Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
No, you didn't mention it, but ya, fine.....
I'll be around.
Alright cool. Have you talked to Mr Black Jesus :??: lol.. He and I had texted for a few last night. He was going to fly out for Moms funeral, but couldn't catch a flight in time, or didn't know in time. :??: that's what he had told me. I told him he didn't have 2 do all that.


Well-Known Member
The only purple strain i have in flowering so YUP lol :) Damn stoner! ;) j/k
Haha.. its pretty bad when someone can tell I'm stoned over the compooter! Lol.
Yeah, I thought you had mentioned that you had a Spyder going purple 4 you to but hadn't had a chance to see that update. Boy she sure has grown since the last time I did see her.. ;)


Well-Known Member
Dank, sweetie..I've been tryin to tell you for a few days lol my auto is not doing good. Not at all. When I took her with me to see my mom, I had her and the sour diesel I started at the same time, side by side, same light, same water. No nutes while I was gone, 7 days. I just posted the pics on my thread. Can you look at them please?

EDIT: THE SOUR DIESEL IS FINE;) weird as hell..I don't understand it..:??:


Well-Known Member
Alright cool. Have you talked to Mr Black Jesus :??: lol.. He and I had texted for a few last night. He was going to fly out for Moms funeral, but couldn't catch a flight in time, or didn't know in time. :??: that's what he had told me. I told him he didn't have 2 do all that.
Like I mentioned, last I talked to him, I didn't know if he had booked from one of the links I sent him or not.
Haven't heard a peep from him since.
BTW, we talked about your and his convo while you were at Wally World, before I told you finish up.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Dank, sweetie..I've been tryin to tell you for a few days lol my auto is not doing good. Not at all. When I took her with me to see my mom, I had her and the sour diesel I started at the same time, side by side, same light, same water. No nutes while I was gone, 7 days. I just posted the pics on my thread. Can you look at them please?

EDIT: THE SOUR DIESEL IS FINE;) weird as hell..I don't understand it..:??:

What is the temps running :??: is she yellowing :??:


Well-Known Member
Like I mentioned, last I talked to him, I didn't know if he had booked from one of the links I sent him or not.
Haven't heard a peep from him since.
I hear that. Didn't know if he was coming or not either. Didn't make himself clear on it really. Maybe thought he might had told you something and forgot to tell me. It happens, I do it all the time anymore.. lol


Well-Known Member
Well, I have a dang Doc appt round round 3 o' clock pm. Would like to stay on and chat, but gotta get my ass some kind of sleep. Lol or I won't be worth shit!! Guys its been fun, and I sure hope to talk/see y'all on round noon or later towards the eve. .. you guys have a great rest of the night..


Well-Known Member
Well, I have a dang Doc appt round round 3 o' clock pm. Would like to stay on and chat, but gotta get my ass some kind of sleep. Lol or I won't be worth shit!! Guys its been fun, and I sure hope to talk/see y'all on round noon or later towards the eve. .. you guys have a great rest of the night..
Noooo, don't go without telling me what you think goober!


Well-Known Member
EDIT: HEAT was bad down there at my bro's house. Only thing I can think of myself.


:?: OMG!! What in the world happen :??: didn't you leave her in the sun 2 long :??: lol.. I'm so sorry. She looks like she wasn't use to all the "light" outside (wasn't tempered off) or got to hot.. do you have "drain holes" in your 16 ounce cup :??:


Well-Known Member
EVERY time I see that pic, this is my first thought.
You say you gave only water, and keep asking for answers...........
There has GOT to be something we are not hearing on this end.
Lol.. with heat I've seen leaves curl up, then go back straight after getting feed or water. But it does kinda look alittle like nute burn 2.. hell, its got me stumped..


Well-Known Member

:?: OMG!! What in the world happen :??: didn't you leave her in the sun 2 long :??: lol.. I'm so sorry. She looks like she wasn't use to all the "light" outside (wasn't tempered off) or got to hot.. do you have "drain holes" in your 16 ounce cup :??:
probably :( just set her out to water and they seemed so happy. Then she just puked out on me :(:(:( and no...no drain holes


Well-Known Member
Lol.. with heat I've seen leaves curl up, then go back straight after getting feed or water. But it does kinda look alittle like nute burn 2.. hell, its got me stumped..
The bitch looks straight nuked, but in the pic it is in a room, so we should think it's a comfortable temp, right?
SO.............. What happened that we are not knowing?
Either details or info left out somewhere.


Well-Known Member
The bitch looks straight nuked, but in the pic it is in a room, so we should think it's a comfortable temp, right?
SO.............. What happened that we are not knowing?
Either details or info left out somewhere.
I was thinking she may had moved it to water, or let it sit outside alittle to long. Idk, maybe could be over nute 2. Was just going on where she had said only water. Maybe alittle nutrients found there way in there... lol


* Peach, you really should poke a fews drains in the cups from now on.. :mrgreen: if not, the roots really can't breath, and the water just sits and collects in the bottom of your container, may cause root rot.. :(
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