Need some Experts to take a look...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the help, much appreciated!!

A little update, the seed that had the cotyledons stuck together never grew even after when i separated them so I threw that away. I then decided to germinate another seed where this seed turned out to be a dud! Left it in a cup of distilled water for over 72 hours and still hasn't sprouted. So working on my 3rd seed now from the pack of Nirvana's... im starting to think this pack of seeds are pretty messed up but we'll see. 3rd seed sprouted and planted. Now waiting for it to pop out of the soil.

I actually thought about something, correct me if I'm wrong, but I noticed when planting a seed after it has sprouted, the soil must be packed firmly in order for the soil to assist in breaking off the shells because for this seed, I didn't pack the soil in and just let the water soak in and this problem occurred... but I remember my first couple of plants, i had firmly packed the soil in and had 100% success rate with all 4 seeds. Not sure if this is true but it seems like a possibility.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I actually thought about something, correct me if I'm wrong, but I noticed when planting a seed after it has sprouted, the soil must be packed firmly in order for the soil to assist in breaking off the shells because for this seed, I didn't pack the soil in and just let the water soak in and this problem occurred...
I mentioned that in my previous post.

You should soak the seed to hydrate and as soon as it drops sow it in soil in a container that is at least 6" tall.

If it floats it has an air pocket and no embryo.



Well-Known Member
Just a little update of the seed I planted a few months ago.

It is currently in the 44th day of flowering, and the clones will enter flowering in about 3 more weeks. Thank you all that helped me previously!

First 2 pics of the original seed, last 2 pics of the clones.



New Member
i remember i had same problem with a nirvana swiss seedling it never opend and i ended up using a pair of tweezers and a needle and sepretated the skin like stuff from it and it eventually opend up here hoping this works for you