Neighbor has some Plants

General Tso

Active Member
just go and start a conversation with him about his plants compliment them or something whats the worst that can happen OH NO he thinks your nosey big deal


Well-Known Member
just when you see him by the fence go spark a j and go stand by it he will smell it like you smelled his plants and dont let him know you know about his plants just be like wassup man im new and smelled some kill from over the fence you want to smoke?


Well-Known Member
People! A common practice is to give the new neighbor a plate of cookies or welcome treat. So.......make him some bud brownies! Problem solved. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Oh, what NOW? Still waiting for that shark with a frikkin' laser beam on its head? :lol: How about I just tape one of those laser pointers to my dog's head? That should be fun.


Well-Known Member
Oh, what NOW? Still waiting for that shark with a frikkin' laser beam on its head? :lol: How about I just tape one of those laser pointers to my dog's head? That should be fun.
and why cant we just shoot em?

EDIT: damn your fast :D

But personally lighting up in front of a complete stranger is never normal.
Maybe it is in your neighborhood. But I live in a very "Well Off" neighborhood in the suburbs and most of the people in my neighborhood complain if you set your garbage out a day early.
of course lighting up a joint in front of strangers is weird (on the street no one cares, at least here. i dont think they even notice, theyll smell it but it doesnt bother anyone, at least up to now :D)

i meant that they should get to no each other better, and THEN light em up :D we all know that a fellow grower is not gonna be AGAINST weed, right?
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Well-Known Member
Id be pissed if my neigbor said something -- im a private person, dont want someone bothering me when i run out. or risk you telling one of your friends. You would also be the person i go after if you robbed me. (im also a prvate person when it comes to smoking --- I dont need more friends especially a neighbor i cant avoid)

I say say nothing. if anythin g grow your own on the otherside f the fence.


Well-Known Member
yeah leave him be like the guy above if someone noticed me and came saying something i would start looking for a new house i like my privacy and you would piss mne off too mentioning you saw them


Well-Known Member
I would leave it out of your head my friend. If it is supposed to happen, it will naturally. Obvious you two neighbors have something in common, your both enjoy growing, assuming you grow, and he more than like smokes. So, just be friendly, feel him out, and see where it goes, two smokers don't interact long before the subject comes up. Be patient, and do you, it will come up sooner or later. Probly sooner, kick back.


Well-Known Member
yeah leave him be like the guy above if someone noticed me and came saying something i would start looking for a new house i like my privacy and you would piss mne off too mentioning you saw them
dude weird...
i guess there people who just don't like making friends. lone wolfs :neutral:



Well-Known Member
ask him about the interesting plants in his garden and then mention how you like to grow interesting plants and then say maybe we should go smoke those interesting plants. tell me how it goes cuz you got my dream neighbor.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Another thing to consider is that if you smell it... then so do others... including any little piss ant thieving kids that live in the neighborhood.... as well as any bible beating narc neighbors.

Ask him over for a beer..... when he comes over whip out a joint and simply say "I assume you smoke since you grow". If he gets pissed it's his own damn fault that you smelt it. Just let him know you are looking out for him by giving him a heads up to the odor. Take him out to your backyard so he can smell for himself. Hand him a few packs of Lavendar, Lilac and Honeysuckle flower seeds and tell him to get busy planting!

If you are cool enough to give him a beer... smoke a joint with him and offer him some help with the odor and he still gets pissed then fuck him....

One last thing... even though you know HE grows... don't tell him YOU grow. Keep that shit to yourself! If he gets popped you don't want him making a deal by ratting you out! I've smoked with one of my neighbors before...but I'd never in a million years let him know I'm growing.