Outdoor competition 08


Well-Known Member
ok so these are my babies..
i live in London, Ontario Canada, so my climate might be a tad different then some of yu guys in the competition. This is my first ever grow.

this is the kids a week or so ago. they are now in the ground.

this is them now, in there new home.

they were looking a little droopy yesterday as yu can see, and there lower leaves are starting to die off now.
hopefully they will be already, its been pretty moist for the past few days.

ill post updates if anyone is interested.
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Well-Known Member
I would like to join the competition.

I have like 15 plants outside, but the 4 older ones I will enter. They are all bagseed, they look like satva/indica hybrids. They have really spaced out nodes, but they aren't stretching, so I figure they are sativa, but they have super phat leaves, so that show indo.

I dont have pics, but I will try to get some tommorow.

Black Light

Well-Known Member
Can I join the competition?

I have 4 plants at the moment the 2 largest ones are these. I don't have pictures of the other 2, they are to small for a good pic with a cell phone.

I'm 35.333053,-81.864624 North Carolina



Well-Known Member
dude those seriously cant be your GPS coordinates can they? mill st, forest city, NC ... not too smart .. really


Active Member
i dont remeber exactly when i planted this..end of april/may

i did have 3, an animal ate one and then just a few days ago i found balls one of the remainding 2 so i threw it out..and this one is a keeeeeeeeeperr!

first time ever growing..

PIXCAR 006.jpg

trees 017.jpg

trees 018.jpg


Well-Known Member
Here are the pics of my plants today (2 of them anyways)

the 1st pic is showing the 2 top plant that lost a top :(

2nd pic is a size comparison to my machete (my camera sux so add another 6 inches or so to what you see)

And the last pic makes me question something. My plant went back to 3 bladed leaves when it had been growing 5 bladed leaves for over a month now, so anyone know wtf is up with that?

