My First grow


Active Member
Take cuttings before u go into flower, I hear watering before taking cuttings is helpful. I want a cool hood too, I have a cool tube but I want a hood. Everything looks good bro keep it up :)
thanks for the reply, and the compliments.
I purchased my cool hood off amazon. It was like 70$ or something like that. It doesn't have the same coverage as my other relector but its way better at keeping my temp low, which im sure is important especially when your plants are still young and delicate.


Active Member
So i wanted to post some photos. My one auto plant went into flower recently, my plants have fully recovered from topped. Btw i didnt top that auto.

I think i slightly burned some of the plants using to much nutriencts, but i flushed them with that fox farms root flush product and they seem to be coming back just fine.

Do you guys mix up ALOT of water at once or just enough to use in one day?


Active Member
The two jack herers are getting bigger.IMG_0697.jpg
Here's the auto bomb, I am correct in thinking that this is a bud developing right?
This ww x skunk is so sad looking. It's been thru hell, Im anticipating that this will end up being a male, if he makes it that far, I just hate to throw him out till I know for certain.
Heres the other skunks, I think I might have accidentally added fertilizer, burning one of them a little.


So I built the screen for my scrog, and Ive topped them, some of them I've topped twice, others once, but I didn't top the auto, I'm thinking that should allow me to compare yield size and bud size, to find which works best for me. Now I'm just waiting for the plants to grow up ward(in fact I raised my lights a little) so I can begin tucking them. The only thing i didn't do was the LST part , staking the four main stalks down.

Thanks for viewing and if you have any comments or questions, please share.



Active Member
Oh yeah screen design, I took LBH's advice from his how to scrog tutorial,and I made my screen using a frame, with eye hooks going around it every 3", then I took some string and laced it up, tightening it so tight you could play the strings like a Guitar. Then because I'm using a tent I couldn't use shower curtains to hold it up. I started using adjustable legs, then I decided I would just hang it using Parachute cord with wire clamps so I can adjust the height. And it actually works out well because now I have something to hang my 4" clip on fans from.


Active Member
Just an update, I'm having some problems with my plants getting yellow spots on them. Also, I took off the scrog screen, I figure I need to keep this as simple as possible. I did top them so I guess that should help. My autobomb is budding Nicely, so I'm excited about that. I'm shocked how intense the smell is, like I can smell it outside the room so I had to order a carbon filter.
Also I transplanted the skunks and took some cuttings off the jack herer plants, probably a bit too soon at only 5 weeks but I couldn't wait to try my hand at cloning so I did it. I took some photos last night, ill try to post them tonight.
Just keeping y'all posted


Active Member
Hey quick update/ question. I have been having yellowing issues, spotting, I transplanted all my photoperiod plants to 3 gallon pots last night. I'm on Week 5 or 6 of veg and I really wanna start the flowering period soon, since i would like to be smoking by Xmas. Anyways should i wait until all my problems have been worked out or will I be okay changing my light cycle now,? and one additional question, I've been told that I may be underfeeding and overwatering my plants. The way I have been watering is to water till I have 20% run off, then waiting till the top inch is dry to the point where when I push my finger in the soil no dirt sticks to my finger,does that sound about right? Problem is with the one gallon pots that meant watering about 2-3 times a week which I'm being told sounds too frequent... But fox farms also says to feed twice a week, while others are telling me I should only have to water once a week... I'm getting confused. Help! Lol


Active Member
As far as the yellowing spots im really not sure but it might be Cal-Mg. When I used foxfarm I had the same problem out of some strains but like I said I reallu don't know for sure. And as far as the watering they look healthy and your method is a good one. At most id let them go without water for 1 or 2 days after they are dry an inch down just for the bottem of the pot to dry out. Also before watering pic up the pot and see how light it is conpared to how heavy it is after watering.


Active Member
As far as the yellowing spots im really not sure but it might be Cal-Mg. When I used foxfarm I had the same problem out of some strains but like I said I reallu don't know for sure. And as far as the watering they look healthy and your method is a good one. At most id let them go without water for 1 or 2 days after they are dry an inch down just for the bottem of the pot to dry out. Also before watering pic up the pot and see how light it is conpared to how heavy it is after watering.
Hey thanks for the reply, I try to do the hole picking up the pot thing, but sometimes it's hard to tell the difference In fact last night I tried to weigh them out on a digital bathroom scale but they don't weigh enough to register on the scale. I was thinking about buying a food scale or something that maxes out at like 20 lbs and weighs in grams or ounces... Maybe that would help.


Active Member
I like the grow, subbed up. Sorry about your autos early on.
Thanks man. At first it turned me off to the autos but I actually like how fast they bud so if I ever order more seeds I think I might do more depending on how potent the bud is.


Active Member
So when I transplanted my plants wensday I feed them all, I did 4 tsp's of big bloom and 1 tsp per gallon of big bloom. So Last night I checked on my plants and they look pretty good,they still have some smaller yellow spots but its looking better. My auto bomb is looking delicious, ill post some photos tonight. I changed the light cycle Saturday to 12/12, and I changed my light from mh to my hps bulb. By the way I have to say I hate the hps spectrum, it hurts my eyes and makes the plants look stupid. Anyhow, I took some clones about a week or two ago and about half have foots popping out.

Also I built a stinkbud Aeroponic veg set up and I also built a bubbleponics setup. I'm planing on putting these clones in my bubbleponics setup and if they do well I'm going to do the next batch in the aero setup.

Ill post photos of everything tonight.


Active Member
Oh also, I cloned the first batch in coco plugs, since I didn't have and couldn't get rockwool cubes. I should be okay using those in a bubbleponics setup, right?


Active Member
Yea shouldn't hurt it the coco might fall down to the res if it comes into contact with water like pouring over it or being sprayed on it. But I dont think that would even be bad