How to Combat Sunni Jihad

So how big is the Muslim empire kkkynes? How much territory has the Muslim empire violently appropriated?

Shit, if you can even just name one Islamic theocratic nation (currently existing) which has violently appropriated land and now holds political power over it, I would be somewhat impressed. Probably not though, since I know how little respect you have for logic and for the definitions of words.
"moderate" islam is by it's very definition RADICAL, in that it fails to adhere to the core priinciples laid out in the Koran and Hadiths, hence the rise of Takfiri who declare other moslems who DO NOT hold to their FUNDAMENTALIST BELIEFS to be Kaffir, willy nilly.

this is not a word jumble where you get to reassign meaning to the various words, and i believe i made it QUITE clear that those moslems who have renounced jihad and violence are subject to Takfir, from the Takfiri, who are in fact Fundamentalists.

the Talibs were Fundamentalists too.
the Moslem Brotherhood is also Fundamentalist
al quaeda, as expressed by osama bin laden's ramblings is quite fundamentalist as well

thus, those who do not accept the fundamentalist view are therefore RADICALS just as Matrin Luther (not King) was a radical, the Huguenots were radicals, the Quakers were radicals, and the Puritans were Radical Fundamentalists....

still not following ehh?

ok, try this.

my dog eats meat. he loves it. in that respect he is a Canine Fundamentalist.
i have a friend who has a dog who will leave BACON for a tomatoe, he is a Canine Radical.

Most horses eat plants, and they are Equine Fundamentalists
but every now and then you see a horse eat a rodent, or a lizard, or a bird, they are Equine Radicals.

Most Moslems support jihad, as a FUNDAMENTAL tenet of their faith (proved by history, surveys, polls, the Koran and Hadiths, etc...) these moslems are Fundamentalists in that respect
some moslems go beyond "supporting jihad" in theory, and go apeshit with bomb vests. these assholes are REAL FUNDAMENTALISTS
some moslems reject jihad, and embrace peace, these moslems are so "RADICAL" in the view of the Fundamentalists that they are subject to Takfir, and can be declared Kaffirs (apostates)

is that sinking in?

You still have no idea what the fuck you're talking about - all your garbage analogies and copy and paste infused xenophobic rants will not change that simple fact...

I know you feel you have been called up to serve against the "muslim invaders" that plague your delusions but seek help brother, you are seriously off the mark and many sandwiches short of a picnic...
More bullshit KKKeyes...

That reference in the Qur'an the you believe are "core tenets" have been skewed and misinterpreted by dumbasses like you...

It is in reference to the treaty of Hudaybiyya and the victory of Mecca... The majority of muslims scholars such as Shaykh Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti agree;

more "context" bullshit.

the entire book is meshuggah (lulz) and has no unifying theme except "islam is the one true way" and "eventually everyone must become moslem"
curiously the most damning verses are those regarding Jihad, particulary "paradise lies under the shade of swords" which is interpreted as meaning "swords are the gateway to paradise" by MOST moslem imams and mullahs.

War: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the jews, and the stone behind which a jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a jew hiding behind me, so kill him." (Book #52, Hadith #177)

Peace: Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: Somebody asked, "O Allah's Apostle! Who is the best among the people?" Allah's Apostle replied "A believer who strives his utmost in Allah's Cause with his life and property." They asked, "Who is next?" He replied, "A believer who stays in one of the mountain paths worshipping Allah and leaving the people secure from his mischief." (Book #52, Hadith #45)

War: Narrated 'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa: Allah's Apostle said, "Know that paradise is under the shades of swords." (Book #52, Hadith #73)

Peace: Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: A man came to the Prophet asking his permission to take part in jihad. The Prophet asked him, "Are your parents alive?" He replied in the affirmative. The Prophet said to him, "Then exert yourself in their service." (Book #52, Hadith #248)

War: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "Allah guarantees him who strives in His Cause and whose motivation for going out is nothing but jihad in His Cause and belief in His Word, that He will admit him into Paradise (if martyred) or bring him back to his dwelling place, whence he has come out, with what he gains of reward and booty." (Book #53, Hadith #352)

Just freaking Nuts: Narrated Abu Aiyub Al-Ansari: The Prophet said, "While defecating, neither face nor turn your back to the Qibla but face either east or west." Abu Aiyub added. "When we arrived in Sham we came across some lavatories facing the Qibla; therefore we turned ourselves while using them and asked for Allah's forgiveness." (Book #8, Hadith #388)
So how big is the Muslim empire kkkynes? How much territory has the Muslim empire violently appropriated?

