If I have hoppers I never notice them and I look pretty good for that stuff.
That is how I noticed and found out what a leaf hopper is . Were I live it's 100 + and no condensation at all and I was seeing water droplets. Then noticed these funny bugs on the stalks. Still didn't know where the water droplets were coming from until someone pointed me in the Cicada direction until I stumbled upon the Glassy winged leaf hopper which is what I get. The link I posted earlier tells how different hoppers hang out and their trademarks. Then in the morning I would see them and on the leafs underneath that branch would be water droplets. The glassy winged hoppers I get come in the mornings and late afternoon and are on the smaller stalks or branches so you have to look really good for them cause if they see you they pivot around to the opposite sides. They are really pretty fast. I never found anything that really killed or kept them away except for squishing them . It was never an infestation and no real damage. The glassy winged Hopper can carry a disease that has wiped out the Oleanders in California.
That is how I noticed and found out what a leaf hopper is . Were I live it's 100 + and no condensation at all and I was seeing water droplets. Then noticed these funny bugs on the stalks. Still didn't know where the water droplets were coming from until someone pointed me in the Cicada direction until I stumbled upon the Glassy winged leaf hopper which is what I get. The link I posted earlier tells how different hoppers hang out and their trademarks. Then in the morning I would see them and on the leafs underneath that branch would be water droplets. The glassy winged hoppers I get come in the mornings and late afternoon and are on the smaller stalks or branches so you have to look really good for them cause if they see you they pivot around to the opposite sides. They are really pretty fast. I never found anything that really killed or kept them away except for squishing them . It was never an infestation and no real damage. The glassy winged Hopper can carry a disease that has wiped out the Oleanders in California.

Thanks man. I will give it a good look this week. This would explain a lot.
I had leafhoppers this year.. their secretion is more of a white slimy, flaky, and fuzzy, and its more on the stems and undersides of the leaves than anywhere else.