things i have learned from republicans this week


Well-Known Member
This makes much sense then. They are the ones who have family sex no?
yes, residents of the american south are well known for having sex within their own families, as well as with farm animals.

they also boast the highest rates of venereal disease of any area of the nation.

they are disgusting, filthy, unkempt, bigoted people down there for the most part. there are exceptions, but nontheist is certainly not one of them.


New Member
Here is some history for you. I made almost 10.000 US dollars over the last 3 days. Which historically is average for me on a weekend. I would advise you not to go into a line of work that pays you to decide the intelligence level of someone else. Take your brainwashed thinking and teach it to someone dumb enough to believe it.

I do not know nor do I care about what some gringo failfuck said about the middle eastern countries. US politicians will bomb or invade anyone in order to make the US bankers some money.

Hahaha if you think that 10,000$ in three days is something to brag about then you are a lot dumber than I thought. Your right I will stay out of that line of work! I made 5k while I took a shit this afternoon. The fact that you will bring up your paycheck, which is substantially low and unrelated to the argument, just goes to show that you obviously are dumber than an American toddler. And just to save you a google search, a toddler is a child between 1 and 3 years.

El tiberon, if I was asking you about American politics then I would have worded it in a broken down basic sentence so that you would understand. Something like "Ba Ba goo goo Cartoon Network". But I didn't ask you, so please leave this talk to the adults. I am truly surprised that you are even literate.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha if you think that 10,000$ in three days is something to brag about then you are a lot dumber than I thought. Your right I will stay out of that line of work! I made 5k while I took a shit this afternoon. The fact that you will bring up your paycheck, which is substantially low and unrelated to the argument, just goes to show that you obviously are dumber than an American toddler. And just to save you a google search, a toddler is a child between 1 and 3 years.

El tiberon, if I was asking you about American politics then I would have worded it in a broken down basic sentence so that you would understand. Something like "Ba Ba goo goo Cartoon Network". But I didn't ask you, so please leave this talk to the adults. I am truly surprised that you are even literate.
i made $40,000 while masturbating last night.

my e-penis is bigger than anyone's.


Well-Known Member
aww look at the two goons, cheezy sockpuppet part three. Bucky better wake the wife up for the late shift, she knows you're relying on her ASSets.

El Tiberon

Active Member
Hahaha if you think that 10,000$ in three days is something to brag about then you are a lot dumber than I thought. Your right I will stay out of that line of work! I made 5k while I took a shit this afternoon. The fact that you will bring up your paycheck, which is substantially low and unrelated to the argument, just goes to show that you obviously are dumber than an American toddler. And just to save you a google search, a toddler is a child between 1 and 3 years.

El tiberon, if I was asking you about American politics then I would have worded it in a broken down basic sentence so that you would understand. Something like "Ba Ba goo goo Cartoon Network". But I didn't ask you, so please leave this talk to the adults. I am truly surprised that you are even literate.
I do not believe you made money when taking a shit. Was someone from Germany filming you and paying you for this?


New Member
I do not believe you made money when taking a shit. Was someone from Germany filming you and paying you for this?

You don't believe in a lot of things, and we have already concluded that this is because you are unintelligent. Here we go in circles again.


Well-Known Member
aww look at the two goons, cheezy sockpuppet part three. Bucky better wake the wife up for the late shift, she knows you're relying on her ASSets.
my wife is down in california finishing up the last part of her doctorate degree right now. i assure you she has an alarm to wake her up in the morning, but the dog will wake up her to go out anyway.

are you losing more "greese" trap jobs to illiterate, unlicensed contractors who do better work than you still?


New Member
In my country we have something called wireless computers. You would be surprised in the things I can accomplish while pooping. Now unclebuck is the one we both need to take advice from. He can make 40k when he busts a nut


Well-Known Member
In my country we have something called wireless computers. You would be surprised in the things I can accomplish while pooping. Now unclebuck is the one we both need to take advice from. He can make 40k when he busts a nut
and since i stated so on the internet, it literally has to be true.


New Member
may i ask who your original account was? just curious. you can PM it to me.
original account? Not sure what your talking about? If you think I have had a previous account on this website, I have not. I am on a forum site called but that is unrelated to any of this. (It's a forum for salamanders)


Well-Known Member
In my country we have something called wireless computers. You would be surprised in the things I can accomplish while pooping. Now unclebuck is the one we both need to take advice from. He can make 40k when he busts a nut
haha while waiting for his wife ASSets.....but yet he makes 40k sitting at home all day and his wife has to take a job to put clothes on her back while going to school.

El Tiberon

Active Member
In my country we have something called wireless computers. You would be surprised in the things I can accomplish while pooping. Now unclebuck is the one we both need to take advice from. He can make 40k when he busts a nut
This can be very true. Macadamias here can cost very much money per kilo. Sometimes as high as 75-80.000 COP a kilo.


New Member
haha while waiting for his wife ASSets.....but yet he makes 40k sitting at home all day and his wife has to take a job to put clothes on her back while going to school.
Your not making sense either? If he makes 40k busting a nut then obviously he is paying for his wife's degree. Hell think about it, with enough stamina he could make half a mil in one day


Well-Known Member
haha while waiting for his wife ASSets.....but yet he makes 40k sitting at home all day and his wife has to take a job to put clothes on her back while going to school.
sitting is a mischaracterization.

today was the "vendange vert", which is fancy speak for crawling around on my back in the dirt culling unproductive branches and removing dead leaves from the center of the plant to increase productivity on the most exposed sites and air flow within the plant, preventing mold.

yesterday was very much a non-sitting day, as i put a new roof on the greenhouse since my plants grew far too large and were sticking against the plastic. that would have equaled mold had i not taken care of things.

i'll be back to sitting on my ass tomorrow for about 12-14 hours, but i'll be trimming the whole time. so it's a fairly productive day of sitting on my ass. a few more days of that and the second light dep crop will be all in.

then it will be another week of non-ass-sitting, since i will be setting up a couple of new flowering spaces in the garage.

$40k is probably a good estimate of this year's nut.