

Active Member
Tell me what u guys think bout this. So im walking my dog as usual passing the entrance to my escape route which is an open area covered in dried brush. Right in front is a gardener truck parked so i decide to go up and check it out halfway through i decide to turn around and go home where the entrance to my grow area is( i wanted to see if the gardeners were right there or not). I get home go into my yard and I hear power tools being used like weed wackers n shit(this is where i got fuckin pissed). Then through the brush i see a guy comin in an orange shirt eating an orange hahaha. Im like ayo wus good man how often u guys be comin over here?hes like every month month and half and then started smiling. I was like you saw that tree growing? he like yeeee. I was like yo man if you dont touch it imma help you out my friend aite? hes like yee dont worryyy. Right after i drove down to the gardening truck and dropped him a 20$.


Well-Known Member
that wasn't too smart IMO. you basically said here's what I'm growing and here's where I live to a complete stranger. I woulda kept my mouth shut and dug it out overnite for relocation. but since the words out you oughta just kill it and get rid of the evidence

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I was like you saw that tree growing? he like yeeee. I was like yo man if you dont touch it imma help you out my friend aite? hes like yee dont worryyy. Right after i drove down to the gardening truck and dropped him a 20$.

He doesn't need you to help him out.... he's going to help himself to your plant.... after all...what are you going to do.... call the cops????

Bring a pot... dig it up and move it.


Active Member
gonna relocate the plants tonight luckily they are already in pots. Question can i just reuse the soil? or should i buy some new stuff. Gonna plant em in the ground to keep it more lowkey now


Active Member
-Whatever the root-ball is holding on to re-use, and the rest don't worry about it and get the fuck outta there and find a new plot.


Well-Known Member
Actually, the honor system DOES exist in our little world.

Granted, the world is full of assholes that will bone you 8 ways to Sunday, but every now and then you'll find people who'll just be like, "growing pot, not gonna get involved" or "growing pot, haha, awesome!" and mind their own business.

When I lived in Moscow, that's usually what happened. All drugs are VERY VERY illegal, but people still grew. Everyone know of at least one place where someone was growing, but no one ever said anything, because A: they'd probably get in trouble too, and B: Bust/fuck up one cannabis crop, and the supply is even lower than it already is, and now you've got some enemies.

I'm not saying this guy is totally trustworthy, but I am saying he's not absolutely going to rip you off. For all we know, he's got his own little plantation going on somewhere and he doesn't give a damn about your tree, or he just plain doesn't care.

We all can't be so quick to judge.

(though I will say this, I don't approve of bribing people, it's so unclassy)


Active Member
i'm very happy u guys convinced me to move my harvest. Found a spot i feel soooo good about that i wanna plant some more hehehe, but ill stick with my 4babies for now. Gonna go check on it tommorow to see how the lighting is since its on a hillside and completely surrounded by others bushes and trees


Well-Known Member
we shouldnt have had to convince you the first thing you should have done is buried the gardener and move his truck


Well-Known Member
In my very humble opinion.
plain and simple.
that was a dumb move on your part.

you cant do shit like that, and not expect to get caught.


Well-Known Member
I would move the plants, repot them and put the pots back like some deer ate 'em. Then the gardener won't be trying to sniff 'em out around your 'hood - or start walking your dog with an INS hat on. ;)


Well-Known Member
Oh brother. Why would you bribe him? Not very smart. I bet he told someone who then told someone and so on.

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