Bongload Confessional


Active Member
Ok so I got 3 pineapple ex & 1 cotton candy ripening. One PE is closer to finishing than the rest. About 80% of the pistils have turned brown & the top leaves are yellowing/starting to wither on the most ripe colas. I count 20 main colas but there are smaller nodes budding under thick canopy. They have been flowering for 55 days now. I estimate I have about another 2 to 3 weeks to go on the majority of the larger PE colas and 4 to 5 weeks more for the CC. A few of the most ripe colas appear finished...trichs are about 30% cloudy and the rest are clear.
In 6 days I will run out of bud & got no loot with which to get more. I am thinking about taking one small branch tonight that probably has about .5 oz of bud on it to dry out & try it. I know I am being impatient and a bit greedy but not sure we can go 2 weeks without smoke...would somebody please stop me or cheer me on... what would you do?


Active Member
Site harvesting is not uncommon, or ill advised.
Relatively common late stage, I'm almost at that point myself.
was thinking about hangin some just to have some Home Grown for my b-day next week,
but they're not quite ripe enough for an early genk on some.
Cheers, mate.


Active Member
Oh well ...what's done is done now....everything you are probably right but then I have to wait a week or so to dry it out.....hoping I could go long enough to wait until its in a jar for a week or so before tapping it.
I ended up with way more bud than I expected from 1 branch & I got some practice trimming. The top buds are nice & hard for this early stage of ripeness but the tiny popcorn buds down low are very leafy & loose...I got about what looks like an oz but only about 1/2 of it is smokeable....the rest will be used to make bubble/brownies.


Active Member
Oh and every time I've ever flash dried a bud it sucked. I have made most of my newbie mistakes already believe me. I stopped growing with dirt in my closets years ago due to dissapointing yield & then flash drying it becuz I could't wait to dry it & then having no bud at all because I wasted the good stuff on people I thought were my freinds by the time it was properly cured.
This harvest was 20 years in the making & I do not regret taking a fraction of what I will end up with a little before its prime. However I must plan to set aside time to at least air dry it so I can do a bong load & rock out to Jerry while trimming the extra dank shit in a few weeks....peace


Well-Known Member
nothing wrong with popcorn pinching in desperate times. Just let the proper buds live to a ripe old age.:bigjoint:


Active Member
werd....I like the idea of harvesting in sections so I can stop when I feel like it and keep it all separate as opposed to chopping it all down. Having a range of bud taken at different stages of maturity cant be a bad thing...Considering the amount of tiny popcorn buds I see I'm thinking about re-vegging after taking the main colas as they become ready..
The gap from the branch I cut allows one to see inside the dense canopy...scrog is no joke when you take extra weeks to train the branches! It may be that I super cropped & lst-ed the absolute piss out of them which made too many nodes & I never bothered pruning inside of canopy either... I was going to take pics but our brand new camera has apparently been broken by midget ninjas


Well-Known Member
werd....I like the idea of harvesting in sections so I can stop when I feel like it and keep it all separate as opposed to chopping it all down. Having a range of bud taken at different stages of maturity cant be a bad thing...Considering the amount of tiny popcorn buds I see I'm thinking about re-vegging after taking the main colas as they become ready..
The gap from the branch I cut allows one to see inside the dense canopy...scrog is no joke when you take extra weeks to train the branches! It may be that I super cropped & lst-ed the absolute piss out of them which made too many nodes & I never bothered pruning inside of canopy either... I was going to take pics but our brand new camera has apparently been broken by midget ninjas
Agreed with your last post also bear in mind its good training of the eye to sit and slowly watch certain branches or parts come into maturity, or whatever level of ripeness i'e readiness you prefer. I actually have to harvest in stages if I don't lst/or supercrop my ladies because there's no way they are all maturing at an equal level. Would LOVE to see pics!


Well-Known Member
The way I look at it the reason I grow is so I don't have to buy,so if I smoke a little before it's at it's best it's still better than I can buy around here.


Active Member
Couldn't agree more nameno...I only do this because I found myself spending almost as much on bud as I do buying food each month and that's just stupid. I would rather smoke my own uncured green shit that still tastes like freshly cut lawn than give another penny to the a-hole down the road whose been ripping me off for years.
VTMi'kmaq you are correct, sir. I notice there is a lot of variance in maturity of the of the pineapple ex is just days away from being done but the other 2 have 3 more weeks I think. The cotton candy is the biggest and won't be done for at least a month or more which is fine with me. I think maybe I lst-ed and supercropped a bit too much cuz they went kind of crazy. One reason I decided to pull the one branch early was due to overcrowded canopy spilling outta the tent when I opened it. Pics are coming soon I promise....:)


Active Member
The first pic to the left is ready whenever I think. Maybe just a few more days...10% amber maybe 20% cloudy yet still awholelotta clear...There are 3 PE at various stage of readiness, they are the lower bushier looking ones. In the sideways pic you can see the CC in the back standing tall...she stretched the fuck out like a sativa dom would I guess during early flower stage. Shes got another 3 to 4 weeks I think because all the pistils are still white and fattening up...she aint in no rush. The 4th pic from the left right in the middle of the top row shows the gap left by taking out 2 brancheswhich have been dried and put in jars..tastes ok but harsh and fluffy although it did me get me very burnt...not impressed with the taste/smell of the dried early test batch but then again I've had much worse uncured home grown; hoping it gets better after curing.....The other 2 PE will be topped in the next 2 weeks as they become ready. I welcome all comments bongsmilie peace


Active Member
Sampled some dried PE bud curing for a few days. It tastes/smells pretty good and I got ripped.... What more could I ask for? Taking the pics down soon so check em out while they are still viewable...peace