I was speaking hypothetically. Do you know how much natural radiation is released every day? Do you realize you are being bombarded by nuclear radiation everytime you take your tinfoil hat off and go outside? Time to build a bunker!!
Everyone loves to deal in scare tactics. To the right we get the hand wringing about how "our children and THEIR children are going to have to foot the bill". or if we try to fix global warming we will destroy our economy, Social security will break us alllllll. Obama Care will be the end of civilized society.
And most of them are nuts.
but then we hear the left. "RADIATON!!", global warming will lay waste to the planet, GMOs will turn us all into half human half guppy.
Is that any different really? I would genuinely like to see a calm discussion over each of these doomsday scenarios. I am certain that nothing is as bad as anyone makes it out to be nor as safe as the naysayers claim.
I read somewhere that since the end of WWII six million people world wide have died from the effects of radiation emitted into our environment by nuclear testing. Actuarily, perhaps they are correct but 70 years and 7 billion people on the planet at any one time sort of makes that figure inconsequential.
I have other things to worry about than radiation poisoning in my tuna.