Total Noob using teas and I am a believer


Well-Known Member
I get it man. Don't be a stranger around these parts. You drop way too much good info and always bring a positive vibe to this thread. Talk to you soon. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
You need to treat your coco/perlite as hydro bro. pH a VERY specific 6.2 or you will have both Mg and N issues. Remember perli is totally inert so you only have the cocos properties to deal with. Not ideal for organic growing Im afraid. Much as it sucks you need to switch your nutes. Canna Coco nutes are best by far, GH a close second but still watch the Mg.
i ph all my feedings between 5.8-6.0 feed feed water and have other nutrients to use but honestly the plants are doing ok and are 2-3 weeks from finishing no where near the amount of yellowing and no losing leaves other than maybe one or two every couple days though i am feeding heavier than i would a chem nutrient, but this is my first run of these strains that im using the go line on and i have moms that i won't ever be running that stuff on again.
Thank you for all the needed advice though. Feel dumb i didnt notice it was only those 3 that were affected but the leaves are just light that,s the only difference no burn curl yellowing nada just praying leaves.
Hearing this do you still recommend i switch lines for the last 2 weeks before flushing?

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member

This was a week ago, right as she went into the soil I started cooking when I found this thread:

This, Oh GOD of good Ganja, is today:

My first plant in my very own organic soil, fed with teas the recipes of which you shared with us. I cannot express the deep gratitude I feel towards you for leading me on this journey. All your beautiful photographs. Your wonderful attitude, and your sharing nature, your pure STOKE for what you do, that is what made this happen. Love you bro. And thank you.


Well-Known Member
Awesome looking plant bro. Pure health. I am the lucky one to be able to learn from you guys. Lets take this to a whole new level. I think we have some great support around us.

Hey.....I ate 2 cookies about 40 mins ago. I haven't done this in years. Uh oh. I think something is starting to happen. I was going to ask how long it takes for effect but I am waving in and out of something here so I guess I have my answer. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I've never had an edible and havn't been able to smoke in over a decade even though I did once about 9 years ago, (I was trippin out holding my newborn son lol)thanks to my prestigious career as a beer truck driver. I am fricken sick of it but it provides for my family. I love the plants and helping people so my hobby and being a caregiver will continue. Soon I'm going to make a shopping list so I can start making teas and following the lessons in this thread.


Well-Known Member
I've never had an edible and havn't been able to smoke in over a decade even though I did once about 9 years ago, (I was trippin out holding my newborn son lol)thanks to my prestigious career as a beer truck driver. I am fricken sick of it but it provides for my family. I love the plants and helping people so my hobby and being a caregiver will continue. Soon I'm going to make a shopping list so I can start making teas and following the lessons in this thread.
It really is a wonderful medicine. I think it should only be allowed to be sold to patients if it is organic. I just finished a ton of work. It's always something.


Well-Known Member
Funny i was thinking i had a couple plants that were a little light but just thought pheno variation, seems now that i think about it only the plants i am using the g.o. line on are doing this? Luckily they are light feeding strains and i have them in coco/perlite so they are getting fed multiple times a week but damn thanks guys for that info..time to up the feeding a little.
Thank you guys for that little bit of info, i went ahead and swithed out to general dro flora line supplements etc, only at 2/3 strength as i figured the ladies could take more than 1/2 but not quite full.They seem to be happy and healthy this morning wont post pics on your thread but they are in my journal if you wondered what they looked like.
Thank you again


Well-Known Member
It really is a wonderful medicine. I think it should only be allowed to be sold to patients if it is organic. I just finished a ton of work. It's always something.
agreed Gandalf it would be ignorant of us to not realize there's folks using the medical movement to just make money period! There not there to see you get the best medicine possible. It seems like explaining latent nutrient build-up to a noob isn't as easy thesedays as it used to be around here. Then again when I was a kid when we were bored we shot bb guns at each other not snort bath salts lol. If the organic medicine movement could take a atrong and secure foothold in our homestates that would be an excellent groundbase to start from imho. Plus organics are sexy mang! When I was born I liked playing in dirt and now that im at the end of the spectrum I STILL love playing in dirt, just don't eat as much now is all.