Shit, if you can even just name one Islamic theocratic nation (currently existing) which has violently appropriated land and now holds political power over it, I would be somewhat impressed. Probably not though, since I know how little respect you have for logic and for the definitions of words.

Turkey, holding 1/3 of cyprus, in direct violation of international law, UN resolutions and their own claims of being "peaceful"

neener neener neener.

theres plenty more, but thats just off the top of my head.
You still have no idea what the fuck you're talking about - all your garbage analogies and copy and paste infused xenophobic rants will not change that simple fact...

I know you feel you have been called up to serve against the "muslim invaders" that plague your delusions but seek help brother, you are seriously off the mark and many sandwiches short of a picnic...

i have to use analogies, you cant seem to grasp the meanings of words.

see theres Nouns (takfiri)
adjectives (kaffir)
verbs (takfir)
and so many more, i see why you are falling behind.

perhaps i should copy/paste some Yertle The Turtle or Dick And Jane.
Unitary parliamentary constitutional republic.

Turkey may be full of "muzzies" but it is not theocratic.

okay then, lebanon, formerly a predominantly christian nation which in less than a generation was overrun by hezzbollah and is now run by a puppet regime out of syria
Jordan, once part of Judea, and predominantly jewish, now dominated by musselmen and their "king" who rules by religious decree
Persia, once predominantly zoroastrian and polytheist, conquered by the caliphate and now dominated by musselmen and their supreme leader the ayatollah kohmeni (no relation)
the Philippines, a predominantly catholic nation were large portions of territory are held by abu sayyaf terrorists financed by indonesia
Arabia, once a polytheistic land, now dominated by musselmen (and no, the various tribes didnt join willingly, in fact Ibn Saud was still putting down "infidel tribes" in the 1930's)
the entire ottoman empire
spain, a catholic nation, conquered by the ummayad caliphate, holding dominance for several centuries until eventually they were overthrown.
and so on and so on and so on.

you keep tailoring your demands narrower and narrower, nobody believes islam is peaceful, not even you.
you keep tailoring your demands narrower and narrower

No kynes, I asked a specific question, in fact, that very question was quite forgiving compared to the broad claim that Doer made, which you so vigorously tried to defend. I actually tailored it to make it easier for you.

So how many of the islamic theocracies are belligerent empires of conquest?
No kynes, I asked a specific question, in fact, that very question was quite forgiving compared to the broad claim that Doer made, which you so vigorously tried to defend. I actually tailored it to make it easier for you.

So how many of the islamic theocracies are belligerent empires of conquest?

so when they claim (like iran does) to be "democratic republics" or some other twaddle that makes their fig leaf into the emperors new clothes. BULLSHIT

if a nation is dominated politically by a religious organization they are a theocracy no matter how hard you try and pretend otherwise.

you have repeatedly called israel a theocracy, and that is patently untrue.

if israel is a theocracy, then turkey sure as shit must be.
so when they claim (like iran does) to be "democratic republics" or some other twaddle that makes their fig leaf into the emperors new clothes. BULLSHIT

if a nation is dominated politically by a religious organization they are a theocracy no matter how hard you try and pretend otherwise.

you have repeatedly called israel a theocracy, and that is patently untrue.

if israel is a theocracy, then turkey sure as shit must be.


Iran is a theocracy though, since you did mention that country.
so when they claim (like iran does) to be "democratic republics" or some other twaddle that makes their fig leaf into the emperors new clothes. BULLSHIT

if a nation is dominated politically by a religious organization they are a theocracy no matter how hard you try and pretend otherwise.

you have repeatedly called israel a theocracy, and that is patently untrue.

if israel is a theocracy, then turkey sure as shit must be.

