New atempt at breading!!! Jernal or gernal

thump easy

Well-Known Member
but i will tell you something hightimes is always behind on the trends in los angles and some times they dont even hear of the real fire.. and what the lates hipes are just like the gsc, or any of the hypes they are to fare high to get wind of it.. like the white fire it took them for ever to see the devestating fire that was sweeping the land some strains never make it on their mag???? i read skunk these days i buy both but i pay more atention to the skunk mag they have surpassed the high times mag.. seeing structures and people picks flower vs flower you get to see what kind of phenoe are going around.. to me skunk mag is the shit im not but i like the high time mag also i dont know were i am going with this but ya somestrains never make it on the magazines but they are the talk of the town and it spreads its like a droping a peble in a still pond people take the drive from hours away for a real delight!!!!


Well-Known Member
no doubt! i find myself reading the high times in the store and bringing skunk home. too much bullshit in high times, i want strain info and more info on strain. you talking about the goji og yeilding super og rods?


Well-Known Member
no doubt! i find myself reading the high times in the store and bringing skunk home. too much bullshit in high times, i want strain info and more info on strain. you talking about the goji og yeilding super og rods?
Ya, the Goji yields crazy good.

Hey thump your talking about Bodhi right? :confused: This is a link to his Goji :

I don't think Bodhi has a cheese strain Buddha seeds have all kinds of cheese shit.

I just want to clarify bro.

Peace ~ Brothers. :eyesmoke:

thump easy

Well-Known Member
ow shit really owhhh kay know i know thier are two diffrent kinds of breaders dude im so out of the public eye im a hermit these days... berad4guvna THANKS BIG DOG KNOW I KNOW IM GONA HAVE TO TRY THE GEAR!!!! but i will be posting the GOJI OG NEXT TO THE OIL RIG NEXT TO THE PINK LEMONADE NEXT THO THE OBOMA NEXT TO XXX GSC to me the goji has my respect i think out of all the plants just the xxx gsc and the goji and the pink lemonade are the heaviest yeilders i have quang og yeilds but not no were near the goji i think the gsc xxx is right neck to neck on the yield i just need to have some one smoke it incognitoe with no influences of hype or any names im gona present them like what ever smoke and see what the reactions are.. but be ill post my findings and the oil righ stinks crazzy fuely but its not yielding at all.. ill post pics i dont want to post a thing on the next and let people know the due date.. aint nobody got time for that.. lolz ;)

thump easy

Well-Known Member
ill get around to feming these seeds eventually i sead free and i ment it.. i dont think i want to get into the breeding to tell you the truth its just for my personal experience.. im gona jump into wasabi im testing water as of yet im not shure i dont know were this markets at or were to begin.. but i ment every fucken word im a man of my word. and im played out already no im not giving up but this hole ordeal was just a pit stop in life ill wont stop the one light i promissed i would keep lit.. for personal and friends but i will be entering this cup mabe my only cup venture but ya man all you guys get free seeds as a mater of fact the best of my crop is up for donation to feeding the homeless ill post pics it only takes one dollar to feed them one plate my girl does it every so offten go under bridges and find them on the rail road trax this isnt a pitty paragraph im not going into the breeding bizznes i dont like the cutthroat bizzness im not into geting angry i dont like people pisssing me off and i dont like to sell my soul im older i dont need to be ocupied for the end of times i need to enjoy whats left of these years.. but for shure dude ill post pics of the hungry people that cry out and say i thought god abandond me and we even show up with dogy treats some of these stories will make you cry its crazzy man it realy is.. but its what ever gee thanks for the straitning up on the two dudes im so sorry if i confused them i dont keep up to much any more this is about the only place i come onto.. goodnight guys..


Well-Known Member
ha thats funny! i figured you were talking about bodhi not even thinking about buddhas cheese lol you feed homeless people doggie treats? lol thats a buttload of good karma right there!

thump easy

Well-Known Member
hahaha no man we feed homeless people some females get raped by other homeless men and get beeten we just go and feed them and help them a bit alot of the times they dont call the cops the cops dont want to talk to them cuz their homeless females and its the desert so you could imagine they dont smell that great it over 100 degrees out hear we go and feed them hear them out some people just dont know how to have life skills some lost their job and they dont have family to go to and some live out of thier cars and the other bumbs steel shit out of thier cars one got raped and a family of bumbs were looking after the old ladie beet up and well some times i need to go out and feel like life is better in my shoes and am so thank full i always want more and to tell you the truth im very happy not trying to strike it rich.. just a lil hear and a lil thier but some have dogs and if they dont eat neither do the dogs some need a companion and i we take the dogs a lil treat they smile and laugh and some times i shed a few tears im very blessed but life is a fucken trip its a machine i dont want to buy into i rather the machine pass me by gee...

thump easy

Well-Known Member
lets get down to bizzness goji ogfuck man i ran out of shit to say 001.jpgthis is just one arm their are others behind the plant that you cant seefuck man i ran out of shit to say 002.jpgnotice this is the right arm its big dont let the photo elijion fool you, and sound out my spelling it will make scence to you that way.. i dont know how to spell some words.. whats got me confused is that i have to re evaluate the thickness of the stalk and arms in my book of growing i never seen this go down EVER!!!!IMPACT ON THE UNIVERSE 010.jpglook how small and no KNOTS??? im confused really confused?? okay XXX GSCIMPACT ON THE UNIVERSE 006.jpgyes its one plant i top like a jewish candle IMPACT ON THE UNIVERSE 011.jpgthe reason i say thier neck to neck is that the xxx gsc is trimed up to the top and the other is two but notice mine are just clusters small yet the goji is back to back nug this is gona be intresting to me they both look great but two diffrent trunk stucters one with knots and one will small if any knot im shocked realy i am id love a male of this species i like to see what happends the xxx gsc is an eight weeker i check the trikes and the goji still got a few weeks thats whats triping me out???


