Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Dank. correction. with the domain and addition to search engines it comes out to $208.42/yr
the other thing was just the first part of the package. you then have to pick a domain and have the option of being added to search engines for $25/yr.

What do you think?
didn't get to read that yet huh dank?????????????? lol


Well-Known Member
Here's a few of the other set of ladies that's flowering.
Purple Voodoo's #1 and #2. Sins OG,Afghan Kush x Yumbolt,Berry Bomb,HBB. There all doing good, and hadn't been having any issues out of any of them. May dose with just a tad of "Cal-Mag" - Bloom" other then that, there all doing good and right on track. :mrgreen:

If anyone has any questions or comments, please feel free to hollar. Hopes you guys have enjoyed the updates.



Well-Known Member
Here's a few of the other set of ladies that's flowering.
Purple Voodoo's #1 and #2. Sins OG,Afghan Kush x Yumbolt,Berry Bomb,HBB. There all doing good, and hadn't been having any issues out of any of them. May dose with just a tad of "Cal-Mag" - Bloom" other then that, there all doing good and right on track. :mrgreen:

If anyone has any questions or comments, please feel free to hollar. Hopes you guys have enjoyed the updates.
All looking great as usual. Can't even tell that you messed anyone up back when we first started chatting. lol...They were involved in the "Bud Blood incident" right? lol


Well-Known Member
All looking great as usual. Can't even tell that you messed anyone up back when we first started chatting. lol...They were involved in the "Bud Blood incident" right? lol
Well, none of those where, except for the "Snowcap" "which is the 1 that took the most damage"... the others started looking sad :( then I flushed and they started looking a lot better. NEVER again will I EVER use "AN "Bud Blood"!! The stuff is WAY to strong!! And to think, I ONLY used a 1/4th tsp to a gln of water!!


Well-Known Member
I will be doing another update here this eve guys of the "other set" of ladies that's flowering.. I am going to jump off and cook some supper. Hope 2 talk/see you guys later tonight.. Have a great day fella's..


bird dog

Well-Known Member
If you remember dank...I tried telling you about Bud Blood a while back. I went through a horrible experience last year with it. You have to cut it into fourths to use it on your girls. Have you checked my girls out lately on my "Your Opinion" thread? How is the bean strain productions going? Can't wait! Peace


Well-Known Member
Hadn't got to it yet bro.. but yeah, that sounds ok 2 me. What about you :??:
Sounds good to me. I just think we should hold off on getting it until we are ready to build it; pictures of tests and whatever.
I'm going right away with the next grow.
The day i cut is the day i start the next. I'll have plenty of grow nutes left over after this so i can get the seeds going asap.
With a standard 11-12 week grow. some may take longer to mature than others but i'll have the seeds, pictures, and accurate description of every aspect of each strain. :)

If you have most of that already for your side we can probably get it started sooner. But i wouldn't put anything out until i test it first. lol..


Well-Known Member
I passed out on the sofa! lol
whew, the room got to spinning and
I had to lay my head down for a while...
update later? awesome!;)


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah! That's fine with me buddy. Cause I know that something like this will be a "work in progress", and can't just be thrown & or fixed in alittle amount of time. It'll all work out! "We have a dream"!! All we gots 2 do is reach out and grab it!! ;)

Sounds good to me. I just think we should hold off on getting it until we are ready to build it; pictures of tests and whatever.
I'm going right away with the next grow.
The day i cut is the day i start the next. I'll have plenty of grow nutes left over after this so i can get the seeds going asap.
With a standard 11-12 week grow. some may take longer to mature than others but i'll have the seeds, pictures, and accurate description of every aspect of each strain. :)

If you have most of that already for your side we can probably get it started sooner. But i wouldn't put anything out until i test it first. lol..


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, I knows I told you another update. Thus making "3" I have done today alone. I told you guys things would get back to the normal here soon enough.. give me a fews to upload all the pictures.. have some good "bud porn" shots 4 all of you! So hang tight a few please..

Thanks.. Dank..


Well-Known Member
Yup. Just figured it's more cost efficient for both of us to wait for the web package until we have everything else ready to go.
The site can be edited the first few weeks of operation while we figure out exactly how we want it to look.

This gives me the time i need to study up on web design and get all the animations and buttons and everything created.
All the buttons on the pages will be custom designed. It's gonna take a bit to get it all finished.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah! That's fine with me buddy. Cause I know that something like this will be a "work in progress", and can't just be thrown & or fixed in alittle amount of time. It'll all work out! "We have a dream"!! All we gots 2 do is reach out and grab it!! ;)
That's right! Dreams are worth all we've got, ain't they? ;) I'm looking forward to these pics a LOT! can't wait to see those big girls in all their glory!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yup. Just figured it's more cost efficient for both of us to wait for the web package until we have everything else ready to go.
The site can be edited the first few weeks of operation while we figure out exactly how we want it to look.

This gives me the time i need to study up on web design and get all the animations and buttons and everything created.
All the buttons on the pages will be custom designed. It's gonna take a bit to get it all finished.
I can't wait to see what you do with it!!! it's gonna rock, I know it is..;);) if I can help out in any way, don't hesitate to ask k? I may not know all that fancy video editing stuff but I do know about some great apps;)


Well-Known Member
Ok, in the pictures is as follows: WW x BB (seeded a few cola's), The Purps(also pollinated), Purple Voodoo#3 (pollinated). All these ladies where pollinated with a male Bubblegum, and also I had hit them with some Jack Herer (male) pollen on different cola's.
The Purps has been really packing the trichs on here within the past few days as you can see. She also has resin dripping out in spots and running down the main stalk! :mrgreen: smells so good its unreal!

If anyone has any question or comments feel free.. Thanks 4 checking them out.



bird dog

Well-Known Member
Just to let you folks know...I am a software developer and I have implemented many web sites. So, if you need any help or have questions, don't hesitate to ask. I did'nt know anyone was thinking of building a web site. Otherwise, I would have mentioned this sooner. Rock on...
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