Well-Known Member
TWS and Burner89 are spot on. That shit's from leaf hoppers.
Seen it for weeks and been squashin' the little fuks for weeks.
If you have those stains, and wet spots, you almost certainly have leaf hoppers. From what I've read, unless you are infested with these guys, they don't hurt the plant all that much. If you're going to have a pest, this one isn't bad. I have seen no holes and no sick looking leaves or damaged stems, and I have killed maybe 8 adults (mostly bright teal blue) and like 20 immature white hoppers (took maybe 2 hours of watching, thumping and flicking to find this many over 2 weeks). Thump or flick a bud and see if anything falls or flies out. They hide under the leaves and on stems too, making them hard to spot. Just before dusk and early morning are the best time to spot the lil fuks. I tried some Don't Bug Me a few days ago and I haven't seen any wet spots, leaf hoppers or "stains" since. Got my fingers crossed and I'll keep y'all posted.