Well-Known Member
damn more weeks to put on some more muscle? those gojis are frosty as fuck. gotta love how strong on strain is compared to the next lol wonder where the goji picked up the strong arms because almost every og iv see needs to be staked up when getting heavy. that gsc looks like its changing colors, getting faded!

thump easy

Well-Known Member
ya im at 1800 ppms remember the gsc isnt a heavy feeder she is supper pissed you can tell on the leafs its my last week before flushing her out i gota make that shooting powder put in work i need a few crowns lolz but ya that goji is a mother fucker lolz its heavy and got a few weeks to go the gsc they are all milky trichomes and the goji is still see threw clear ya im amazed the good thing thow is that the gsc is stinking like NO LIE CHERRY PIE SLASH BUBLE GUM SLASH OG LOLZ i realy cant describe it while the goji smells kinda fruity gee no lie i want to say og but it doesnt smell og it smell fruity i want to say og because of the og structure i dont want to post the oil rig but i will :( i think i got the wrong phenoe im shure of it thats what it is with the hunt for a good phenoe.. in all packs i guesss


Well-Known Member
iv wanted to try that shooting powder, shit is supposed to add nice weight right? im using foxfarms chaching to add that resin, and a lil beastie bloomz. mmm those smells make my stomach growl lol whats the genetics of oil rig? you see my pheno hunt, shits a bitch! i wish i had access to elite clones over here. shits a bitch! lol


Well-Known Member
Dude, seriously, Shooting Powder is the shit, I recommend it over anything and everything as a final ripening booster.

Thumps! You seriously have to get a cut of my GSC, this shit is A+++ mega dank! No hermie issues at all so far, and she grows fucking beautifully! I'm hoping she'll be done in 3 weeks.

Oh, and most the Goji pheno's come out fruity, but as long as it looks like OG and kicks ass like OG, I'll still call it OG. If a dispensary wants to complain about it, they can suck a fat one, because I'll walk out and they'll miss their chance with my extreme danky danks.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
Jozikins call me dude for shure ill give you a cut of these i got im gona move on to other strains.. but if you need anyone of these ya mine came out goji came out fruit i still gota put her to the high test but i gota say this cats shocking me with his goji i want to see if you put together an arsinal that is worthy.. some breaders put out all kinds of bud sometimes i just rather not waist my time i dont know why they put out strains that are crappy i just turn of thier light never to look in there direction ever again i hope his hear is as good as it looks on the net im gona drop some cash and just see what its all about.. cant wait.. post some pics gee and yes shooting powder is a neccesity i highley recomend it for shure if you aint doing it your fucking up big time!!!

thump easy

Well-Known Member
okay so hear she is XXX GSCGirl-scout-uniform.jpgyo mystro wrong pic can we get the right one up hear?? please stop fucking around already dam who am i talking too??? im talking to my self lolz....GAMA RAY 014.jpg yo THUMPER can we get a close up???GAMA RAY 015.jpgit smells like cookie dough, cherry pie, buble gum, and og.. weird you know??? i having fun with it i finaly stablized her.. i had her for a long time already without running her, her original form if stable is to good to be true but i have her in a nother form.. blessed for shure heavy yielding ill post after i take down,, the hole shabam.. PINK LEMONADE it smells of the sweetest pink lemonade ever.. heavy yielder i wish i new her parts but i dont..GAMA RAY 005.jpgYO THUMPS CAN WE GET A CLOSE UP???um shure for shure..GAMA RAY 006.jpgand the old MASTER PLATNUIM OG very hard to pull of if you even look at her the wrong way she drops balls you can pull it off but she is very finacky i didnt know she was still popular i renamed her oboma og wich is not true genetics of the oboma other than the master they share in comen still supper dupper dank you can find her at clone ville i gifted the owner many years ago the plant he has it and it has spread around all over but i crossed her with xxx platnuim male.. her is the pic..GAMA RAY 011.jpgalright alright ill stop playing around gee im creeping my self out... i been in the bat cave way to long sheesh im only kiddding light please!!!! GAMA RAY 012.jpgand know the close up sorry mystro no more of that bull shit gee!!!GAMA RAY 013.jpgGAMA RAY 013.jpg


Holy shit I cant read 96 pages I looked around but wtf that last picture of that plant with HUGE fan leaves what strain is that and where can I buy some?

thump easy

Well-Known Member
and thats it im gota get ready for the fight is it today???? im losing days on my calinder ??? is it me or am i going crazzy????