Well-Known Member
Well, so much for that. I need to step away from this site for a while and focus on my patients and my garden. I'm participating in too much bickering on here and it's just a distraction. Much respect to you guys on this thread for doing what you're doing.
huh I just take folks opinions on him with a grain of salt honestly, I bought the gear it wasn't for me end of story i'd thought. I have to be honest here stow when I think of riu troll your not even in the same damn hemisphere as the list I have in my head lol. Don't avoid the site because of folks throwing bullshit grabass games around, most likely they are bored with no lives lol. Anyway I would adore having more grow buddies CLOSER! Yeah what a concept being able to walk,ride my endure, or drive my car to a get together were we could all eet for real? that would be too good to be true.


Well-Known Member
when I was a kid when we were bored we shot bb guns at each other not snort bath salts lol.

Haha the good ole days we used to get junk furniture off peoples sidewalks and make bunkers and shit, nothing worse then a bb straight to the fingernail...


Well-Known Member
Obviously great minds think alike!^^^ Neer got one in the fingernail, but I did get one about half an inch above the left eye! lol yeah was a close one!


Well-Known Member
We lived out in east l.a. so you know there was no lack of couches to snag. You see that last nights thread was censored well deleted it may have been for the better but i don't really think censorship of anything can be for the better


Well-Known Member
Whoa wait a minute, lastnights thread? which one are you referring to? Shit urban I fell asleep earlier for 30 mins(record sleeptime for me lmao) what got erased?

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Well, so much for that. I need to step away from this site for a while and focus on my patients and my garden. I'm participating in too much bickering on here and it's just a distraction. Much respect to you guys on this thread for doing what you're doing.
I myself thought the same thing now recently, to stop posting here and just keep in contact with the few good mates I made via e-mail. I mean, look where good intentions lead to:

It really wasn't cool on the parts of all the haters. I get along with EVERYBODY. So taking a heartfelt message intended to garner support for a brother in arms, I end up being in the eye of a storm, jaw dropped at the shite some people can spew forth onto this world.

Well, I have decided I am here to stay instead. I won't bicker. I am going to be an example. Flawed, sloppy, stupid, but FULL OF LIFE. This is the MH way. Be a thorn in the sides of the haters. Wherever I find them, there I will be, with a message of LOVE. I know myself, and as such I am confident in my thoughts. As such I have the ability to change my mind on an idea with grace and acceptance of a new paradigm. I know not the feeling of 'cognitive dissonance'.

Somebody has to be here standing for what is decent, and beyond that, believing in the essential goodness of every human and treating them with total respect.

Time to bring it back, the respect. I'll be sticking it out over here. Each Gandalf, Myco, Stow, Stew, Prosperian, etc, are worth a thousand hateful people. Still a GREAT place this.


Well-Known Member
I myself thought the same thing now recently, to stop posting here and just keep in contact with the few good mates I made via e-mail. I mean, look where good intentions lead to:

It really wasn't cool on the parts of all the haters. I get along with EVERYBODY. So taking a heartfelt message intended to garner support for a brother in arms, I end up being in the eye of a storm, jaw dropped at the shite some people can spew forth onto this world.

Well, I have decided I am here to stay instead. I won't bicker. I am going to be an example. Flawed, sloppy, stupid, but FULL OF LIFE. This is the MH way. Be a thorn in the sides of the haters. Wherever I find them, there I will be, with a message of LOVE. I know myself, and as such I am confident in my thoughts. As such I have the ability to change my mind on an idea with grace and acceptance of a new paradigm. I know not the feeling of 'cognitive dissonance'.

Somebody has to be here standing for what is decent, and beyond that, believing in the essential goodness of every human and treating them with total respect.

