Change from day schedule to night, advice please


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys/Gals
Well winters coming and the temps in the growroom are too low at night when the room is in dark period at the moment.
The idea is to swap the periods round but I would like to ask you what problems this might incur and what is the best way to do this?
Gradually or all at once?
the room is in week 3 of flowering.

Thanks in advance for your time and trouble in replying to this post,
Roll on :)


If the plants aren't too young, you can switch them and they will be ok. I had just flipped my girls and went on vacation and my lights went out for five days. Alternately, you can do it gradually a couple hours at a time, and you'll be fine.
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
As you are in flowering you can just give them 24hrs of dark to change over your 12/12 schedule and they will be fine.


Well-Known Member
Another vote for an extended dark period. It'll actually be more than 24 hours, more like 30 - 36, depending on your current and desired times, but the plants will just think it was just a very cloudy day.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
They won't. Not from one day.

24 hours of light is better than 24 hours of darkness. The next time they turn on, leave them on, intill you get what you desire.