Well,, I read. And I propose that to you. You with closed mind cannot be proven to. But, you may educated yourself in neutral to all the viewpoints.
See the diagram about the scriptural sources. I included the list below.
Paper Conclusion : The dogmatic basis for jihad and martyrdom attacks (
Sunni Tradition) are the core values and themes in Islam‘s doctrinal texts: The Quran and the Hadiths.
―Jihad means to war against non-Muslims and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada, signifying warfare to establish the religion.‖lxxxiv
Jihad‘s perpetual character. ―The duty of the
jihad exists as long as the universal domination of Islam has not been attained.‖ lxxxv,lxxxvi,lxxxvii,lxxxviii,lxxxix
Scriptural Basis for Jihad. The scriptural basis for jihad is identified in juridical texts
The Distinguished Jurist’s Primer,
Reliance of the Traveller and al- Shafii’s Risala
and the
Chief Justice of Saudi Arabia‘s Call to Jihad as:clxxvi
2 (Al-Baqarah):216clxxxi,clxxxii,clxxxiii,clxxxiv,clxxxv,,
3 (Al-Imran):140,clxxxvi,clxxxvii,clxxxviii,
3 (Al-Imran):141clxxxix,cxc,cxci ,
3 (Al-Imran):142cxcii,cxciii,cxciv,
3 (Al-Imran):169-172 cxcv,cxcvi,cxcvii,
4 (An-Nisa):74cxcviii,cxcix,cc ,
4 (An-Nisa):89cci,
4 (An-Nisa):95ccii,cciii,cciv,
4 (An-Nisa):104ccv,ccvi,ccvii,
8 (Al-Anfal):39-42ccviii,
9 (At-Taubah):5ccxii,ccxiii,
9 (At-Taubah):29ccxiv,ccxv,ccxvi,ccxvii,ccxviii,
9 (At-Taubah):36ccxix,ccxx,
9 (At-Taubah):38-39ccxxi,ccxxii,ccxxiii,ccxxiv,
9 (At-Taubah):41ccxxv,ccxxvi,ccxxvii,ccxxviii,,
9 (At-Taubah):91ccxxix,
9 (At-Taubah):111ccxxx,ccxxxi,ccxxxii,
9 (At-Taubah):112ccxxxiii,ccxxxiv,ccxxxv,
9 (At-Taubah):122ccxxxvi,ccxxxvii ,
22 (Al-Hajj):39ccxxxviii,ccxxxix,ccxl, and
33 (Al-Ahzab:23.ccxli,ccxlii,ccxliii
From Jihad to Martyrdom Establishing the Mindset. The Quran and the Hadith propagate two doctrinal themes that motivate responsive individuals to participate in jihad: the perpetual existence of war between the dar al harb and dar al Islam and the obligatory nature of jihad.
You can deny it, but we know what we fight and we know why you can slip around and say that's not in there. But, the radical clerics says it is.
So, it is not a religion by difintion. And if you accept the Sunni Tradition as all Sunni must, then you are the enemy, in fact.
If you will not renounce this, you are Jihad.
And I am pretty sure that if you renouce this violence as the means to spread Islam you are renouncing Sunni itself.
And that is why you won't renounce it. It is why we never see renunciation of this form Sunni. That would be abdicating from your Conquest Cult and they will kill you for that.