Time to bring it back, the respect. I'll be sticking it out over here. Each Gandalf, Myco, Stow, Stew, Prosperian, etc, are worth a thousand hateful people. Still a GREAT place this.
I normally wouldn't do this but here goes.....First of all do you guys have any idea how many TROLLS ive seen come and go at this site? TOO many to list i'll tell ya that, secondly I only come here to share knowledge and have fun. Lastly Ive posted THOUSANDS of pics, useful recipe's for folks to use, and sincere helpful advice yet I still come back. I have had lots of folks ask for help,85% of which are no longer active at this site. I want people to like me for who I am not what pics I post or because I have a thread with scratch and sniff bud pron. Sheet mang if you wanna see that I can do bud pron! I am an action speak louder than words kinda guy I guess, and let me say now that im glad I avoided that thread. As for sub ive had my interactions with him and id rather hang with you guys to be honest. He may have helped folks out but I myself haven't relied on him his soil or anything he has produced and I have ABSOLUTLEY no complaints. I got all my knowledge from elders in my family and literature like the botany of cannabis. I do have a question for the tea brewers here............ Have you(when put in a tight situation) thought of replacing blackstrap molasses with brown sugar if in a pinch>?

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I normally wouldn't do this but here goes.....First of all do you guys have any idea how many TROLLS ive seen come and go at this site? TOO many to list i'll tell ya that, secondly I only come here to share knowledge and have fun. Lastly Ive posted THOUSANDS of pics, useful recipe's for folks to use, and sincere helpful advice yet I still come back. I have had lots of folks ask for help,85% of which are no longer active at this site. I want people to like me for who I am not what pics I post or because I have a thread with scratch and sniff bud pron. Sheet mang if you wanna see that I can do bud pron! I am an action speak louder than words kinda guy I guess, and let me say now that im glad I avoided that thread. As for sub ive had my interactions with him and id rather hang with you guys to be honest. He may have helped folks out but I myself haven't relied on him his soil or anything he has produced and I have ABSOLUTLEY no complaints. I got all my knowledge from elders in my family and literature like the botany of cannabis. I do have a question for the tea brewers here............ Have you(when put in a tight situation) thought of replacing blackstrap molasses with brown sugar if in a pinch>?
Right ON! Many fail to realize that there are an insane amount of excellent and decent people here to connect with. Once you find 'em, just build that bond y'know. I also don't want to be an ant, just bumping my antennae against other ants before scooting off in a different direction.
I get what you're saying about the 'elders' too. I can tell you were probably born before 1980 then. People have kinda lost respect for the elders these days. EXCEPT the gals. I see a huge influx of girl growers, and they're doing shit RIGHT. Showing respect and taking the time to get to know their gurus, and connecting on a personal level. I like it. I hope to see more Ganja Godesses. They are going to make a HUGE positive impact on the cannabiz.

About the molasses... I say go for a substitute if you have no choice, but tweak your amounts accordingly. It really is about a high amount of carbs mostly, and molasses is best because it lacks the bleaches and other crap other sugars get treated with, but if in a pinch a substitution won't really hurt, as long as you go for as RAW as you possibly can. Going from molasses I'd say replace a cup full with a tablespoon of TREACLE sugar. Treacle is less processed than brown, and is about 10 percent raw molasses. And bubble for an extra day to make sure your micrones ate it ALL, or fermentation JUST might become an issue.

I say go for it, and report back with results brother! This Living Organic thing is still being tweaked and experimented with by thousands across the globe. Matter of fact many of the Organic Gurus RECOMMEND experimentation ;)


Well-Known Member
I think you might find Delicious Seeds' Critical crosses very much to your liking. They are causing quite the buzz amongst lovers of oldschool dank, with reduced flowering times and pumped up yields. Word is their Critical stud is a beast, I have a Critical Super Silver Haze I am looking forward to running bigtime. Well priced too, and I am yet to hear of a herm or mutant. The original SSH is one of the biggest yielders I have ever had, the wait really makes sense, buds as thick as my calves and I'm not a skinny chap at all, I weighed in a 53 gram dry cola but that was outdoor, and I have seen the oldschool pros bring down single buds that put mine to shame.
I just got a freebie of the C.C.S.S.H. and I cant wait to run it but not for a couple of months ,Let me know when you run your's Looking forward to this strain


Well-Known Member
I couldn't do it mang I WALKED lmao to the city market in town (trooper for my ladies) 5 miles walk with no meniscus in my right knee(yeah fun fun) blackstraps1 004.jpgblackstraps1 005.jpg