The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
anyone got any funny drugs gone wrong stories they care to share, I ve jus bin thinkin of a few, glad I only smoke these days....


Well-Known Member
anyone got any funny drugs gone wrong stories they care to share, I ve jus bin thinkin of a few, glad I only smoke these days....
Had a m8 go home after a bender on pills and tell his mum there was a man with a large hat following him about the house lol. The same lad went home one night and shaved his whole body after takin pills lol. Was the weed that fucked his head up tho

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
anyone got any funny drugs gone wrong stories they care to share, I ve jus bin thinkin of a few, glad I only smoke these days....

Fucking shit loads mate.

I've been super messy after a night out hustling pills years ago in The Boiler House (legendary), we're all back at home with the tunes on and joints blazing wrapped up in quilts on the living room floor.

I've reached over really slow and sweaty to grab what I thought was the ashtray until somebody shouted me to ask what I was doing, I snapped back and realised I was 2 inches from a hand full of the babysitters thigh with the room staring at me and no ashtray in sight.

Appologised for drifting off mashup and sat myself back down, lol.


Well-Known Member
anyone got any funny drugs gone wrong stories they care to share, I ve jus bin thinkin of a few, glad I only smoke these days....
I caught a m8 one time after takin a load of pills and speed with a 20 quid note in his mouth rolled up tryin to light the end of it lol...thot it was a joint the prick lol..,those wer the days


Well-Known Member
I can spend hours rolling a joint when totally off my face too lol, just never seem to get it finished...annoys the fuck outta me too

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I caught a m8 one time after takin a load of pills and speed with a 20 quid note in his mouth rolled up tryin to light the end of it lol...thot it was a joint the prick lol..,those wer the days

I've had lads making phone calls with the soles of their shoes stood in the middle of the dance floor.

That's a personal fave, all ways gets a laugh lol.


Well-Known Member
I've had lads making phone calls with the soles of their shoes stood in the middle of the dance floor.

That's a personal fave, all ways gets a laugh lol.
I had a m8 try to play Colm McRae and he drove the car very slowly to the edge of a cliff and got up off the seat with his hand over his brow looking over the cliff on the tv for his golf ball, he thot he was playin tiger woods lmao...,fuck me the list goes on. Never forget those days lol


Well-Known Member
very good lmao.....I got a few ...I was single, business client s daughter is obv interested in more than business.....few drinks etc....ahem ... months into relationship with beautiful woman she decides to take it the next level "with my parents would love to take us to ......... for dinner", I didn't tell her I was socially anxious and the thought of dinner with her parents was makin me shake, I also forgot to mention that I had started b....receipe for disaster.....disappeared for a piss and quick sniff...xl ..returned to table and collapsed into my starter...noddy, the relationship didn't survive this


Well-Known Member
shagging a bird and midway asking her to get the cornflakes of the top shelf and tell the shopkeeper il pay tomorrow,,, oops ruined the monet i think :? gotta love week no sleep taking E's for brekky,lmao

uk420 skum here.. omg,

right of to main op got 24 plants to cane up ffs....


Well-Known Member
Me n me cousin went out one night with the rest of the doormen on a bit of a booze n pill binge (him just pills as he was driving) came outta the club at 8am the next morning, walked to his jeep n he just sat there behind the wheel with the engine running for like 10mins, asked him if he was gonna drive or not only for him to spend the next 10mins insisting someone had built a really really high brick wall round the jeep and if he tried moving the car they would shoot us an he had promised his mum he wouldnt get hurt working the doors lmao.........I ended up chucking him in the back seat to wear it off while i drove 3/4 of the way home n had to stop for fuel as he hadnt filled the damn thing up, filled up, went in to pay and came out to him leaning against the jeep in middle of forecourt, naked from the waist down pissing over the petrol pump at 9am on a busy dual carriageway services.
Took me best part of 10-15mins to get him bk in the motor n convince him he wasnt pissing in the shower at his house like he thought, dropped him off at his house n left jeep keys with his mum/my aunt an about 5-6hrs later the old bill turnt up at his house as someone at petrol station had taken reg no. n reported him, couldnt get any sense out of him so my aunt explained he had been out the night before n his drink had been spiked and that a friend she didnt know had driven him home lmao


Well-Known Member
I was out in a van one night off my dial and when I woke up in my bed the next day I couldn't remember wer I'd left the van, about an hour of searching round the place in my dads car I found it parked in a car park lol


Well-Known Member
Think the missus has gone a bit crazy, apparentely we have to make sure the front room curtains are closed tonight as, and I quote " the fish looked very tired today coz we left the curtains open last night" hmmmmmmmm think she needs some help lmao


Well-Known Member
ppppppppffffffffffttttt...tell your missis I want some of what she had lolol........I just pissed me pants ha ha ah class
Think the missus has gone a bit crazy, apparentely we have to make sure the front room curtains are closed tonight as, and I quote " the fish looked very tired today coz we left the curtains open last night" hmmmmmmmm think she needs some help lmao


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;XoVQaDbPna8][/video].............funny as fuk


Well-Known Member

a generation of soapbar makes good hash hard to sell these days only people who no hash are old, any youngster thinks hash=soapbar.............


Well-Known Member
Ano, I was smoking a joint of that pollen with a fella today and he says "what's wrong ur smokin brown m8" lol, hadn't a clue what it was
and thats royal afghan u was smoking with him as u said very nice pollen, soap bar killed it............

that in the pic is banging and so fucking cheap u wouldnt believe...........