First HPS Grow - 600w - Multiple Strains - Closest


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm saying! Every picture I see the buds look amazing, fat, sugary, seems super stable, high THC content, good CBD content, and everyone seems to get high yields off it, but they turn around and they're like "oh it wasn't what I expected" this and that. Like you said we will just have to wait and see in a few months how it comes out. Like what do you need to be satisfied? lol


Well-Known Member
Still only two confirmed female, one looks like it has calyxes coming, and one is unknown still. Alright so I'm starting to work on evening my canopy out since I flipped the four Platos. I can tell the differences easily but it's a little harder in pictures, so I'll explain a little bit. I only LSTd three of four Platos one or two times, and S/C'd a little bit while they were younger, but all for turned out a little differently. One Plato I left completely alone, no LST, S/C, anything, just to see the plant structure, nice indica Christmas tree look almost. Another Plato grew lanker, super cropped it twice and LSTd twice when it was younger, so it's around the same height as the rest, only a few lower branches needing to catch up to the top. The next was LSTd once, got 3 nice solid tops, with the side branches not doing as well, already took care of the training right after the photo. The last is one that a LSTd once or twice, and has a perfect even canopy already, maybe one branch is a little behind but got a lot of nice good tops. Here are the pictures, I'll try to get them in order as I just described them, two pictures each plant.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm still have 4 grams of shwag...... But GDP man shows up with this rock hard nug....SUNP0001.jpg
What to do????
That's right, Put the shwag away to dry out more for another day. hahaha


Well-Known Member
It sucks to not have connects man. i know it does.
If you are licensed it gets much easier to locate. Go to a meeting meet some people, and BAM new connect when you run dry. haha


Well-Known Member
It sucks to not have connects man. i know it does.
If you are licensed it gets much easier to locate. Go to a meeting meet some people, and BAM new connect when you run dry. haha
Oh I know where to get it, that's never a problem. I just got no cash, that's why I am smoking schwag, I get a free quarter a week. Also we don't got medical so we don't exactly have meetings and clubs like you guys.


Well-Known Member
i stopped going to the meetings. it's a waste of time really unless you are looking to score something. lol.
Nothing gets discussed. just the same topics all the time.

Mark the Calenders people!!! November 2nd the House brings Prohibition removal to a vote..... If it's federally lifted..... Speechless.


Well-Known Member
Oh and it's week 2 of flowering today for the Unknown #1 plant. Just snapped a few quick pics under the HPS, hoping for some big, fat, and dank buds off this unknown strain. (Note: the odd purples and such in colors are from my camera trying to adjust to the HPS lights, if you want to see the real colors go back a page or a few with the same plant in natural light. Page 74)


Well-Known Member
Thats a Sativa dom there,alot of leaf to bud ratio.The others look great dont know where your gonna,
Grow all of em there all fems,Lstn and S/C em till you get a even canopy...Then lower light to 16-18".

Might be to low to have a big enough Footprint,But id for sure get the footprint to cover all of em.


Well-Known Member
Thats a Sativa dom there,alot of leaf to bud ratio.The others look great dont know where your gonna,
Grow all of em there all fems,Lstn and S/C em till you get a even canopy...Then lower light to 16-18".

Might be to low to have a big enough Footprint,But id for sure get the footprint to cover all of em.
Yeah it's a little leafy, but looks great. Yeah I'm hoping I can use some bamboo sticks and plant tape or modified tomato rings to keep the plants a little narrower. What are you talking about when you say it might be to low to have a big enough footprint?


Well-Known Member
That with the light tht low it wont cover all the plants.
They look real bushy.

A 4x4 space and alot of lsnt should cover 4 plants.

Also,use the space bar on all long text, its so hard to read.


Well-Known Member
That with the light tht low it wont cover all the plants.
They look real bushy.

A 4x4 space and alot of lsnt should cover 4 plants.

Also,use the space bar on all long text, its so hard to read.
Well right now the light is 28" or so from the Plato plants. And 16" or so from the other flowering plant. The 600 will only cover 4' x 4' ? I thought we've been talking 6 plants?


Well-Known Member
Well looks like more changing plans for me. I'll be back later maybe.
Its called dialing in your grow space,BRO.I hope im not taking tht as a Attitude back later maybe!!!

I cant see the damn plants,and when you get a Sativa its gonna take up alot of space.
If you could do alittle reasearch on what a good space a 600 covers,YOU should know this.
Im done!


Well-Known Member
I planned on using 3g Smart Pots, you remember me asking you a lot about pot size and the only reason I transplanted those plants into 5g buckets was because I didn't understand exactly what to look at with the Smart Pots pruning the roots all the time. The reason I said "later maybe" was because I was upset that we talked about 6 plants this whole time then I thought I was going to be running less plants, it wasn't anything about you. I did a ton of research on it and I got so many different answers I didn't know which was right. I'm sorry if you took it towards you, I just felt bad inside and didn't want to be on. If your done I hate to see that but do what you have to do. Thanks for your help up until now bud.


Well-Known Member
I apologize for the way I acted; I respect and take all your help very personally. I will be back when I have some time to update.