Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Hey thanks stew. After having the one Hermie I freak out at the slightest little thing. Like these little balls I'm seeing form at the base of the buds. Is this just new growth?

View attachment 2806017View attachment 2806020 Right at the base of that leaf.

Sort I didn't post these before, I hadn't seen them yet. But these aren't just swollen pistils, they look like swollen calyxes.
Could you please take a closer picture of the "balls" you say your seeing :??: I really can't tell from that picture..


Well-Known Member
its going
wanting to fly out to CHI town and kick a customs officials ass
my beans are about 10 mins away from being ball hash


Well-Known Member
Because i am active in more than one thread there sunni.

I can hold more than one conversation at one time.

I was just given the OK to get new gear and then screamed at for the price. So again. GO AWAY.

I'm done talking to you.

Dank bro. i'll be on later. i'm dealing with some shit AT HOME right now.

Alright bro. No worries. Just hollar when things cool down.. ;)


Well-Known Member
ill be here till the end of riu so dont think im going anywhere. i say sorry for the obvious coincidence and again you treat me like shit okay i see how this will go:D
I treat you like shit? Excuse me?


Since I never talk to you. and sent you a fuckin apology PM for the way i first acted when i was back in jibber jabber.

And instead you come out with some bullshit comment "Just proves you're not man enough to talk shit to my face" or something like that.

Well. I'm done with it. I'm not a fuckin child. You wanna follow me around like I am. HAVE FUN. Just know, I don't pay for babysitters. So you're wasting your time.


Staff member
Saw the whole drama unfold. What a great MOD. Going around picking fights with posters. Great job there Sunni.;)
i am only human we all get into issues sometimes, especially when one is constantly up my ass fighting with me, he picked it i just went on, doesnt mean i was right nor wrong, just human with feelings.


Well-Known Member
No. She just misunderstood my post and automatically say that i am talking about her and have problems with her. She's allowed her opinion. as is everyone.

What NONE of you know is.... When i first came here and was posting. sunni was nice to me. after less than a month. Not a fuckin word, and then POOF deleting posts and telling me all the shit i'm doing wrong. and expecting me to be OK with it all the fucking time.

Check out Auto Solo Contest. Whenever i started. I was nice and she was too, But BECAUSE I POSTED TOO MUCH, she has never talked to me as a "HUMAN BEING" since. and expects me to be what? a better person by talking to you the way you SHOULD talk to me? I'm sorry, no special favors for people who treat me like a child. Not to mention call me one.

Well, What I'd like to know, if you are NOT on my friends list and you delete SO many posts a day, Why do i see the same people constantly posting shit against the rules and not a fucking word is said about it?
EXAMPLE!!! That post you deleted. that PAGE that i posted. Go take a look in Marijuana Plant Problems. at every single post. because people copy and paste those pages from google DAILY to help others with problems.

Note to sunni: Update the rules and i will follow them to the fucking T. Without knowing the rules, a person cannot follow the rules.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what you are talking about since I wasn't on the other thread. All I know is you bust in here talking like that and offend someone who was talking about someone else. Doesn't take a genius.
Move on please.


Well-Known Member
No. She just misunderstood my post and automatically say that i am talking about her and have problems with her. She's allowed her opinion. as is everyone.

What NONE of you know is.... When i first came here and was posting. sunni was nice to me. after less than a month. Not a fuckin word, and then POOF deleting posts and telling me all the shit i'm doing wrong. and expecting me to be OK with it all the fucking time.

Check out Auto Solo Contest. Whenever i started. I was nice and she was too, But BECAUSE I POSTED TOO MUCH, she has never talked to me as a "HUMAN BEING" since. and expects me to be what? a better person by talking to you the way you SHOULD talk to me? I'm sorry, no special favors for people who treat me like a child. Not to mention call me one.

Well, What I'd like to know, if you are NOT on my friends list and you delete SO many posts a day, Why do i see the same people constantly posting shit against the rules and not a fucking word is said about it?
EXAMPLE!!! That post you deleted. that PAGE that i posted. Go take a look in Marijuana Plant Problems. at every single post. because people copy and paste those pages from google DAILY to help others with problems.

Note to sunni: Update the rules and i will follow them to the fucking T. Without knowing the rules, a person cannot follow the rules.
Obviously you are being targeted by her for some reason. You are the most RULE ABIDING poster I KNOW!!!! so, what the hell man...I'm done trying to understand little girl's games. I'm a grown woman and a grandmother and have no time for such high school classroom monitor bullcrap. Someone doesn't like it, oh well.


Staff member
I have no idea what you are talking about since I wasn't on the other thread. All I know is you bust in here talking like that and offend someone who was talking about someone else. Doesn't take a genius.
Move on please.
it was quite the coincidence , literally within 1 minute he posts about a cunt so i made the assumption which i later apologized for. im free to post where ever the hell i feel like it. just like anyone else.


Well-Known Member
Ok, can't we all just get along.. ;)

Anyways, here's a few shots of the outdoor laies that I could make my way to. Couldn't really get up to the others. The dang neighbor is mowing his lawn!! Everytime I cut my lawn, he goes right behind me and cuts his! He mows his 3 times to my one! Lol.. I guess he thinks where in a grass cutting compatetion!! Haha..

The ladies in the pictures are the Purple OG#18, and 2 of the OG Kush.
Hope you enjoy the update.

Thanks guys, Dank.



Well-Known Member
I am curious about one thing...is it against the rules for MODs to ask for presents from their friends on open threads? I"m just curious...


Well-Known Member
Obviously you are being targeted by her for some reason. You are the most RULE ABIDING poster I KNOW!!!! so, what the hell man...I'm done trying to understand little girl's games. I'm a grown woman and a grandmother and have no time for such high school classroom monitor bullcrap. Someone doesn't like it, oh well.
Wait there just 1 second! What bout me :??: hell, I've tried like hell 2 keep my nose clean so to speak! Lol.. I however did break the rule when I had 1st came to riu. And was corrected on it, but have since moved on!!

* I do NOT sale/nor give away SEEDS!! *

Maybe use 2, but the pasts the past, and that's where it should stay. ;)
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