Thanks to Sub,and ALL Weed Nerds for taking my skills to the next level

i just tried to send em a pm but i dont think worked but IAM A NEWBIE and didnt know anything of tga or subcool untill a week before the denver cup u gotta start somewhere right? i admitted that i was one of the guys who asked him a dumbass question that i could have googled and wasnt trying to be a pain in the ass i thanked him and let him know he inspried me.....been off the forum for couple months trying to get my stuff up and running to come back to this maddness i have been commiting myself since april to become a weed nerd and get knowledge from the best i will always remember OD handing me those micky kush seeds it was like this is wat a want to be apart of thanks again to sub and the whole tga crew just know when ur at the top and u got haters ur definely doing something right
I didn't hear anyone say they weren't gonna buy TGA cuz of sub leaving... i think people are allowed to be disappointed sub won't be on RIU anymore -- he's worked hard to get people invested in TGA -- guess what, we are :) Frankly I'm also lazy and I don't wanna split time between here and another site... other people have tried to get me to do it... I got time for one site :)