Dubya admitted consulting with the lord when he made his decisions.
America a theocracy? Thats what your saying right...... ;)
Dubya admitted consulting with the lord when he made his decisions.
America a theocracy? Thats what your saying right...... ;)

nope, america is an idiocracy.

dubya was an evangelical dominionist, a fact which would have been handy to know BEFORE he got elected, but he was still the only choice since gore was a fucking froot loop.

tweedle dee and tweedle dum ran unopposed, but they both couldnt win.
in retrospect i think we came up aces on that one.

gore would have been a disaster even without sept 11th.
nope, america is an idiocracy.

dubya was an evangelical dominionist, a fact which would have been handy to know BEFORE he got elected, but he was still the only choice since gore was a fucking froot loop.

tweedle dee and tweedle dum ran unopposed, but they both couldnt win.
in retrospect i think we came up aces on that one.

gore would have been a disaster even without sept 11th.

Lol, I had to hit the +rep for the dubya slam.... :)
Lol, I had to hit the +rep for the dubya slam.... :)

slamming dubya is shooting fish in a barrel.

it;s a target rich environment even without all the phony bush quotes.
his actual deeds were stupid enough without the need for any Lilly Gilding (which was more like Turd Polishing).

really, Nationbuilding in a land war in asia? come on.
That's a bullshit interpretation... Should we also take a literal interpretation from the Talmud regarding sexual maturity - "At nine years a male attains sexual matureness… The sexual matureness of woman is reached at the age of three"? (Talmud footnotes 3/4 to Sanhedrin 55a)

You are interpreting something you DO NOT understand and are pushing bullshit for the sake of pushing bullshit...

They will not deny that. So I don't how those little typos in the talmund have any weight of example. I can give you 100 undenied examples in Koran of this directly. And there are countless more that allude to the Sunni Tradition.

The example you need to provide is global conquest doctrine. And here, I'm afraid the only real example is Christianity under Constantine. So, while you do have a thing against Zion, you told me, yourself, not to broad brush all Jews.

You don't have to cover the Sunni on this. They freely admit it. And those three Sunni guys last week, here, would not deny it. Now, three in a row? Totally random? All would not renounce global conquest.

Oh, they tap dance. But, in the end, Islam itself allows no other religions. So, ipso facto, ego sum, that is what equals Conquest. The Faithful of the Christians, Hindu, Buddhist, Zion and Islam, the 5 main war cults constitute a Mob War, in fact, if the Muslims have their way They piss off everyone.

And who pissed off the Jews? And who pissed off the Buddhists?

So, attack the KKK as the bent sect of of Christians, but, they never tried to take over the world, by force. Only by Mission.

But, one, Islam, spreads by Mission of political foment. Inner Jihad of insurrection. Don't you see Islam is the one War Cult that takes it too far? They believe their own bullshit, and teach the Faithful to kill for it. East and West, they have sown the Dark, not the Light of Harmony and Understanding. The part about Love everyone regardless of belief is missing.

To have compassion and to let all find their way, is MISSING from Islam. And I easily see it in the history of this.
Since the other religions do codify free will, Islam is easily chuckled about and dismissed. But, that leads to Fatwah. They lash out at TALK. No other religion will riot globally on TALK.

One of the things shown in Ben-gay, is how easy it is to entice world RIOT. Just make something up. That is an Ace in the Hole. That is an Achilles Heel of Islam, and we gave the Mullahs a little demonstration. I think we could come up with something at the right time, to turn the Mob on the Mullahs and Clerics. Cool.

No other religion teaches that, type of intolerance. Many practice it, as humans. But, to me, Islam is not a religion of world peace. That supposedly comes only after Domination. And how can that be Peace?

Islam is fatalistic and fatalism is fatal for those in the way, To say, no free will, is Devil Worship.

Insha'Allah is fatalism. It lead to an inner surrender, good. But, it manifests a wonton disregard. All that really means, is a true Muslim can do no Wrong. God will sort it out.

So, Islam lacks compunction. It lacks the teaching of live and let live. And they left that out on purpose.

Do you see it?