Is this powdery mildew or residue from rain or something?

TWS and Burner89 are spot on. That shit's from leaf hoppers. :cuss: Seen it for weeks and been squashin' the little fuks for weeks. :twisted: If you have those stains, and wet spots, you almost certainly have leaf hoppers. From what I've read, unless you are infested with these guys, they don't hurt the plant all that much. If you're going to have a pest, this one isn't bad. I have seen no holes and no sick looking leaves or damaged stems, and I have killed maybe 8 adults (mostly bright teal blue) and like 20 immature white hoppers (took maybe 2 hours of watching, thumping and flicking to find this many over 2 weeks). Thump or flick a bud and see if anything falls or flies out. They hide under the leaves and on stems too, making them hard to spot. Just before dusk and early morning are the best time to spot the lil fuks. I tried some Don't Bug Me a few days ago and I haven't seen any wet spots, leaf hoppers or "stains" since. Got my fingers crossed and I'll keep y'all posted. ;-)

R2T :peace:
I had leafhoppers this year.. their secretion is more of a white slimy, flaky, and fuzzy, and its more on the stems and undersides of the leaves than anywhere else.

Depending on the type of hopper they leave different calling cards. lol Which I just read about in the link. Looks like some leave no secretion but do leaf damage. The kind I get just main vein the stems and suck a lot of plant juice. You can see tiny little bruises where one has been for a bit.
the leafhoppers have several stages of development.. young leafhoppers are wingless and are very small ball-like creatures.. they are good at jumping.. the older ones with wings were white... then there were what appeared to be mature leafhoppers that were neon green. They really take a toll on plants and should be dealt with... also gotta look at the plants near your plants.. had to spray the whole area to get rid of most of them.
I thought it was powdery mildew as well and I have the same damn problem, but I also have the little bastard leaf hoppers so idk. I just want it fixed
So after reading all these helpful replies, I'm thinking what ill try to do is just wash my plants with plain water or find some sort of lead wash to get rid of the stains. But yea its the strangest thing these puddles of water that show up when I've no rain or nothing only thing on my plants are leaf hoppers so that must be what its from.
ya they look innocent but cause bud rot and stuff months later where they hung out. garlic 1 clove per pint 450ml of water
yes i do have a lot of leaf hoppers as there are 3 just in the first picture i have on this thread. Some mornings when i go to check these plants i see random puddles of water even if there has been no rain i dont understand it it has to be these leaf hoppers. How do you control them?

Fly paper.
I knew it was different than PM. I did not find any hoppers today but I have not had any of those spots this year yet.

Did the person who said he was going to microscope it ever get around to it? Would love to read the results of that.

I thought Acid Rain at one point. LOL I thought you all bumped your heads saying it was hoppers.

So what's making the white? is it the piss or what? How do the form puddles like that? Suck shit out of your plant and make a lake on your leafs?
fuck leafhoppers

I thought it was powdery mildew as well and I have the same damn problem, but I also have the little bastard leaf hoppers so idk. I just want it fixed

So these plants are getting covered with this white substance, its not powdery at all like mold and some of the white spots if you turn the leaf in the light shows colors like its a chemical or something? Some of these white spots are absolutely bright pure white .I have no idea what this could be from. The other thing is that there is leaf hoppers on the plants im not sure if they could have anything to do with this? Well Id be glad to answer any questions to help me solve this. Thanks.

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picture one - the leaf hoppers
picture 2-3 pictures of this white showing up on the plants

I disagree, I do not have hoppers and I get those spots after a rain. I will say mine is not as bad as the pics above though.

ya they look innocent but cause bud rot and stuff months later where they hung out. garlic 1 clove per pint 450ml of water

Well, I've got the hoppers and the white stuff. With that said, it has been a wet summer here and I found some brown spots on a couple of my Critical colas today and removed them carefully. Any advice short of dousing in chemical pesticides for the hoppers? I read they cause eventual burn in heavy infestations. Anyway, should I apply some kind of anti-fungal/anti-mildew spray/powder or use the lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and water recipe for both the possible bud rot/white mildew or whatever the white stuff is. I'd like to see my Criticals, et al, bud a few more weeks dammit.

I'll snap some detailed pics during the day to post tomorrow.
Been trying the yellow and blue papers for a little over a week also. I see a couple of hoppers stuck, but the FF spray I used Friday, seems to have done the job (knock on my fukin wooden head)...3 days now :eyesmoke:

R2T :peace:

What is ff spray ? So re checked my plants today and found this bug under a leaf looks predatory like pirate bug and thatd be great since i believe they prey on hoppers? Does anyone know if this bug is a minute pirate bug or some bennie bug?
burner 89 is correct. i looked at it under a microscope and it most definetely is bug EXCREMENT. took my slides to local college and the proffesor confirmed " bug poop". im treating for hoppers now!
burner 89 is correct. i looked at it under a microscope and it most definetely is bug EXCREMENT. took my slides to local college and the proffesor confirmed " bug poop". im treating for hoppers now!

What are using to treat them? I've been using Bug X which has permethrin as the active ingredient. Seems to keep them away for a while but they always come after a few days. I have not seen any neem oil products in the stores up here.
What is ff spray ? So re checked my plants today and found this bug under a leaf looks predatory like pirate bug and thatd be great since i believe they prey on hoppers? Does anyone know if this bug is a minute pirate bug or some bennie bug?
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Sorry, got no clue re; your bug. The spray is Fox Farm Don't Bug Me, it has PYRETHRUM in it. Again, checked again this morning and no drops, no new stains and no hoppers. Maybe they move on after the first few weeks of flowering? I will spray again tomorrow and let ya know if things turn ugly. Neem oil or garlic water (I believe a clove/gal as posted earlier in this thread) should also work.

Good luck!

R2T :peace:
neem oil, had it on my greenhouse shelf, think its from Agway. didnt see the bugs befor but they must only come out in my garden at night and early mornings. i show up round noon when i wake up from partrying and find wet spots that turned white! peace