Thanks to Sub,and ALL Weed Nerds for taking my skills to the next level

Stu Toned

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what to make of this site these days..I'm not into name calling or putting people down.
I'm into gardening at the best of my ability,and then learning more..And the moment I came here the learning skyrocketed..The Morning Show,Weed Nerd,TGA,and members here,are the reason for my impressive gardens..
I'd like to thank ALL Nerds for their help while I can..Sub and his crew get a huge thanks..I would never have learned about new techniques,or new products,or met lots of great people like Dioxide.I'm grateful to call him a friend..
I hope the learning AND this party continues forever... "TGA until my very last day"
Thanks again to all of you
Agreed with this, every word. I would also like to say the same about what I have learned along the way. I have seen every Weed Nerd, episodes 1-162 and subscribe to the Youtube channel, having viewed all of the videos there. Sub, please don't stop the teaching. That last Weed Nerd, 162 was one of the best shows ever lol.
I own every book Subcool and Frenchy recommended, including Dank 2.0. The charity and work TGA does for sick people is amazing, to just give away an entire outdoor crop. What's in the past, let's just leave it there. And to the haters, keep that shit to yourself, and grow some dank. Peace! :)
Both you describe what a lot of us feel its too bad a few wreck it for the rest of us but isn't this true with all things in life, the few bad always out weigh all the good. Its too bad cause i've also learned a hell of a lot here well not so much in the last few months since we've lost most of our knowledgable people, the ones we all look up to and strive to grow like,(you know who you are) we hope you guys come back give it one more chance and maybe if we had some mods that actually spent time on here we could ween out all the unwanted and we can get back to where this forum was 6 months ago.

THANK YOU to each and every one of you for making this one of the best learning place over the internet, that's what a forum is suppose to be!


I do have a couple of supersoil questions.... Kidding. All has been informative and much props go to the gang out west. I know of no other breeders sharing their knowledge, if there are though my bad. The nerds are cool people in my book. Thanks
My thanks to subcool as well, for all the awesome genetics. Fuck the haters and I hope he doesn't let them win by leaving the site.
I come to clean things up and delete all my post over the next few weeks as Em says cleaning out my closet.

Rollitup is done IMO.
The fucking owner dosn't even come here now!!!

Sorry to see you go. My garden would not be what it is today (super soil, mainlining, cloning, hash making, etc.) without these threads.

In the words of one of the greatest coaches I ever had - Go forth and be awesome.
I agree totally about the degradation of this site. Only been here a few years but there are noticeably more fools as members than a few years ago. Seems like every thread gets ugly at some point, and it is hard to get good advice. Too bad really.

Don't know you sub, but it is obvious you are quite a contributor to this site. Don't let the haters drive ya off man. Know that many folks here respect and appreciate your advice.

Don't let a few shitheads destroy the possibility of you helping many. :peace:
I think sub needs to start his own site an offical tga weednerd site where we can go and learn and talk about tga genetics with out any argueing, shit i would even pay money for a subscription, i pay for hightimes mag i would deffinetely pay for this, we need somewhere to go
Damn, a guy takes the summer off to tend to his garden, and I pop my head back in here to see Babylon is on fire.

I could definitely feel a shift in consciousness in old school organics section. Besides a busy summer its one reason I lurk more than I post now. Lots of new kids coming to play in our sandbox. What do you expect Sub, you are a Youtube Icon. Make an invite only community and let a brother in! A community full of passionate people who know what they are doing, start sharing real information and growing together; could be a beautiful thing.
Damn, a guy takes the summer off to tend to his garden, and I pop my head back in here to see Babylon is on fire.

I could definitely feel a shift in consciousness in old school organics section. Besides a busy summer its one reason I lurk more than I post now. Lots of new kids coming to play in our sandbox. What do you expect Sub, you are a Youtube Icon. Make an invite only community and let a brother in! A community full of passionate people who know what they are doing, start sharing real information and growing together; could be a beautiful thing.[/hell yeah
Since it is unanimous that Sub is/was one of the best teacher somebody can wish for, it is now time for the students to show how well they have learned. Make him proud..............
I like the next man am sorry to know that subs knowledge will no longer be here but other than that let the man live his life if he wants to leave so be it won't be affecting my life one way or another.There will always be someone to step up and fill his shoes, that's just life.
All this because of a couple haters and newbies, What about the rest of us that have been loyal followers and supporters of everything Subcool does.
Your letting the haters win is that what you want, its the very thing that drives them you have to rise above it all and be a happy person and laugh the insults off nothing bothers a hater more then to see you happy and untouched by all those that want to bring you down, I hope you can come to your senses and realize there are way more that love you then hate you
Ive had the pleasure of meeting subcool, he a cool ass dude. For all u haters out there that hate on tga and subcool... fuck u and get the fuck off riu. This man to me is an awesome teacher that puts all hos know on the web for everyone to use.. for free. Imma a diehard weednerd. And will foreverever be in debt to subcool. Hes taught me almost everything i know.. To sub... HATERS = MOTIVATION.. Dust that shit off and use that negative energy to motivate u..
I love all my haters. As they push me to wprk harder.

Ohhh yeah here is some grape ape grown in super soil..

Haters eat ur heart out..






So yeahhh. Sub thanks for everything uve done for our community. Weed nerd 4 lyfe
I have came along way...and a lot is because of a man I consider a mentor..I will keep growing TGA and trying to flood TENNESSE with clones ...
I wonder why the owner doesn't come here anymore?.. That seems odd... I know they wanted to charge me 20 thousand dollars for a forum like this one Subcool has... + 12 thousand a year just to advertise... I would have gladly donated say a few 100 like I did at Weed Watch just to be nice. I think a lot of people would have given something, but there wasn't any other option that was offered.